Research Scientist

Jacob Skauvold


  • 31 publications found
  • Publisher

Daesoo Lee; Oscar Ovanger; Jo Eidsvik; Erlend Aune; Jacob Skauvold; et al. Latent diffusion model for conditional reservoir facies generation Computers & Geosciences, vol. 194, (ISSN 0098-3004 1873-7803 ), doi: , 2025. Scientific article

Publisher Elsevier

Agustin Arguello Scotti; Christian Haug Eide; Ingrid Aarnes; Jacob Skauvold; Ragnar Hauge; et al. Facies modelling of shoreface subsurface reservoirs with the GEOPARD workflow and comparison to industry standard methods 2025. Scientific lecture

Agustin Arguello Scotti; Christian Haug Eide; Ingrid Aarnes; Ragnar Hauge; Jacob Skauvold; et al. Modelling intra-parasequence reservoir heterogeneity with a process-mimicking algorithm: a case study from the Kenilworth Member, Blackhawk Formation EarthArXiv preprint platform, doi: , 2024. Scientific article

Oscar Ovanger; Jo Eidsvik; Jacob Skauvold; Ragnar Hauge; Ingrid Aarnes; Addressing Configuration Uncertainty in Well Conditioning for a Rule-Based Model Mathematical Geosciences, vol. 56, pp. 1763 1788 , (ISSN 1874-8961 1874-8953 ), doi: , 2024. Scientific article

Publisher Springer

Audun Sektnan; Ariel Almendral Vazquez; Ragnar Hauge; Ingrid Aarnes; Jacob Skauvold; et al. A Tree Representation of Pluri-Gaussian Truncation Rules Mathematical Geosciences, pp. 26 , (ISSN 1874-8961 1874-8953 ), doi: , 2024. Scientific article

Publisher Springer

Jacob Skauvold; Bayesian conditioning in a rule-based facies model 2024. Scientific lecture

Oscar Ovanger; Jo Eidsvik; Daesoo Lee; Ragnar Hauge; Jacob Skauvold; et al. A statistical study of latent diffusion models for geological modeling 2024. Scientific lecture

Ingrid Aarnes; Jacob Skauvold; Ragnar Hauge; Ariel Almendral Vazquez; Marie Lilleborge; et al. GEOPARD 1.0 user manual NR-notat, 2024. Abstract

Oscar Ovanger; Daesoo Lee; Jo Eidsvik; Jacob Skauvold; Ragnar Hauge; Conditional Facies Sampling using Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models 2023. Scientific lecture

Ingrid Aarnes; Agustin Arguello Scotti; Jacob Skauvold; Ragnar Hauge; Christian Haug Eide; Modelling shoreface geometries with a new facies-algorithm informed by geological rules and analogue data 2023. Scientific lecture

Agustin Arguello Scotti; Ingrid Aarnes; Christian Haug Eide; Jacob Skauvold; Ragnar Hauge; Modeling Shoreface Geometries of the Kenilworth Member, Blackhawk Formation, with the Geopard Algorithm 2023. Scientific lecture

Agustin Arguello Scotti; Ingrid Aarnes; Jacob Skauvold; Ragnar Hauge; Christian Haug Eide; et al. Next generation reservoir modelling algortithms - Shallow marine environments 2023. Scientific lecture

Agustin Arguello Scotti; Christian Haug Eide; Ingrid Aarnes; Jacob Skauvold; Ragnar Hauge; et al. From Concept to Reservoir Modelling: The Record of Tide-dominated, Progradational Shoreline Systems 2023. Poster

Daesoo Lee; Oscar Ovanger; Jo Eidsvik; Erlend Aune; Jacob Skauvold; et al. Latent Diffusion Model for Conditional Reservoir Facies Generation arXiv, 2023. Scientific article

Audun Sektnan; Ariel Almendral Vazquez; Ragnar Hauge; Ingrid Aarnes; Jacob Skauvold; et al. A Tree Representation of Plurigaussian Truncation Rules pp. 17 , doi: , 2022. Scientific chapter / article / conference article

Agustin Arguello Scotti; Ingrid Aarnes; Christian Haug Eide; Jacob Skauvold; Ragnar Hauge; Testing a rule-based approach for reservoir modelling of shoreface successions: the GEOPARD algorithm 2022. Scientific lecture

Agustin Arguello Scotti; Christian Haug Eide; Ingrid Aarnes; Jacob Skauvold; Ragnar Hauge; Defining the basic rules that describe long-term shoreface dynamics: A process-mimicking approach for reservoir modelling 2022. Scientific lecture

Ingrid Aarnes; Ragnar Hauge; Agustin Arguello Scotti; Jacob Skauvold; The Geopard project 2022. Scientific lecture

Oscar Ovanger; Jo Eidsvik; Jacob Skauvold; Ragnar Hauge; Ingrid Aarnes; A rule-based reservoir stacking model with effective well conditioning 2022. Lecture

Audun Sektnan; Ariel Almendral Vazquez; Ragnar Hauge; Ingrid Aarnes; Jacob Skauvold; et al. A Tree Representation of Plurigaussian Truncation Rules ECMOR Proceedings, vol. 2022, pp. 17 , doi: , 2022. Scientific article

Vegard Berg Kvernelv; Ragnar Hauge; Jacob Skauvold; Geomodel Parameter Estimation from Process Model Analogues 2020. Report

Publisher Norsk Regnesentral
Publisher Norsk Regnesentral

Jacob Skauvold; Jo Eidsvik; Parametric Covariance Estimation in Ensemble-based Data Assimilation , 2019. Scientific lecture

Jacob Skauvold; Jo Eidsvik; Parametric spatial covariance models in the ensemble Kalman filter Spatial Statistics, pp. 226 242 , doi: , 2019. Scientific article

Publisher Elsevier

Jacob Skauvold; Jo Eidsvik; Peter Jan van Leeuwen; Javier Amezcua; A revised implicit equal-weights particle filter Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, pp. 1490 1502 , doi: , 2019. Scientific article

Publisher John Wiley & Sons

Bjørn Fjellvoll; Ragnar Hauge; Ariel Almendral Vazquez; Petter Abrahamsen; Jacob Skauvold; Applied Geostatistics and Geomodelling 2019 2019. Lecture

Jacob Skauvold; Jo Eidsvik; Data assimilation for a geological process model using the ensemble Kalman filter Basin Research, pp. 730 745 , doi: , 2018. Scientific article

Publisher NTNU

Mette Langaas; Aslak Bakke Buan; Frode Rønning; Håkon Tjelmeland; Jacob Skauvold; et al. Læringsressurser i grunnutdanningen i matematikk - kvalitet, tilgjengelighet og differensiering Læring om læring, , 2017. Scientific article

Jacob Skauvold; Jo Eidsvik; Ulrich Theune; A parametric model for seismic wavelets-with estimation and uncertainty quantification Geophysical Journal International, pp. 796 809 , doi: , 2016. Scientific article

Publisher Blackwell Publishing