Consortium for Simplification of Seismic Data

SeisTiles is an R&D consortium, hosted by NR and sponsored by several leading energy companies.

The goal of the consortium is to simplify automatic interpretation and analysis of seismic data by using the Seismic Tiles concept, which has been developed by Equinor. Seismic Tiles are the representation of seismic data as tables of piecewise planar reflector segments (“tiles”), rather than as images. The geological and geophysical knowledge of human operators can be translated to queries and algorithms that operate on this data structure, thereby accommodating automatic, large-scale seismic analysis for many different applications.

Some possible use cases for Seismic Tile-based analysis:

  • Detecting fluid effects and identifying prospects
  • 4D reservoir monitoring
  • Structural mapping of horizons, faults, subtle faults, etc.
  • Quality control of seismic data and processing

Sponsor benefits:

  • Python software library for tiles generation and analysis with graphical user interface
  • Access to (and the possibility to influence) new research on Seismic Tiles and their applications
  • Access to internal reports and knowledge base
  • A community for exchanging ideas and experiences
  • Support

The partners of the consortium

Partners in the consortium

Project: SeisTiles

Partners: Equinor, Aker BP, Wintershall Dea, OMV

Period: 2024