Game Theory and Risk Models: Deliverable D4.1

Publication details

  • Publisher: Norsk Regnesentral
  • Series: NR-notat (DART/11/2015)
  • Year: 2015
  • Issue: DART/11/2015
  • Number of pages: 16

The ASSET project researched and developed risk-based adaptive security methods and mechanisms for Internet of Things (IoT) that estimate and predict risk damages and future benefits using game theory and context awareness. Game theory was chosen because it can model the dynamic behaviour of stakeholders with conflicting interests including the strategies of real world adversaries, strike the balance between security-effectiveness and energy-efficiency for evaluating adaptive security strategies, and extend the battery life of the smart things by 47% compared to existing models.

This report summarizes the published papers and reports on the topic by project partners during the lifetime of the ASSET project and constitutes the final version of this deliverable and includes the content of previous versions 1, 2, and 3.