- 2589 publications found
- Publisher
Fred Espen Benth; Lars Ekeland; Ragnar Hauge; Lars Holden; Bjørn Fredrik Nielsen; et al. Risk analysis of energy product portfolios 2000. Report
Nils Lid Hjort; Lars Holden; Henning Omre; Modelling sedimentary facies by Markov random fields 1990. Report
Wolfgang Leister; Joakim Bjørk; Rudolf Schlatte; Andreas Griesmayer; Validation of Creol Models for Routing Algorithms in Wireless Sensor Networks (ISSN 978-82-539-0534-1 ), , 2010. Report
Wolfgang Leister; Xuedong Liang; Sascha Klüppelholz; Joachim Klein; Olaf Owe; et al. Modelling of Biomedical Sensor Networks using the Creol Tools (ISSN 978-82-539-0532-7 ), , 2009. Report
Nils Fridthjov Haavardsson; Arne Huseby; Lars Holden; A Parametric Class Of Production Strategies For Multi-Reservoir Production Optimization , 2008. Report
Magne Aldrin; Tore Schweder; Revision of RMP – Status of ongoing work at the Norwegian Computing Center. IWC/SC/57/RMP3 2005. Report
Turid Follestad; Mette Langaas; Håvard Rue; Marit Holden; Anders Løland; glme: a C-program for parameter estimation using Gibbs-sampling in large linear mixed-effects models, with applications to DNA microarray data , 2004. Report
David Hirst; Hanne Therese Wist Rognebakke; Geir Olve Storvik; Magne Aldrin; Implementing the catch-at-age program for FRS Aberdeen 2007. Report
Hallvard Gjerde; Per Trygve Normann; Bjørg Sjøgren Pettersen; Terje Assum; Magne Aldrin; et al. TEST - for trafikksikkerheit og helse. Bruk av rusmiddel og legemiddel med ruspotensiale blant førarar i normal trafikk «TEST»-prosjektet (ISSN 978-82-8082-250-5 ), , 2008. Report
David Hirst; Geir Olve Storvik; Magne Aldrin; Sondre Aanes; Bayesian estimation of catc-at-age using data from several sources 2005. Report
Arnold Frigessi; Jørund Gåsemyr; Håvard Rue; Antithetic coupling of two Gibbs sampler chains 1999. Report
Magne Aldrin; Ragnar Bang Huseby; Gudmund Høst; Anders Løland; Geir Olve Storvik; Spatial-Temporal Uncertainty for Survey-Based Abundance Estimates 2004. Report
Bjørn Fredrik Nielsen; Lars Holden; Petter Fredrik Mostad; Jon Gjerde; Stochastic structural modelling 2002. Report
Arnoldo Frigessi; Mark Van der Wiel; Marit Holden; Ingrid Kristine Glad; Heidi Lyng; et al. Model-based estimation of transcript concentrations from spotted microarray data (ISSN 82-539-0507-6 ), , 2004. Report
Geir Olve Storvik; Estimering av parametre i en lineært strukturert kovariansmatrise, anvendt i fjernanalyse 1986. Report
Anne H S Solberg; Geir Olve Storvik; André Teigland; Johan Møller-Holst; Anker M. Berge; et al. Seismic image analysis: A pilot study for investigating the relevance of using image analysis techniques on seismic data 1997. Report
Line Eikvil; Marit Holden; Geir Olve Storvik; Methods for updating of model parameters applied within the area of symbol recognition (ISSN 82-539-0352-9 ), 1992. Report
Vidar Bosnes; Marit Holden; Geir Olve Storvik; Vidar Bosnes; Multispectral analysis and classification system (cxxmacs): Users manual (ISSN 82-539-0356-1 ), 1992. Report
Arnoldo Frigessi; Ragnar Bang Huseby; A note on statistical methods for the localisation of mobile phones 2001. Report
Geir Olve Storvik; Vidar Bosnes; Marit Holden; Vidar Bosnes; Improving statistical image classification by updating model parameters using unclassified pixels (ISSN 82-539-0350-2 ), 1992. Report
Vidar Bosnes; Viggo Blomlie; John Kløve Hald; Marit Holden; Gutorm Thomas Høgåsen; et al. An evaluation of statistical modeling in magnetic resonance imaging using images fron the central nervous system aquired with and without a Gladolium-based contrast medium (ISSN 82-539-0348-0 ), 1992. Report
Geir Olve Storvik; Thore Egeland; Lars Holden; Håkon Tjelmeland; Markov Chain simulations for analysis of marked point processes 1993. Report
Lars Holden; Bjørn Fredrik Nielsen; Sigurd Sannan; Test of the global permeability upscaling using streamlines 2001. Report
Ragnar Bang Huseby; Geir Olve Storvik; Ragnar Bang Huseby; Recognition of pipes using cross-profile information: A feasibility study 2000. Report
Vidar Bosnes; Anne H S Solberg; Geir Olve Storvik; Vidar Bosnes; Classification of mixed pixels 1993. Report
Geir Olve Storvik; Erik Bølviken; Anne H S Solberg; Hidden Markov Chains for recognition of structures in time series 1994. Report
Bård Storvik; Bent Natvig; Magne Aldrin; Combining two estimates applied in a survey of copyright volumes at higher educational institutions in Norway using the bootstrap (ISSN 82-553-1322-2 ), , 2001. Report
Jocelyne Clench-Aas; Magne Aldrin; A. Bartonova; Turid Follestad; Sam-Erik Walker; et al. The short- and long-term effects of air pollution on symptoms of reduced health in a panel of chool-age children (ISSN 82-425-1131-4 ), 2000. Report
Line Eikvil; Geir Olve Storvik; Segmentation of crate contours 2002. Report
Geir Olve Storvik; Roger Fjørtoft; Anne H S Solberg; Integration of multisource image data at different resolutions and time points. A mathematical framework for EOtools , 2002. Report
Erik Mohn; Nils Lid Hjort; Geir Olve Storvik; A comparison of some classification methods in remote sensing by a Monte Carlo study 1986. Report
Kjersti Aas; Ingrid Hobæk Haff; Totalrisikomodell for DNB Versjon 4: Teknisk Rapport 2011. Report
Bjørn Fjellvoll; TISimCreator -Creating a 3D training image from a 2D training image 2013. Report
Hege Hisdal; Thordis Linda Thorarinsdottir; Knut Alfredsen; Deborah Lawrence; Dan Lundquist; et al. Status for og veier til bedre flomestimering i Norge , 2013. Report
Thordis Linda Thorarinsdottir; Knut Alfredsen; Peter Borsanyi; Hege Hisdal; Deborah Lawrence; et al. A robust flood estimation framework for Norway 2013. Report
Kjersti Aas; Marit Holden; Importance Sampling from DNB's Credit Risk Model 2012. Report
Magne Aldrin; Ragnar Bang Huseby; Sammenligning av to forvaltningsstrategier for PD basert på scenariosimulering 2012. Report
Ragnar Bang Huseby; Anders Løland; Gunnhildur Högnadóttir Steinbakk; StfSpot - Short Term forecasts of Demand and Spot Price with extensions and sensitivity computation + Risk Premium Model 2012. Report
Wolfgang Leister; Edvard Kristoffer Karlsen; Thor Kristoffersen; Technical Note on the Hands-On 3D Project 2012. Report
Kjersti Aas; Multi-år: Program for å beregne N-års misligholdssannsynligheter 2013. Report
Marion Haugen; Hanne Therese Wist Rognebakke; Anders Løland; The SMART Model: User Manual in R 2013. Report
Anders Løland; Mathilde Wilhelmsen; Vurdering av simuleringseksperimenter 2013. Report
Yared Berhanu Woldegiorgis; Habtamu Abie; Development of Experimental IoT Lab for the ASSET Project: Testbed for IoT in eHealth , 2013. Report
Mathilde Wilhelmsen; Magne Aldrin; Skjelettsykdom hos Newfoundlandshunder 2012. Report
Kjersti Aas; Rand Kwong Yew Low; Portfolio optimization using pair-copula constructions 2012. Report
Kjersti Aas; Libor-modellen og Solvens II 2012. Report
Marit Holden; Erik Steen; Arvid Lundervold; Segmentation and visualization of brain lesions in multispectral magnetic resonance images (ISSN 82-539-0367-7 ), 1993. Report
Marc Busch; Döbelt Susen; Hochleitner Christina; Peter Wolkerstorfer; Trenton Schulz; et al. uTRUSTit Deliverable D6.2. Design Iteration I: Evaluation Report , 2012. Report
Cornelia Graf; Marc Busch; Trenton Schulz; Christina Hochleitner; Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; uTRUSTit Deliverable D2.7 Updated Design Guidelines on the Security Feedback Provided by the “Things” , 2012. Report
Line Eikvil; Marit Holden; Descriptors and matching for real-time recognition of planar and curved objects 2013. Report