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  • 7554 publications found
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Anne H Schistad Solberg; Deriving structural information from robust phase estimates Society of Exploration Geophysicists. Expanded Abstracts with Biographies, pp. 5 , doi: , 2013. Scientific article

Angélique Berthelot; Anne H Schistad Solberg; Leiv-J. Gelius; Texture attributes for detection of salt Journal of Applied Geophysics, pp. 52 69 , doi: , 2013. Scientific article

Publisher Elsevier

Ingvar Tjøstheim; Experiences in VEs and Merleau-­Ponty’s Theory of Perception 2013. Scientific lecture

Dongfang Qu; Jan Tveranger; Per Røe; Explicit modelling of Damage zone properties 2013. Poster

Wolfgang Leister; Nils Damm Christophersen; INF5780 - Open source, open collaboration and innovation - Høst 2013 2013. Lecture

Habtamu Abie; Results integrating and utilizing by the ASSET project I 2013. Scientific lecture

Øivind Due Trier; Maciel Zortea; Christer Tonning; Anke Loska; Grave mounds discovered by automatic heap detection method pp. 305 329 , , 2013. Scientific chapter / article / conference article

Elisabeth Orskaug; Thordis Linda Thorarinsdottir; Visualizing in R - advanced plotting. Kurs 2013. Lecture

Svetlana Boudko; Wolfgang Leister; Stein Gjessing; Heterogeneous Wireless Network Selection: Load Balancing and Multicast Scenario International Journal On Advances in Networks and Services, vol. 6, pp. 118 135 , (ISSN 1942-2644 1942-2644 ), , 2013. Scientific article

Publisher International Academy, Research and Industry Association (IARIA)

Ivar Aursnes; Ingunn Fride Tvete; Jørund Inge Gåsemyr; Bent Natvig; Marianne Klemp; Are Both Antidepressant Drug Effects and Test Scores Unspecific? Journal of Pharmacological & Biomedical Analysis, vol. 1, pp. 4 , (ISSN 2327-4638 ), doi: , 2013. Scientific article

Arnt Børre Salberg; Siri Øyen Larsen; Maciel Zortea; Multisource oil spill detection Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering, vol. 8892, pp. 15 , (ISSN 0277-786X 1996-756X ), doi: , 2013. Scientific article

Publisher SPIE - The International Society for Optics and Photonics

Arnt Børre Salberg; Lars Erikstad; Maciel Zortea; Fusion of satellite and aerial images for identification and modeling of nature types Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering, vol. 8892, pp. 12 , (ISSN 0277-786X 1996-756X ), doi: , 2013. Scientific article

Publisher SPIE - The International Society for Optics and Photonics

Øystein Rudjord; Øivind Due Trier; Rune Solberg; Improved model, algorithm and processing chain – deliverable D1 and D2 from the Thinice2 project 2013. Report

Publisher Norsk Regnesentral
Publisher Norsk Regnesentral

Rune Solberg; Lars-Anders Breivik; Liss Marie Andreassen; Max König; Eirik Malnes; et al. En norsk satsing på Sentinel for kryosfære-anvendelser. AP3-4-rapport fra prosjektet «Kartlegging av snø og bre med Sentinel» 2013. Report

Publisher Norsk Regnesentral

Rune Solberg; Lars-Anders Breivik; Liss Marie Andreassen; Max König; Eirik Malnes; et al. Analyse av utviklingsbehov og implementasjon. AP2-rapport fra prosjektet «Kartlegging av snø og bre med Sentinel» 2013. Report

Publisher Norsk Regnesentral

Rune Solberg; Mari Anne Killie; Liss Marie Andreassen; Max König; CryoClim: A new operational system and service for climate monitoring of the cryosphere 2013. Scientific lecture

Rune Solberg; Mari Anne Killie; Liss Marie Andreassen; Max König; CryoClim: A new operational system and service for climate monitoring of the cryosphere 2013. Poster

Rune Solberg; Mari Anne Killie; Liss Marie Andreassen; Max König; CryoClim: A new system and service for climate monitoring of the cryosphere 2013. Scientific lecture