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Thordis Linda Thorarinsdottir; Forecast evaluation part II 2021. Scientific lecture

Thordis Linda Thorarinsdottir; Forecast evaluation part I 2021. Scientific lecture

Thordis Linda Thorarinsdottir; On the importance of statistics and machine learning in climate research 2021. Scientific lecture

Thordis Linda Thorarinsdottir; Machine learning vs statistical methods for climate data analysis 2021. Scientific lecture

Jo Erskine Hannay; Audun Stolpe; Muhammad Mudassar Yamin; Toward AI-Based Scenario Management for Cyber Range Training pp. 423 436 , doi: , 2021. Scientific chapter / article / conference article

Nicholas Thomas Walker; Torbjørn Dahl; Pierre Lison; Dialogue Management as Graph Transformations 2021. Scientific lecture

Solveig Engebretsen; Situational awareness through mathematical modelling of COVID-19 2021. Lecture popular

Solveig Engebretsen; Is there life after PhD? 2021. Lecture popular

Solveig Engebretsen; Spatial modelling of COVID-19 for situational awareness and forecasting 2021. Scientific lecture

Abels tårn 2021. Media participation

Thea Roksvåg; Julia Lutz; Lars Grinde; Anita Verpe Dyrrdal; Thordis Linda Thorarinsdottir; New methods for making consistent IDF curves for Norway 2021. Lecture

Pierre Lison; Jørgen Bølstad; Anders Kvellestad; Forvirrende pandemistatistikk: Hva skal vi med logaritmer i grafer? Morgenbladet, (ISSN 0805-3847 0806-2617 ), , 2021. Article feature

Alba Ordonez; Ingrid Utseth; Line Eikvil; Nils Olav Handegard; Using model averaging ensembles in semantic segmentation of marine echosounder data for acoustic classification of species 2021. Scientific lecture

Ingrid Utseth; Alba Ordonez; Line Eikvil; Olav Brautaset; Arnt-Børre Salberg; et al. Improving marine acoustic target classification with context information 2021. Poster

Alba Ordonez; Alf Harbitz; Bjarki Elvarsson; Line Eikvil; Arnt-Børre Salberg; Deep domain adaptation applied to automatic fish age prediction 2021. Scientific lecture

Alba Ordonez; Line Eikvil; Marit Holden; Learning motion of seismic structures without human labelling 2021. Scientific lecture

Robert Jenssen; Anne H Schistad Solberg; Line Eikvil; Norge er verdensledende på bildeanalyse med kunstig intelligens 2021. Media interview