- 1520 publications found
- Publisher
Ivar Solheim; Samfunnsfaglige og pedagogiske perspektiver på nettbasert læring 1998. Scientific lecture
Otto Milvang; Anvendt bildeanalyse 1992. Scientific lecture
Katrine Weisteen; The IPI standard - image processing and interchange 1992. Scientific lecture
Lars Holden; Modeling of sequence strategraphic bounding surfaces 1994. Scientific lecture
Katrine Weisteen Bjerde; Multimedia - muligheter og utfordringer for helsevesenet 1994. Scientific lecture
Katrine Weisteen Bjerde; MEDICOM - Europeisk PACS-standard. Hva er den og hva betyr den for meg? 1994. Scientific lecture
Pål Sørgaard; Peter Holmes; EuroCODE - ESPRIT project 6155 (poster) 1993. Scientific lecture
Ivar Solheim; Organisasjonsutvikling og informasjonsteknologi 1994. Scientific lecture
Ivar Solheim; Metodestrategier i verdiorientert arbeid 1994. Scientific lecture
Ivar Solheim; Hvorfor er det så vanskelig å realisere ITs potensiale for effektivisering? 1994. Scientific lecture
Wolfgang Leister; Nils Damm Christophersen; INF5780 - Open source, open collaboration and innovation - Høst 2012 2012. Scientific lecture
Lothar Fritsch; Knut Holmqvist; Truls Fretland; Making Rich Media Accessible for Generations: Trust, Security and Privacy Issues with Personal Media on the Web 2.0 , 2008. Scientific lecture
Linda Reiersølmoen Neef; limma: Linear Models for Microarray Data 2005. Scientific lecture
Per Røe; Heidi Kjønsberg; Tor Barkve; Developing a New Algorithm for Calculating Fault Seals within the Structural Model , 2012. Scientific lecture
John. W. Barker; Maarten Cuypers; Lars Holden; Quantifying Uncertainty in Production Forecasts: Another Look at the PUNQ-S3 Problem, SPE 62925-MS , 2000. Scientific lecture
Eivind Damsleth; Lars Holden; Mixed Reservoir Characterization Methods, SPE 27969-MS , 1994. Scientific lecture
Lars Holden; Markov Random Fields and Multipoint statistics 2006. Scientific lecture
Kristin Lucie Munthe; Lars Holden; Henning Omre; Eivind Damsleth; Kes Heffer; et al. Subseismic Faults in Reservoir Description and Simulation, SPE 26500-MS , 1993. Scientific lecture
Kristin Lucie Munthe; Lars Holden; Petter Fredrik Mostad; Chris Townsend; Modelling sub-seismic fault patterns using a marked point process 1994. Scientific lecture
Knut Utne Hollund; Petter Fredrik Mostad; Bjørn Fredrik Nielsen; Lars Holden; Jon Gjerde; et al. Havana - a fault modeling tool 2000. Scientific lecture
Anne-Lise Hektoen; Lars Holden; Øivind Skare; Alister MacDonald; Combining Gaussian fields and fibre processes for modelling of sequence stratigraphic bounding surfaces 1994. Scientific lecture
Alhild Lien Eide; Lars Holden; Edel Reiso; Sigurd Ivar Aanonsen; Automatic history matching by use of response surfaces and experimental design 1994. Scientific lecture
Lars Holden; Rune Madsen; Arne Skorstad; K. A. Jakobsen; Charlotte B. Tjølsen; et al. Use of well test data in stochatic reservoir modelling, SPE30591 , 1995. Scientific lecture
Harald Heimtun Soleng; Lars Holden; Gridding for petroleum reservoir simulation , 1998. Scientific lecture
André Teigland; Line Eikvil; Marion Haugen; 18 or not? Age estimation - methodological challenges 2012. Scientific lecture
Kjersti Aas; ALM-modell for Solvens II-beregninger 2013. Scientific lecture
Jana Sillmann; Thordis Linda Thorarinsdottir; Improving the evaluation of climate extreme events in global climate models (CMIP5) using proper divergences 2013. Scientific lecture
Kashif Habib Sheikh; Adaptive Security for the Internet of Things Reference Model 2013. Scientific lecture
Kjersti Aas; Pair-copula constructions - even more flexible than copulas 2013. Scientific lecture
Sondre Aanes; Jon Helge Vølstad; Efficient statistical estimators and subsampling strategies to quantify the age composition of fish (Paper J:08) 2013. Scientific lecture
Sondre Aanes; Sam Subbey; Jon Helge Vølstad; Assessing adequate level of sampling in monitoring programs to support stock assessment and estimation of biological reference points for Northeast Arctic Cod (Paper J:07) 2013. Scientific lecture
Jon Helge Vølstad; Sondre Aanes; Åge Sigurd Høines; Erling Kåre Stenevik; Øyvind Tangen; Uncertainty in estimates of density and biomass of Norwegian spring spawning herring based on combined acoustic and trawl surveys 2013. Scientific lecture
Rune Solberg; Regula Frauenfelder; Siri Øyen Larsen; Arnt Børre Salberg; Experiments with remote sensing in the context of avalanche warning and detection 2012. Scientific lecture
Jörg Haarpaintner; Øivind Due Trier; Jared Otieno; GEO FCT Product Development Team report, Tanzania 2012. Scientific lecture
Øystein Rudjord; Øivind Due Trier; Rune Solberg; Automatic estimation of seasonal sea ice thickness with MODIS data 2012. Scientific lecture
Ebenezer Paintsil; A privacy and security risks assessment method for identity management systems 2012. Scientific lecture
Habtamu Abie; Conducting a Systematic Literature Review of Information Systems Research 2012. Scientific lecture
Heiko Roßnagel; Jan Camenisch; Lothar Fritsch; Detlef Houdeau; Detlef Hühnlein; et al. FutureID – Shaping the Future of Electronic Identity 2012. Scientific lecture
Kashif Habib Sheikh; Risk based adaptive security for the IoT in eHealth 2012. Scientific lecture
Regula Frauenfelder; Rune Solberg; Siri Øyen Larsen; Arnt Børre Salberg; Heidi Bjordal; Remote-Sensing Derived Avalanche Inventory Data , 2012. Scientific lecture
Ida Scheel; Ola Haug; Elisabeth Orskaug; Arnoldo Frigessi; Peter Guttorp; Evaluating and Calibrating Dynamically Downscaled Precipitation Using the Doksum Shift Function 2012. Scientific lecture
Clara-Cecilie Günther; Ingunn Tvete; Kjersti Aas; Geir Inge Sandnes; Modellering og prediksjon av kundeavgang 2012. Scientific lecture
Clara-Cecilie Günther; Introduction to statistical inference and multiple hypothesis testing 2012. Scientific lecture
Katrine Weisteen; Standarder for utveksling av medisinske bilder 1993. Scientific lecture
Katrine Weisteen; Multimedia i medisinske applikasjoner 1993. Scientific lecture
Lars Holden; Reservoir description with the use of stochastic techniques 1993. Scientific lecture
Geir Storvik; Statistiske metoder i medisinsk bildebehandling 1993. Scientific lecture
Katrine Weisteen Bjerde; Relation between IPI, MEDICOM and DICOM 1993. Scientific lecture
Eirik Malnes; Heidi Hindberg; Øystein Rudjord; Rune Solberg; Simultaneous Envisat ASAR and MERIS monitoring of lake ice on Lake Ladoga 2012. Scientific lecture