Professor II

Peter Guttorp


  • 82 publications found
  • Publisher

Claudio Constantin Heinrich-Mertsching; Thordis Linda Thorarinsdottir; Peter Guttorp; Max Schneider; Validation of point process predictions with proper scoring rules Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, pp. 0 , doi: , 2024. Scientific article

Peter F. Craigmile; Peter Guttorp; Comparing CMIP6 Climate Model Simulations of Annual Global Mean Temperatures to a New Combined Data Product Earth and Space Science, vol. 10, pp. 0 , (ISSN 2333-5084 2333-5084 ), doi: , 2023. Scientific article

Max Schneider; Hank Flury; Peter Guttorp; Amy Wright; Earthquake Catalog Processing and Swarm Identification for the Pacific Northwest Seismological Research Letters, vol. 94, pp. 2500 2513 13 , (ISSN 0895-0695 1938-2057 ), doi: , 2023. Scientific article

Max Schneider; Michelle McDowell; Peter Guttorp; Steel Ashley Steel; Nadine Fleischhut; Effective uncertainty visualization for aftershock forecast maps Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, vol. 22, pp. 1499 1518 19 , (ISSN 1561-8633 1684-9981 ), doi: , 2022. Scientific article

Publisher European Geosciences Union (EGU)

Thordis Linda Thorarinsdottir; Marion Haugen; Peter Guttorp; Extracting robust information from data 2022. Lecture

Thordis Linda Thorarinsdottir; Claudio Constantin Heinrich; Peter Guttorp; Validation of point process predictions with proper scoring rules 2022. Scientific lecture

Peter F. Craigmile; Peter Guttorp; Rejoinder to the discussion on “A combined estimate of global temperature” Environmetrics, pp. 0 , doi: , 2022. Scientific article

Peter F. Craigmile; Peter Guttorp; A combined estimate of global temperature Environmetrics, pp. 0 , (ISSN 1180-4009 1099-095X ), doi: , 2021. Scientific article

Peter Guttorp; Peter F. Craigmile; A combined estimate of global temperature , 2021. Report

Publisher Norsk Regnesentral

Schmidt Alexandra; Peter Guttorp; Flexible spatial covariance functions Spatial Statistics, vol. 35, (ISSN 2211-6753 2211-6753 ), doi: , 2020. Scientific review article

Publisher Elsevier

Garcia Nancy; Peter Guttorp; Ludwig Guillerme; Interacting cluster point process model for epidermal nerve fibers Spatial Statistics, vol. 35, (ISSN 2211-6753 2211-6753 ), doi: , 2020. Scientific article

Publisher Elsevier

Claudio Constantin Heinrich; Thordis Linda Thorarinsdottir; Max Schneider; Peter Guttorp; Validation of point process predictions with proper scoring rules , 2020. Report

Publisher Norsk Regnesentral

Alexandra M. Schmidt; Peter Guttorp; Flexible spatial covariance functions Spatial Statistics, vol. 37, pp. 0 , (ISSN 2211-6753 2211-6753 ), doi: , 2020. Scientific article

Publisher Elsevier

Peter Guttorp; Beyond calculation: Teaching statistical thinking 2019. Scientific lecture

Peter Guttorp; Nonstationary modeling of storm surges 2019. Scientific lecture

Peter Guttorp; Thordis Linda Thorarinsdottir; Local Climate Projections: A Little Money Goes a Long Way EOS, vol. 100, (ISSN 0096-3941 2324-9250 ), doi: , 2019. Bookreview

Publisher American Geophysical Union (AGU)

E. Ashley Steel; Martin Liermann; Peter Guttorp; Beyond Calculations: A Course in Statistical Thinking American Statistician, vol. 73, pp. 392 401 , (ISSN 0003-1305 1537-2731 ), doi: , 2019. Scientific article

Claudio Constantin Heinrich; Max Schneider; Peter Guttorp; Thordis Linda Thorarinsdottir; Validation of point process forecasts , 2019. Report

Publisher Norsk Regnesentral

Peter Guttorp; Georg Lindgren; Why distinguish between statistics and mathematical statistics? The case of Swedish academia. International Statistical Review, pp. 1 17 , (ISSN 0306-7734 1751-5823 ), doi: , 2018. Scientific article

Alisha Albert-Green; Peter Guttorp; Thordis Linda Thorarinsdottir; Does Bayes beat squinting? Estimating unobserved aspects of a spatial cluster process , 2018. Report

Publisher Norsk Regnesentral

Peter Guttorp; Thordis Linda Thorarinsdottir; Alisha Albert-Green; Using nerve fibre data as a statistical laboratory 2018. Scientific lecture

Thordis Linda Thorarinsdottir; Qifen Yuan; Wai Kwok Wong; Stein Beldring; Shaochun Huang; et al. Post-processing climate model output to obtain accurate high-resolution climate projections & why uncertainty matters even if the answer is just a number 2018. Scientific lecture

Harry Podschwit; Peter Guttorp; Narasimhan Larkin; E. Ashley Steel; Estimating wildfire growth from noisy and incomplete incident data using a state space model Environmental and Ecological Statistics, pp. 1 16 , (ISSN 1352-8505 1573-3009 ), doi: , 2018. Scientific article

Thordis Linda Thorarinsdottir; Qifen Yuan; Wai Kwok Wong; Stein Beldring; Shaochun Huang; et al. Statistics in climate research: The importance of stochastic modelling and uncertainty quantification 2018. Scientific lecture

Peter Guttorp; Thordis Linda Thorarinsdottir; How to save Bergen from the sea? Decisions under uncertainty Significance, vol. 15, pp. 14 18 , (ISSN 1740-9705 1740-9713 ), doi: , 2018. Article journal

Publisher John Wiley & Sons

Peter Guttorp; How we know that the Earth is warming CHANCE : New Directions for Statistics and Computing, vol. 30, pp. 6 11 , (ISSN 0933-2480 1867-2280 ), , 2017. Science for the public article

Publisher Taylor & Francis

Thordis Linda Thorarinsdottir; Karianne de Bruin; Peter Guttorp; Martin Drews; Per Skougaard Kaspersen; I don't know, are you sure you want to do this? 2017. Scientific lecture

Peter Guttorp; History, Science and Stochastic Processes 2017. Scientific lecture

Thordis Linda Thorarinsdottir; Peter Guttorp; Martin Drews; Per Skougaard Kaspersen; Karianne de Bruin; The role of uncertainty in evidence based climate change adaptation 2017. Scientific lecture

Thordis Linda Thorarinsdottir; Martin Jullum; Peter Guttorp; Bayesian modelling of cluster point process models 2017. Scientific lecture

Peter Guttorp; Statistics and climate 2017. Scientific lecture

Peter Guttorp; Are you sure we want to do this? 2017. Scientific lecture

Rasmus Benestad; Jana Sillmann; Thordis Linda Thorarinsdottir; Peter Guttorp; Michel d. S. Mesquita; et al. New vigour involving statisticians to overcome ensemble fatigue Nature Climate Change, vol. 7, pp. 697 703 , (ISSN 1758-678X 1758-6798 ), doi: , 2017. Scientific review article

Thordis Linda Thorarinsdottir; Peter Guttorp; Martin Drews; Per Skougaard Kaspersen; Karianne de Bruin; Sea level adaptation decisions under uncertainty Water Resources Research, vol. 53, pp. 8147 8163 , (ISSN 0043-1397 1944-7973 ), doi: , 2017. Scientific article

Publisher American Geophysical Union (AGU)

Peter F. Craigmile; Peter Guttorp; Modeling and assessing climatic trends , 2017. Report

Publisher Norsk Regnesentral

Anna-Kaisa Ylitalo; Aila Särkkä; Peter Guttorp; What we look at in paintings: A comparison between experienced and inexperienced art viewers Annals of Applied Statistics, vol. 10, pp. 549 574 , (ISSN 1932-6157 1941-7330 ), doi: , 2016. Scientific article

Publisher Institute of Mathematical Statistics

David Bolin; Arnoldo Frigessi; Peter Guttorp; Ola Haug; Elisabeth Orskaug; et al. Calibrating regionally downscaled precipitation over Norway through quantile-based approaches Advances in Statistical Climatology, Meteorology and Oceanography (ASCMO), vol. 2, pp. 39 47 , (ISSN 2364-3579 2364-3587 ), doi: , 2016. Scientific article

Claes Andersson; Peter Guttorp; Aila Särkkä; Discovering early diabetic neuropathy from epidermal nerve fiber patterns Statistics in Medicine, vol. 35, pp. 4427 4442 , (ISSN 0277-6715 1097-0258 ), doi: , 2016. Scientific article

Publisher John Wiley & Sons

Ola Haug; David Bolin; Arnoldo Frigessi; Peter Guttorp; Elisabeth Orskaug; et al. Modelling and predicting residential water damage insurance claims via a calibrated dynamical downscaling 2016. Scientific lecture

Ola Haug; Arnoldo Frigessi; Ida Scheel; Peter Guttorp; Modelling and predicting residential water damage insurance claims in a climate change perspective 2015. Scientific lecture

Peter Guttorp; Jason Xu; Vladimir N Minin; Midori Kato-Maeda; Likelihood-based inference for discretely observed birth–death-shift processes, with applications to evolution of mobile genetic elements Biometrics, vol. 71, pp. 1009 1021 , (ISSN 0006-341X 1541-0420 ), doi: , 2015. Scientific article

David Bolin; Peter Guttorp; Alex Januzzi; Daniel Jones; Marie Novak; et al. Statistical prediction of global sea level from global temperature Statistica sinica, vol. 25, pp. 351 367 , (ISSN 1017-0405 1996-8507 ), doi: , 2015. Scientific article

Peter Guttorp; Michael D Perlman; Predicting extinction or explosion in a Galton–Watson branching process with power series offspring distribution Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, pp. 193 215 , doi: , 2015. Scientific article

Walter W. Piegorsch; Peter Guttorp; Environmetrics silver anniversary special issue Environmetrics, vol. 25, pp. 559 559 , (ISSN 1180-4009 1099-095X ), doi: , 2014. Editorial

Ola Haug; Ida Scheel; Elisabeth Orskaug; Arnoldo Frigessi; Peter Guttorp; et al. Vulnerability models for water damage insurance claims - predictions of future losses in a climate change perspective 2014. Scientific lecture

Peter Guttorp; Alex Januzzi; Marie Novak; Harry Podschwit; Lee Richardson; et al. Assessing the uncertainty in projecting local mean sea level from global temperature Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, vol. 53, pp. 2163 2170 , (ISSN 1558-8424 1558-8432 ), doi: , 2014. Scientific article

Publisher American Meteorological Society

Peter Guttorp; Statistics and climate Annual Review of Statistics and Its Application, vol. 1, pp. 87 101 , (ISSN 2326-8298 2326-831X ), doi: , 2014. Scientific article

Peter F. Craigmile; Peter Guttorp; Robert Lund; Richard L. Smith; Peter Thorne; et al. Warm streaks in the U.S. temperature record: What are the chances? Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Atmospheres, vol. 119, pp. 5757 5766 , (ISSN 2169-897X 2169-8996 ), doi: , 2014. Scientific article

Publisher American Geophysical Union (AGU)

Joaquim Henriques Vianna Neto; Alexandra M. Schmidt; Peter Guttorp; Accounting for spatially varying directional effects in spatial covariance structures The Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series C (Applied Statistics), vol. 63, pp. 103 122 20 , (ISSN 0035-9254 1467-9876 ), doi: , 2014. Scientific article

Publisher John Wiley & Sons

Peter Guttorp; Tae Yen Kim; Uncertainty in Ranking the Hottest Years of U.S. Surface Temperatures Journal of Climate, vol. 26, pp. 6323 6328 6 , (ISSN 0894-8755 1520-0442 ), doi: , 2013. Scientific article

Publisher American Meteorological Society

Richard W. Katz; Peter F. Craigmile; Peter Guttorp; Murali Haran; Bruno Sansó; et al. Uncertainty analysis in climate change assessments Nature Climate Change, vol. 3, pp. 769 771 , (ISSN 1758-678X 1758-6798 ), , 2013. Editorial

Yuting Ma; Peter Guttorp; Estimating daily mean temperature from synoptic climate observations International Journal of Climatology, vol. 33, pp. 1264 1269 , (ISSN 0899-8418 1097-0088 ), doi: , 2013. Scientific article

Linda J. Young; Walter W. Piegorsch; Peter Guttorp; In memory of George Casella Environmetrics, vol. 24, pp. 279 280 1 , (ISSN 1180-4009 1099-095X ), doi: , 2013. Editorial

Peter Guttorp; Ola Haug; Lectures on Extreme Value Statistics: Theory and Practice 2012. Lecture popular

Publisher Norwegian Computing Center

Peter Guttorp; Thordis L. Thorarinsdottir; Bayesian Inference for Non-Markovian Point Processes pp. 79 102 , doi: , 2012. Scientific chapter / article / conference article

Ola Haug; Elisabeth Orskaug; Ida Scheel; Arnoldo Frigessi; Douglas Maraun; et al. Evaluation and Calibration of Dynamically Downscaled Precipitation over Norwegian Mainland 2012. Poster

Ida Scheel; Ola Haug; Elisabeth Orskaug; Arnoldo Frigessi; Peter Guttorp; Evaluating and Calibrating Dynamically Downscaled Precipitation Using the Doksum Shift Function 2012. Scientific lecture

Peter Guttorp; Thordis L. Thorarinsdottir; What Happened to Discrete Chaos, the Quenouille Process, and the Sharp Markov Property? Some History of Stochastic Point Processes International Statistical Review, vol. 80, pp. 253 268 16 , (ISSN 0306-7734 1751-5823 ), doi: , 2012. Scientific review article

Veronica J Berrocal; Peter F. Craigmile; Peter Guttorp; Regional climate model assessment using statistical upscaling and downscaling techniques Environmetrics, vol. 23, pp. 482 492 11 , (ISSN 1180-4009 1099-095X ), doi: , 2012. Scientific article

Ola Haug; Elisabeth Orskaug; Ida Scheel; Arnoldo Frigessi; Douglas Maraun; et al. Evaluation and calibration of dynamically downscaled precipitation over Norwegian mainland 2012. Poster

Peter Guttorp; Climate Statistics and Public Policy Statistics, Politics and Policy, vol. 3, (ISSN 2151-7509 ), doi: , 2012. Scientific article

Peter Guttorp; David R. Brillinger; Selected works of David Brillinger (ISSN 9781461413431 ), , 2012. Scientific anthology / conference series

Publisher Springer Science+Business Media B.V.

Magne Aldrin; Marit Holden; Peter Guttorp; Ragnhild Bieltvedt Skeie; Gunnar Myhre; et al. Bayesian estimation of climate sensitivity based on a simple climate model fitted to observations of hemispheric temperatures and global ocean heat content Environmetrics, vol. 23, pp. 253 271 , (ISSN 1180-4009 1099-095X ), doi: , 2012. Scientific article

Peter Guttorp; Stephan R. Sain; Christopher K. Wikle; Advances in Statistical Methods for Climate Analysis Environmetrics, vol. 23, pp. 363 , (ISSN 1180-4009 1099-095X ), doi: , 2012. Editorial

AM Schmidt; Peter Guttorp; A O'Hagan; Considering covariates in the covariance structure of spatial processes Environmetrics, vol. 22, pp. 487 500 14 , (ISSN 1180-4009 1099-095X ), doi: , 2011. Scientific article

David I. Warton; Peter Guttorp; Compositional analysis of overdispersed counts using generalized estimating equations. Environmental and Ecological Statistics, pp. 427 446 , doi: , 2011. Scientific article

Publisher Springer

Peter Guttorp; The role of statisticians in international science policy Environmetrics, vol. 22, pp. 817 825 , (ISSN 1180-4009 1099-095X ), doi: , 2011. Scientific article

Sandra N. Catlin; Lambert Busque; Rosemary E. Gale; Peter Guttorp; Janis L. Abkowitz; The replication rate of human hematopoietic stem cells in vivo Blood, vol. 117, pp. 4460 4466 7 , (ISSN 0006-4971 1528-0020 ), doi: , 2011. Scientific article

Peter Guttorp; Peter F. Craigmile; Space-time modelling of trends in temperature series Journal of Time Series Analysis, vol. 32, pp. 378 395 , (ISSN 0143-9782 1467-9892 ), doi: , 2011. Scientific article

Publisher Blackwell Publishing

Peter Guttorp; Jia Xu; Climate change, trends in extremes, and model assessment for a long temperature time series from Sweden Environmetrics, vol. 22, pp. 456 463 , (ISSN 1180-4009 1099-095X ), doi: , 2011. Scientific article

Elisabeth Orskaug; Ida Scheel; Arnoldo Frigessi; Peter Guttorp; Jan Erik Haugen; et al. Evaluation of a dynamic downscaling of precipitation over the Norwegian mainland Tellus. Series A, Dynamic meteorology and oceanography, vol. 63, pp. 746 756 , (ISSN 0280-6495 1600-0870 ), doi: , 2011. Scientific article

Publisher Munksgaard Forlag

Elisabeth Orskaug; Ida Scheel; Arnoldo Frigessi; Peter Guttorp; Jan Erik Haugen; et al. Evaluation of a dynamic downscaling of Norwegian precipitation 2011. Scientific lecture

Peter Guttorp; Barnali Das; Discussion on Lindgren, Lindström and Rue,"An explicit link between Gaussian fields and Gaussian Markov random fields: The stochastic partial differential equation approach" Journal of The Royal Statistical Society Series B-statistical Methodology, vol. 73, pp. 472 473 , (ISSN 1369-7412 1467-9868 ), doi: , 2011. Short communication

Publisher Blackwell Publishing

Peter Guttorp; Book review: Hidden Markov Models for Time Series: An Introduction Using R by ZUCCHINI, W. and MACDONALD, I. L Biometrics, vol. 67, pp. 1178 1178 1 , (ISSN 0006-341X 1541-0420 ), doi: , 2011. Bookreview

Ola Haug; Elisabeth Orskaug; Ida Scheel; Arnoldo Frigessi; Peter Guttorp; et al. Calibrating dynamically down-scaled precipitation using the Doksum shift function 2011. Scientific lecture

Ola Haug; Elisabeth Orskaug; Ida Scheel; Arnoldo Frigessi; Peter Guttorp; et al. Calibrating dynamically downscaled precipitation using the Doksum shift function 2011. Scientific lecture

Elisabeth Orskaug; Ida Scheel; Arnoldo Frigessi; Peter Guttorp; Jan Erik Haugen; et al. Supplemental material to: Evaluation of a dynamic downscaling of Norwegian precipitation 2010. Report

Publisher Norsk Regnesentral

Peter Guttorp; Thordis L. Thorarinsdottir; Bayesian Inference for Non-Markovian Point Processes , 2010. Report

Publisher Norsk Regnesentral

Richard L. Smith; L. Mark Berliner; Peter Guttorp; Statisticians Comment on Status of Climate Change Science Ukjent, vol., 2010. Scientific article

Peter Guttorp; Some extreme value problems in climate research 2009. Lecture popular