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Arnoldo Frigessi; Peter Buhlmann; Ingrid Kristine Glad; Sylvia Richardson; Marina Vannucci; Some themes in high-dimensional statistics Abel Symposia, pp. 1 13 , doi: , 2016. Scientific article

Publisher Springer

Arnoldo Frigessi; Peter Buhlmann; Ingrid Kristine Glad; Mette Langaas; Sylvia Therese Lamblin Richardson; et al. Abel Symposia: Preface Abel Symposia, pp. vii x , 2016. Editorial

Publisher Springer

Wolfgang Leister; Gunnar Sevåg; GPS kurs for nybegynnere 2016. Lecture

Wolfgang Leister; Turleder-Tips - Tema: Tur-elektronikk Turleder'n, pp. 8 8 , , 2016. Article journal

Wolfgang Leister; Turleder-Tips Tema1: Turledere som fjellets MacGyver Turleder'n, pp. 10 11 , , 2016. Article journal

Stein Haugen; Nathaniel John Edwin; Olav Brautaset; Jan Erik Vinnem; Quantitative risk analysis for decision support in process plant operations 2016. Scientific lecture

Stein Haugen; Nathaniel John Edwin; Jan Erik Vinnem; Olav Brautaset; Ole Magnus Nyheim; et al. Activity-based risk analysis for process plant operations Institution of Chemical Engineers Symposium Series, pp. 12 , , 2016. Scientific article

Publisher Institution of Chemical Engineers

Pierre Lison; Jörg Tiedemann; OpenSubtitles2016: Extracting Large Parallel Corpora from Movie and TV Subtitles pp. 923 929 , , 2016. Scientific chapter / article / conference article

Pierre Lison; A short introduction to statistical machine translation , 2016. Lecture popular

Pierre Lison; Casey Kennington; OpenDial: A Toolkit for Developing Spoken Dialogue Systems with Probabilistic Rules pp. 67 72 , doi: , 2016. Scientific chapter / article / conference article

Paolo Dragone; Pierre Lison; Classification and Resolution of Non-Sentential Utterances in Dialogue Italian Journal of Computational Linguistics (IJCoL), pp. 45 62 24 , , 2016. Scientific article

Svetlana Stoyanchev; Pierre Lison; Srinivas Bangalore; Rapid Prototyping of Form-driven Dialogue Systems Using an Open-source Framework pp. 216 219 , doi: , 2016. Scientific chapter / article / conference article

Martin Jullum; Odd Kolbjørnsen; A Gaussian-based framework for local Bayesian inversion of geophysical data to rock properties Geophysics, pp. R75 R87 , doi: , 2016. Scientific article

Arne Johannes Holmin; Rolf Korneliussen; Dag Bjarne Tjøstheim; Estimation and simulation of multi-beam sonar noise Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, pp. 851 862 , doi: , 2016. Scientific article

Publisher Acoustical Society of America (ASA)
Publisher Universitetet i Bergen
Publisher Universitetet i Bergen

Degui Li; Dag Bjarne Tjøstheim; Jiti Gao; Estimation in nonlinear regression with harris recurrent markov chains Annals of Statistics, pp. 1957 1987 , doi: , 2016. Scientific article

Publisher Institute of Mathematical Statistics

Håkon Otneim; Dag Bjarne Tjøstheim; The locally Gaussian density estimator for multivariate data Statistics and computing, pp. 1 22 , doi: , 2016. Scientific article