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Publisher Norsk Regnesentral
Publisher Norsk Regnesentral
Publisher Norsk Regnesentral

Gunnhildur Högnadóttir Steinbakk; July 2013 - July 2014 Valudation of the Limited Information Model 2014. Report

Publisher Norsk Regnesentral

Gunnhildur Högnadóttir Steinbakk; July 2013 - July 2014 Validation of property value estimates 2014. Report

Publisher Norsk Regnesentral
Publisher Norsk Regnesentral

Gunnhildur Högnadóttir Steinbakk; Thordis Linda Thorarinsdottir; William A. Lahoz; Sam-Erik Walker; Data assimilation and statistical post-processing for numerical air quality predictions 2014. Report

Publisher Norsk Regnesentral

Wolfgang Leister; Nils Damm Christophersen; INF5780 - Open source, open collaboration and innovation - Høst 2014 2014. Lecture

Wolfgang Leister; Mohamed Hamdi; Habtamu Abie; Stefan Poslad; Arild Braathen Torjusen; An Evaluation Framework for Adaptive Security for the IoT in eHealth International journal on advances in security, vol. 7, pp. 93 109 , (ISSN 1942-2636 1942-2636 ), , 2014. Scientific article

Publisher Norsk Regnesentral

Anne Randi Syversveen; Marie Lilleborge; Maria Vigsnes; Seismic Forward User Manual Version 3.6 2014. Report

Publisher Norsk Regnesentral

Ingunn Fride Tvete; Anders Løland; Samordna opptak og omregningstabeller 2014. Report

Publisher Norsk Regnesentral

Ingunn Fride Tvete; Trine Bjørner; Tor Skomedal; Bruk av benzodiazepiner og risikofaktorer for overforbruk 2014. Lecture

Efficient Web Accessibility Testing , 2014. Website material

Statistikk over digitale hjelpemidler , 2014. Website material

Virtuell hjelpemiddellab , 2014. Website material

Till Halbach; Trenton Schulz; MobileSage – A Prototype Based Case Study for Delivering Context-Aware, Accessible, and Personalized On-Demand Help Content International Journal on Advances in Intelligent Systems, vol. 7, pp. 267 278 , (ISSN 1942-2679 1942-2679 ), , 2014. Scientific article

Publisher International Academy, Research and Industry Association (IARIA)

Till Halbach; Trenton Schulz; D4.3: Evaluation Report of MobileSage Services v2.0 2014. Report

Publisher MobileSage Consortium