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  • 1520 publications found
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Arne-Kristian Groven; Håvard Hegna; Ole Smørdal; 00 learning, a modeling approach 2003. Scientific lecture

Sverre Thune Dokken; Rune Solberg; Jostein Amlien; Rune S. Ødegård; Per Ove Husøy; et al. Multisensor remote sensing of snow cover , 2003. Scientific lecture

Ragnar Bang Huseby; Gudmund Høst; Thorjørn Larssen; David Hirst; Jack Cosby; et al. Bayesian Calibration of an acidification model with application to risk assessment of acid deposition 2003. Scientific lecture

Habtamu Abie; DigiRight: Workpackages 2003. Scientific lecture

Wolfgang Leister; Henrik Olsen; Virtually moving cameras for digital TV using IBR , 2003. Scientific lecture

Line Eikvil; Ansiktsgjenkjenning 2003. Scientific lecture

Lars Holden; Decision making using stochastic models 1999. Scientific lecture

Ragnar Bang Huseby; Espen Volden; Forskning på automatisk deteksjon av marint oljesøl i radarsatellittbilder 1999. Scientific lecture

Petter Abrahamsen; Why use stochastic models with time consuming simulation algorithms 1999. Scientific lecture

Kari Aanonsen; Per Myrseth; Tutorial: E-commerce in the Travel Industry 2000. Scientific lecture

Rune Solberg; Marit Holden; A new method for sub-pixel snow-cover mapping using hyperspectral imagery , 2000. Scientific lecture

Line Eikvil; Kjersti Aas; Pattern recognition in text documents 2000. Scientific lecture

Ivar Solheim; Nett- og multimediebasert læringsarena (Nemlig-prosjektet) 2000. Scientific lecture

Arnoldo Frigessi; André Teigland; Statistics in advanced manufacturing 2000. Scientific lecture

Anders Moen; Formalisert kompletthet av Skolem aritmetikk 2000. Scientific lecture

Lars Holden; Bent Natvig; Sigurd Sannan; Hilmar Bungum; Modeling spatial and temporal dependencies between earthquakes 2000. Scientific lecture

Habtamu Abie; Security in Middleware 2000. Scientific lecture

Ivar Solheim; Elektronisk handel: erfaringer og statistikk 1999. Scientific lecture

Ivar Solheim; Projekt elektronisk handel. Erfaringer fra svensk storsatsing 1999. Scientific lecture

Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Ingvar Tjøstheim; The use of Interenet for travel purposes in the Norwegian population 2001. Scientific lecture

Marit Holden; Experimental design, repeated measurements and control spots 2004. Scientific lecture

Gudmund Høst; Anders Løland; Ragnar Bang Huseby; A Class of Linear Space-Time Models Applied to Estimation of Fish Populations 2003. Scientific lecture

Ragnar Hauge; Lars Holden; Anne Randi Syversveen; Conditioning in a marked point process used for modelling geology 2001. Scientific lecture

Bent Foyn; LAVA Læring - prosjektarbeid med nettbasert multimedia , 2001. Scientific lecture

Kjersti Aas; André Teigland; Jacob Kooter Laading; Data Mining - løsningen eller bare en bløff? 2000. Scientific lecture

Bent Foyn; Multimedia er morsomt, men hvor kommer læringen inn? , 2000. Scientific lecture

Kjersti Aas; Pair-copula constructions 2013. Scientific lecture

Kashif Habib Sheikh; Adaptive Security for the Internet of Things 2013. Scientific lecture

Anders Løland; Alex Lenkoski; Ingrid Hobæk Haff; Linda Reiersølmoen Neef; Calibrated Probabilities and the Investigation of Soft Fraud in Automobile Insurance Claims 2014. Scientific lecture

Habtamu Abie; Results Integration and Utilization in ASSET III 2014. Scientific lecture

Habtamu Abie; ASSET Project Progress: ideas, theories, and methods 2014. Scientific lecture

Habtamu Abie; Case Study, validation of results in the eHealth (ASSET WP4) 2014. Scientific lecture

Habtamu Abie; Design of security measurement and metrics (ASSET WP3) 2014. Scientific lecture

Habtamu Abie; Key Challenges to Knowledge and Objectives 2014. Scientific lecture

Habtamu Abie; Adaptive feedback Control loops as first class entities 2014. Scientific lecture

Habtamu Abie; Project status and progress report 2014. Scientific lecture

Habtamu Abie; Framework for integrating ASSET methods II 2014. Scientific lecture

Per Røe; Ragnar Hauge; A Volume-conserving Representation of Cell Faces in Corner Point Grids 2014. Scientific lecture

Magne Tommy Aldrin; Populasjonsmodell for lakselus i et oppdrettsanlegg 2015. Scientific lecture

Magne Tommy Aldrin; Rettferdig kompensasjon for avsats og vindforhold i skihopping 2015. Scientific lecture

Magne Tommy Aldrin; Ragnar Bang Huseby; Peder A Jansen; Space-time modelling of the spread of pancreas disease (PD) within and between Norwegian marine salmonid farms 2015. Scientific lecture

Magne Tommy Aldrin; Modelling the salmon lice population at a salmon farm 2015. Scientific lecture