- 1519 publications found
- Publisher
Arnoldo Frigessi; Genome-wide estimation of transcript concentrations from spotted cDNA microarray data 2004. Scientific lecture
Arnoldo Frigessi; Model based approaches to microarray data 2004. Scientific lecture
Arnoldo Frigessi; Simulated likelihood 2004. Scientific lecture
Arnoldo Frigessi; Bayesian inference for microarray data 2004. Scientific lecture
Solve Sæbø; Arnoldo Frigessi; A genetic and district based Bayesian analysis of mastitis resistance in Norway 2003. Scientific lecture
Arnoldo Frigessi; Building and validating complex hierarchical Bayesian models with substantive knowledge: an example in biology with some general thoughts 2003. Scientific lecture
Arnoldo Frigessi; The Role of Highly Structured Stochastic Models and Bayesian Mcmc Based Inference in Complex Technological Problems 2003. Scientific lecture
Arnoldo Frigessi; Population dynamics of cod along the norwegian Skagerrak coast: a structured Bayesain modelling approach 2001. Scientific lecture
Kolbjørn Engeland; Hege Hisdal; Arnoldo Frigessi; Extreme value modelling of hydrological floods and droughts: a case study 2000. Scientific lecture
Wolfgang Leister; Über das Illustrieren 1995. Scientific lecture
Wolfgang Leister; Fotorealistiske bilder og bildesekvenser 1992. Scientific lecture
Wolfgang Leister; Modeling and Rendering Photorealistic Video Films 1991. Scientific lecture
Wolfgang Leister; mv-vera: Anwendung der Dynamischen Simulation in der Computeranimation 1991. Scientific lecture
Wolfgang Leister; Synthetische Bilder und Animationen 1990. Scientific lecture
Wolfgang Leister; Techniques modernes pour l'animation par ordinateur 1990. Scientific lecture
Olav Nikolai Breivik; Detecting significant retrospective patterns and spatio-temporal modeling of abundance indices 2023. Scientific lecture
Olav Nikolai Breivik; A spatio-temporal index model that incorporates uncertainty in age-at-length, and utilizing the uncertainty in stock assessment 2023. Scientific lecture
Agustin Arguello Scotti; Ingrid Aarnes; Christian Haug Eide; Jacob Skauvold; Ragnar Hauge; Modeling Shoreface Geometries of the Kenilworth Member, Blackhawk Formation, with the Geopard Algorithm 2023. Scientific lecture
Agustin Arguello Scotti; Ingrid Aarnes; Jacob Skauvold; Ragnar Hauge; Christian Haug Eide; et al. Next generation reservoir modelling algortithms - Shallow marine environments 2023. Scientific lecture
Martin Tveten; Scalable changepoint and anomaly detection with an application to condition monitoring 2023. Scientific lecture
Odd Arne Rognli; Akhil Reddy Pashapu; Mallikarjuna Rao Kovi; Marit Jørgensen; Sigridur Dalmannsdottir; et al. Genetiske endringer i nord-norske timoteisorter over tid og ved oppformering på ulike breddegrader 2023. Scientific lecture
Odd Arne Rognli; Trygve S. Aamlid; Muath K Alsheikh; Helga Amdahl; Sigridur Dalmannsdottir; et al. Securing adaptation of timothy cultivars under climate change and during seed multiplication 2023. Scientific lecture
Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Inkluderende reiseliv: Hva sier forskningen? Resultater fra et prosjekt 2023. Scientific lecture
Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Teknologi: Løsning eller oppskrift på utenforskap? , 2023. Scientific lecture
Arnoldo Frigessi; Kunstig intelligens for anestesiforskning og praksis 2024. Scientific lecture
Arnoldo Frigessi; Supporting the AI revolution 2024. Scientific lecture
Arnoldo Frigessi; From limited patient data, to high frequency synthetic data, to the differential equation of a breast tumour growth 2023. Scientific lecture
Arnoldo Frigessi; The AI algorithm that you are using has its own agenda: you might want to know it. 2023. Scientific lecture
Arnoldo Frigessi; AI i medisin og klinikk 2023. Scientific lecture
Arnoldo Frigessi; Pair copula constructions in machine learning 2023. Scientific lecture
Arnoldo Frigessi; The AI ecosystem 2023. Scientific lecture
Kasper Hancke; Anders Gjørwad Hagen; TA Johansen; J Garrett; Arnt Børre Salberg; et al. Drones for mapping benthic habitats and the SeaBee Infrastructure. 10.05.2023. Oral presentation. https://geohab.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/GeoHab2023_proceedings.pdf , 2023. Scientific lecture
Kjersti Aas; Explainable AI: Global explanations 2024. Scientific lecture
Kjersti Aas; Explainable AI: Shapley values 2024. Scientific lecture
Kjersti Aas; Explainable AI: Counterfactual Explanations 2024. Scientific lecture
Bjarte Mayanja Østvold; Finding privacy-relevant source code 2024. Scientific lecture
Ivar Rummelhoff; Thor O. Kristoffersen; Bjarte Mayanja Østvold; Reproducible preservation of databases through executable specifications 2024. Scientific lecture
Anja Bråthen Kristoffersen; Lars Qviller; Kari Marie Olli Helgesen; Knut Wiik Vollset; Hildegunn Viljugrein; et al. Betydningen av lakselus for vill laksesmolt 2019. Scientific lecture
Kari Marie Olli Helgesen; Thijs Christiaan van Son; Lars Qviller; Anja Bråthen Kristoffersen; Hildegunn Viljugrein; et al. Hvordan forvalte rigide lusegrenser ved hjelp av usikre lusetall? 2018. Scientific lecture
Kari Marie Olli Helgesen; Peder A Jansen; Drastic changes in Norwegian salmon lice management in 2016 2017. Scientific lecture
Trude Marie Lyngstad; Anja Bråthen Kristoffersen; Monica Jankowska Hjortaas; Magnus Devold; Vidar Aspehaug; et al. Phylogeographic analyses of low virulent infectious salmon anaemia (ISA) virus (HPR0) in farmed Atlantic salmon in Norway 2012. Scientific lecture
Trude Marie Lyngstad; Anja Bråthen Kristoffersen; Monica Jankowska Hjortaas; Magnus Devold; Rolf Bjerke Larssen; et al. ILA virus (HPRO) i norsk oppdrettslaks – Fylogeografi 2012. Scientific lecture
Peder A Jansen; Anja Bråthen Kristoffersen; Hildegunn Viljugrein; Daniel Delgado Jimenez; Audun Stien; Exploratory space-time analyses of a large dataset on sea lice abundance on farmed salmon in Norway 2011. Scientific lecture
Anne Stene; Peder A Jansen; Hildegunn Viljugrein; Transmission of SAV3 by water transport? Hydrodynamic current patterns and infection pressure between farms 2011. Scientific lecture
Anne Stene; Peder A Jansen; Harald Yndestad; Saraya Tavornpanich; Hildegunn Viljugrein; Transmission of SAV3 between farms: contact patterns and infection pressure 2011. Scientific lecture
Trude Marie Lyngstad; Monica Jankowska Hjortaas; Anja Bråthen Kristoffersen; Magnus Devold; Vidar Aspehaug; et al. Lavvirulent Infeksiøs lakseanemi (ILA) virus (HPR0) hos oppdrettslaks i Norge 2011. Scientific lecture
Trude Marie Lyngstad; Monica Jankowska Hjortaas; Anja Bråthen Kristoffersen; Magnus Devold; Vidar Aspehaug; et al. Phylogeographic distribution of Infectious salmon anaemia (ISAV) HPR0 sub types in farmed Atlantic salmon in Norway 2011. Scientific lecture
Ken MacKenzie; Pål Haugen; Haakon Hansen; Peter Andreas Heuch; Erik Sterud; et al. Parasittfaunaen hos villtorsk og oppdrettstorsk 2009. Scientific lecture
Peder A Jansen; Tor A. Bakke; Experimental transmission of Gyrodactylus salaris Malmberg in relation to temperature 1993. Scientific lecture
Olav Nikolai Risdal Breivik; Anders Nielsen; A practical course in selecting configurations for the state space assessment model SAM 2023. Scientific lecture