- 1520 publications found
- Publisher
Ragnar Hauge; Anne Randi Syversveen; John Inge Berg; Stochastic modelling of objects seen on seismic , 2006. Scientific lecture
Åsmund Drottning; Isabelle Lecomte; Håvar Gjøystdal; Arne Skorstad; Odd Kolbjørnsen; et al. Modeling the Seismic Response to Production. A Closer Look at the Sensitivity to Overburden, Survey, Rock Physics Model and Seismic Modeling Approach 2006. Scientific lecture
Knut Holmqvist; Tjenestearkitektur for morgendagens hjemmenettverk , 2006. Scientific lecture
Wolfgang Leister; INF5080 - Multimedia Coding and Transmission - Vår 2006 2006. Scientific lecture
Åsmund Skomedal; Electronic traces 2006. Scientific lecture
Kjersti Aas; Modellering av avhengighetsstrukturer med finans som anvendelse 2007. Scientific lecture
Petter Abrahamsen; Stochastic Modeling of Turbidite Sedimentation 2007. Scientific lecture
Anders Løland; Ragnar Bang Huseby; Magne Aldrin; Biomassemodellering av oppdrettslaks 2007. Scientific lecture
Åsmund Skomedal; Habtamu Abie; Risikoanalyse og risikostyring i et helhetlig perspektiv 2006. Scientific lecture
Knut Elgsaas; Håvard Hegna; The development of Computer Policies in Government, Political Parties, and Trade Unions in Norway 1961-1983 2007. Scientific lecture
Ivar Solheim; Yvonne Barnard; Marianne N. Storrøsten; Erik Sørhaug; E-learning in enterprises: identifying and realising benefits and improved business processes 2006. Scientific lecture
Marita Stien; Odd Kolbjørnsen; Ragnar Hauge; Petter Abrahamsen; Modification of the SNESIM algorithm , 2007. Scientific lecture
Odd Kolbjørnsen; Ragnar Hauge; Arild Buland; Depth-to-time conversion errors in Bayesian seismic wavelet estimation , 2007. Scientific lecture
Wolfgang Leister; Estimating Subjective Video Quality from Measurements , 2007. Scientific lecture
Wolfgang Leister; The HikerNet - Can we show that it works? , 2007. Scientific lecture
Frode Georgsen; Petter Abrahamsen; Arne Skorstad; Combining Well Logs and Well Test Data in Permeability Modelling Using Fast Fourier Transform , 2007. Scientific lecture
Petter Abrahamsen; Bjørn Fjellvoll; Ragnar Hauge; John Howell; Tor Even Aas; Stochastic modelling of deep - marine deposits , 2007. Scientific lecture
Knut Utne Hollund; Odd Kolbjørnsen; Anne Randi Syversveen; Arild Jørstad; Tove Lie; Using "Fast models" for Making the Right Decision - A Norwegian North Sea Case" 2007. Scientific lecture
Tor Even Aas; John Howell; Bjørn Fjellvoll; Petter Abrahamsen; Ragnar Hauge; A process based attempt to re-create the Peïra Cava sub-basin, SE France , 2007. Scientific lecture
Rune Solberg; Ragnar Bang Huseby; Hans Koren; Eirik Malnes; A new approach fusing optical and SAR data for snow cover area mapping 2007. Scientific lecture
Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Complexity vs. simplicity in universal design 2007. Scientific lecture
Gunnhildur Högnadóttir Steinbakk; Bruk av Bayesianske p-verdier i modellkritikk- problemer og noen løsninger 2007. Scientific lecture
Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Ivar Solheim; Universell utforming og IKT: Forskningsutfordringer 2007. Scientific lecture
Trygve Helgaker; Pål Dahle; Dan Jonsson; Peter R. Taylor; Explicit Correlation by a Combined Use of Gaussian-Type Orbitals and Gaussian-Type Geminals 2007. Scientific lecture
Kjersti Aas; Pair-copula constructions 2008. Scientific lecture
Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Brukerundersøkelser som motivasjon for universell utforming av IKT 2008. Scientific lecture
Odd Kolbjørnsen; Marita Stien; D-vine Creation of Non-Gaussian Random Field, twopoint interactions to the limit 2008. Scientific lecture
Sebastian Ng; Pål Dahle; Ragnar Hauge; Odd Kolbjørnsen; Estimation of facies probabilities on the Snorre field using AVA inversion , 2008. Scientific lecture
Åsmund Skomedal; Lothar Fritsch; IT-Governance. IMT4571, part of Master of Science in Information Security program 2008. Scientific lecture
Svetlana Boudko; Wolfgang Leister; Adaptive Multimedia Streaming (Adimus) 2008. Scientific lecture
Anders Løland; Xeni Kristine Dimakos; Modelling the NO1 area price 2009. Scientific lecture
Ingvar Tjøstheim; Lothar Fritsch; Doing surveys where it matters - the GPS-age and privacy. How the MR industry can do surveys where the action is and at the same time deal with location data and privacy 2009. Scientific lecture
Lothar Fritsch; Business security and privacy risk of RFID 2009. Scientific lecture
Arild Buland; Odd Kolbjørnsen; Ragnar Hauge; Fast Bayesian Seismic Prestack Inversion with Consistent Coupling to Rock Physics 2008. Scientific lecture
Habtamu Abie; Genetic Message Oriented Secure Middleware (GEMOM): Significant and Measureable Progress beyond the State of the Art 2008. Scientific lecture
Magne Aldrin; Nye utviklinger innen regresjonsanalyse 1993. Scientific lecture
Geir Storvik; Statistical analysis of multispectral MR images from the brain 1993. Scientific lecture
Rune Solberg; Utfordringer i satellittfjernmåling til neste generasjon GIS 1993. Scientific lecture
Håvard Hegna; EDB og valg 1993. Scientific lecture
Katrine Weisteen Bjerde; Otto Milvang; Keith Andress; Medical applications based on the Image Processing and Interchange (IPI) standard 1993. Scientific lecture
Vemund Riiser; Ivar Solheim; Noen aspekter ved spredning og bruk av IT i høyere utdanning og forskning i Norge. En empirisk undersøkelse 1993. Scientific lecture
Ragnar Bang Huseby; Topics in image analysis 1994. Scientific lecture
Arne Skorstad; Nablakomponentene på Norsk Regnesentral, hva regner vi på? 1994. Scientific lecture
Petter Abrahamsen; Geostatistics course 1994. Scientific lecture
Petter Abrahamsen; Geostatistics course 1995. Scientific lecture
Petter Abrahamsen; Kriging derivatives 1994. Scientific lecture
Petter Abrahamsen; Stochastic description of geological subsurfaces 1994. Scientific lecture
Ragnar Bang Huseby; Statistisk analyse av bilder av kasser med tomflasker 1994. Scientific lecture
Rune Solberg; Ikke til å kjenne igjen 1987. Scientific lecture
Magne Aldrin; Eivind Damsleth; Hans Viggo Sæbø; Time series analysis of unequally spaced observations with application to copper contamination of the river Gaula in Central Norway 1988. Scientific lecture