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  • 1521 publications found
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Daniel Karl Andreas Berg; Copula goodness-of-fit testing: an overview and power comparison European Journal of Finance, vol. 15, pp. 675 701 , (ISSN 1351-847X 1466-4364 ), 2009. Scientific article

Publisher Routledge

Kjersti Aas; Daniel Karl Andreas Berg; Models for construction of multivariate dependence - a comparison study European Journal of Finance, vol. 15, pp. 639 659 , (ISSN 1351-847X 1466-4364 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.1080/13518470802588767 , 2009. Scientific article

Publisher Routledge

Hege Bøvelstad; Ståle Nygård; Ørnulf Borgan; Survival prediction from clinico-genomic models - a comparative study BMC Bioinformatics, vol. 10, (ISSN 1471-2105 1471-2105 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.1186/1471-2105-10-413 , 2009. Scientific article

Publisher BioMed Central (BMC)

T Manzocchi; John D. Matthews; Julian A. Strand; Jim N. Carter; Arne Skorstad; et al. A study of the structural controls on oil recovery from shallow-marine reservoirs Petroleum Geoscience, vol. 14, pp. 55 70 16 , (ISSN 1354-0793 2041-496X ), doi: https://doi.org/10.1144/1354-079307-786 , 2008. Scientific article

T Manzocchi; JN Carter; Arne Skorstad; Bjørn Fjellvoll; KD Stephen; et al. Sensitivity of the impact of geological uncertainty on production from faulted and unfaulted shallow-marine oil reservoirs: objectives and methods Petroleum Geoscience, vol. 14, pp. 3 15 13 , (ISSN 1354-0793 2041-496X ), doi: https://doi.org/10.1144/​1354-079307-790 , 2008. Scientific article

Siri Øyen Larsen; Hans Koren; Rune Solberg; Traffic Monitoring using Very High Resolution Satellite Imagery Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, vol. 75, pp. 859 869 11 , (ISSN 0099-1112 ), , 2009. Scientific article

I Olsen; SV Balasingham; T Davidsen; E Debebe; Einar Andreas Rødland; et al. Characterization of the major formamidopyrimidine-DNA glycosylase homolog in Mycobacterium tuberculosis and its linkage to variable tandem repeats FEMS Immunology and Medical Microbiology, vol. 56, pp. 151 161 11 , (ISSN 0928-8244 1574-695X ), doi: https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1574-695X.2009.00562.x , 2009. Scientific article

Publisher Elsevier

Arnt-Børre Salberg; TA Oigard; Tor Arne Øigård; Garry B. Stenson; Tore Haug; et al. Estimation of seal pup production from aerial surveys using generalized additive models Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, vol. 66, pp. 847 858 12 , (ISSN 0706-652X 1205-7533 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.1139/F09-040 , 2009. Scientific article

Publisher NRC Research Press

Merete Åse Eggesbø; H Stigum; MP Longnecker; Anuschka Polder; Magne Aldrin; et al. Levels of hexachlorobenzene (HCB) in breast milk in relation to birth weight in a Norwegian cohort Environmental Research, vol. 109, pp. 559 566 , (ISSN 0013-9351 1096-0953 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envres.2009.04.001 , 2009. Scientific article

Publisher Elsevier

Ariel Almendral-Vazquez; Bjørn Fredrik Nielsen; The multigrid algorithm applied to a degenerate equation: A convergence analysis Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, vol. 225, pp. 251 267 17 , (ISSN 0377-0427 1879-1778 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cam.2008.07.026 , 2009. Scientific article

Kjersti Aas; Claudia Czado; Arnoldo Frigessi; Henrik Bakken; Pair-copula constructions of multiple dependence Insurance, Mathematics & Economics, vol. 44, pp. 182 198 17 , (ISSN 0167-6687 1873-5959 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.insmatheco.2007.02.001 , 2009. Scientific article

Publisher Elsevier

Øivind Thorvald Due Trier; Siri Øyen Larsen; Rune Solberg; Automatic Detection of Circular Structures in High-resolution Satellite Images of Agricultural Land Archaeological Prospection, vol. 16, pp. 1 15 15 , (ISSN 1075-2196 1099-0763 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.1002/arp.339 , 2009. Scientific article

Publisher John Wiley & Sons

Hans Olav Fjærli; G Bukholm; Camilla Skjæret; Marit Holden; B Nakstad; Cord blood gene expression in infants hospitalized with respiratory syncytial virus bronchiolitis Journal of Infectious Diseases, vol. 196, (ISSN 0022-1899 1537-6613 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.1086/519168 , 2007. Scientific article

Line Eikvil; Hans Koren; Lars Aurdal; Classification-based vehicle detection in high-resolution satellite images ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (P&RS), vol. 64, pp. 65 72 8 , (ISSN 0924-2716 1872-8235 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.isprsjprs.2008.09.005 , 2009. Scientific article

Publisher Elsevier

Gunnhildur Högnadóttir Steinbakk; Geir Olve Storvik; Posterior Predictive p-values in Bayesian Hierarchical Models Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, vol. 36, pp. 320 336 17 , (ISSN 0303-6898 1467-9469 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-9469.2008.00630.x , 2009. Scientific article

Bård Storvik; Geir Olve Storvik; Roger Fjørtoft; On the Combination of Multisensor Data Using Meta-Gaussian Distributions IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 47, pp. 2372 2379 8 , (ISSN 0196-2892 1558-0644 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.1109/TGRS.2009.2012699 , 2009. Scientific article

David Glenn Lawyer; Egil Ferkingstad; Ragnar Nesvåg; I Agartz; Local and covariate-modulated false discovery rates applied in neuroimaging NeuroImage, vol. 47, pp. 213 219 7 , (ISSN 1053-8119 1095-9572 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2009.03.047 , 2009. Scientific article

Publisher Academic Press

A Lo; YY Chiu; Einar Andreas Rødland; PC Lyu; TY Sung; et al. Predicting helix-helix interactions from residue contacts in membrane proteins Bioinformatics, vol. 25, pp. 996 1003 8 , (ISSN 1367-4803 1367-4811 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btp114 , 2009. Scientific article

Publisher Oxford University Press

M Lando; Marit Holden; LC Bergersen; Ingrid K Glad; GB Kristensen; et al. Gene Dosage, Expression, and Ontology Analysis Identifies Driver Genes in the Carcinogenesis and Chemoradioresistance of Cervical Cancer PLoS Genetics, vol. 5, pp. 12 , (ISSN 1553-7390 1553-7404 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pgen.1000719 , 2009. Scientific article

Leif Asbjørn Vøllestad; David Hirst; Jan Henning L'Abée-Lund; NC Stenseth; John D. Armstrong; et al. Divergent trends in anadromous salmonid populations in Norwegian and Scottish rivers Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Biological Sciences, vol. 276, pp. 1021 1027 7 , (ISSN 0962-8452 1471-2954 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2008.1600 , 2009. Scientific article

Egil Ferkingstad; Arnoldo Frigessi; Håvard Rue; Gudmar Thorleifsson; A Kong; UNSUPERVISED EMPIRICAL BAYESIAN MULTIPLE TESTING WITH EXTERNAL COVARIATES Annals of Applied Statistics, vol. 2, pp. 714 735 22 , (ISSN 1932-6157 1941-7330 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.1214/08-AOAS158 , 2008. Scientific article

Publisher Institute of Mathematical Statistics

Ivar Andreas Aursnes; Ingunn Tvete; Jørund Inge Gåsemyr; Bent Natvig; Even more suicide attempts in clinical trials with paroxetine randomised against placebo BMC Psychiatry, vol. 6, (ISSN 1471-244X 1471-244X ), doi: https://doi.org/10.1186/1471-244X-6-55 , 2006. Scientific article

Publisher BioMed Central (BMC)

Bodil Edman-Ahlbom; Anna Sillén; Agneta Gunnar; Bettina Kulle; Arnoldo Frigessi; et al. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor gene (BDNF) variants and schizophrenia: an association study Progress in Neuro-psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry, vol. 30, pp. 924 933 , (ISSN 0278-5846 1878-4216 ), 2006. Scientific article

Publisher Elsevier

Daniel Karl Andreas Berg; Bankruptcy Prediction by Generalized Additive Models Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, vol. 23, pp. 129 143 , (ISSN 1524-1904 1526-4025 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.1002/asmb.658 , 2007. Scientific article

Publisher John Wiley & Sons

Ingrid Agartz; Bettina Kulle; Arnoldo Frigessi; EG Jonsson; Göran C. Sedvall; et al. BDNF gene variants and brain morphology in schizophrenia American Journal of Medical Genetics, vol. 141B, pp. 513 523 11 , (ISSN 0148-7299 1096-8628 ), 2006. Scientific article

Marit Holden; Erik Steen; Arvid Lundervold; Segmentation and visualization of brain lesions in multispectral magnetic resonance images Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, vol. 19, pp. 171 173 , (ISSN 0895-6111 1879-0771 ), 1995. Scientific article

Publisher Pergamon Press

Marek Vokác; Walter Tichy; Dag I. K. Sjøberg; Erik Arisholm; Magne Aldrin; A Controlled Experiment Comparing the Maintainability of Programs Designed with and without Design Patterns -- a Replication in a real Programming Environment Empirical Software Engineering, vol. 9, pp. 149 195 , (ISSN 1382-3256 1573-7616 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.1023/B:EMSE.0000027778.69251.1f , 2004. Scientific article

Publisher Springer

Jørn Braa; Eric Monteiro; Erik Reinert; Technology transfer vs. technological learning: IT-infrastructure and health care in developing countries Information Technology for Development, vol. 6, pp. 15 23 , (ISSN 0268-1102 1554-0170 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.1080/02681102.1995.9525252 , 1995. Scientific article

Publisher Taylor & Francis

Tor-Kristian Jenssen; Mette Langaas; Winston P. Kuo; Birgitte Smith-Sørensen; Ola Myklebost; et al. Analysis of repeatability in spotted cDNA microarrays Nucleic Acids Research (NAR), vol. 30, pp. 3235 3244 , (ISSN 0305-1048 1362-4962 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.1093/nar/gkf441 , 2002. Scientific article

Publisher Oxford University Press

Oddvar Lia; Henning Omre; Håkon Tjelmeland; Lars Holden; Thore Egeland; Uncertainties in reservoir production forecasts American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, vol. 81, pp. 775 801 , (ISSN 0149-1423 1558-9153 ), 1997. Scientific article

Publisher American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)

Dagrun Vikhamar; Rune Solberg; K Seidel; Reflectance modeling of snow-covered forests in hilly terrain Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, vol. 70, pp. 1069 1079 , (ISSN 0099-1112 ), 2004. Scientific article

David Hirst; Geir Olve Storvik; Magne Tommy Aldrin; Sondre Aanes; Ragnar Bang Huseby; Estimating catch-at-age by combining data from different sources Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, vol. 62, (ISSN 0706-652X 1205-7533 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.1139/f05-026 , 2005. Scientific article

Publisher NRC Research Press

Geir Olve Storvik; Roger Sverre Fjørtoft; Anne H S Solberg; A Bayesian approach to classification of multi-scale remote sensing data IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 43, pp. 539 547 , (ISSN 0196-2892 1558-0644 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.1109/TGRS.2004.841395 , 2005. Scientific article

Lars Holden; Sigurd Sannan; Hilmar Bungum; A stochastic marked point process model for earthquakes Natural hazards and earth system sciences, vol. 2, pp. 1 7 , (ISSN 1561-8633 1684-9981 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.5194/nhess-3-95-2003 , 2002. Scientific article

David Hirst; S Aanes; Geir Olve Storvik; Ragnar Bang Huseby; Ingunn Tvete; Estimating catch at age from market sampling data by using a Bayesian hierarchical model The Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series C (Applied Statistics), vol. 53, pp. 1 14 , (ISSN 0035-9254 1467-9876 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-9876.2004.00422 , 2004. Scientific article

Publisher John Wiley & Sons

Magne Aldrin; Marit Holden; Tore Schweder; Comment on Cowling's "Spatial Methods for Line Transect Surveys" Biometrics, vol. 59, pp. 186 188 , (ISSN 0006-341X 1541-0420 ), 2003. Scientific article

Petter Abrahamsen; Fred Espen Benth; Kriging with inequality constraints Mathematical Geology, vol. 33, pp. 719 744 , (ISSN 0882-8121 1573-8868 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1011078716252 , 2001. Scientific article

Gudmund Høst; Erlend Berg; Tore Schweder; Sigurd Tjelmeland; A Gamma/Direchlet model for estimating uncertainty in age-specific abundance of Norwegian spring-spawning herring ICES Journal of Marine Science, vol. 59, pp. 737 748 , (ISSN 1054-3139 1095-9289 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.1006/jmsc.2001.1176 , 2002. Scientific article

Publisher Oxford University Press

Dagrun Vikhamar Schuler; Rune Solberg; Subpixel mapping of snow cover in forests by optical remote sensing Remote Sensing of Environment, vol. 84, pp. 69 82 , (ISSN 0034-4257 1879-0704 ), 2003. Scientific article

Thor Kristoffersen; Anders Moen Hagalisletto; Hallstein Asheim Hansen; Extracting high-level information from Petri nets: a railroad case Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences : Physics, Mathematics, vol. 52, pp. 378 393 , (ISSN 1406-0086 2228-0685 ), , 2003. Scientific article

Ola Berge; Annita Fjuk; Arne-Kristian Groven; Håvard Hegna; Jens Johan Kaasbøll; Comprehensive Object-Oriented Learning - an Introduction Computer Science Education, vol. 13, (ISSN 0899-3408 1744-5175 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.1076/csed.13.4.331.17490 , 2003. Scientific article

Publisher Routledge

Ivar Andreas Aursnes; Ingunn Tvete; Jørund Inge Gåsemyr; Bent Natvig; Clinical efficacies of antihypertensive drugs Scandinavian Cardiovascular Journal, vol. 37, pp. 72 79 , (ISSN 1401-7431 1651-2006 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.1080/14017430310001186 , 2003. Scientific article

K Heggland; Arnoldo Frigessi; Estimating functions in indirect inference Journal of The Royal Statistical Society Series B-statistical Methodology, vol. 66, pp. 447 462 , (ISSN 1369-7412 1467-9868 ), 2004. Scientific article

Publisher Blackwell Publishing

Arnoldo Frigessi; Håvard Rue; Ola Haug; A dynamic mixture model for unsupervised tail estimation without threshold selection Extremes, vol. 5, pp. 219 236 , (ISSN 1386-1999 1572-915X ), doi: https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1024072610684 , 2003. Scientific article

Publisher Springer

Øivind Skare; Erik Bølviken; Lars Holden; Improved samping-importance resampling and reduced bias importance sampling Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, vol. 30, (ISSN 0303-6898 1467-9469 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-9469.00360 , 2003. Scientific article

David Hirst; Geir Olve Storvik; Anne Randi Syversveen; Anne Randi Syversveen; A hierarchical modelling approach to combining environmental data at different resolutions The Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series C (Applied Statistics), vol. 52, pp. 377 390 , (ISSN 0035-9254 1467-9876 ), 2003. Scientific article

Publisher John Wiley & Sons

Fred Espen Benth; Lars Ekeland; Ragnar Hauge; Bjørn Fredrik Nielsen; A note on arbitrage-free pricing of forward contracts in energy markets Applied Mathematical Finance, vol. 10, pp. 325 336 , (ISSN 1350-486X 1466-4313 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.1080/1350486032000160777 , 2003. Scientific article

Publisher Taylor & Francis

Kjetil Fleischer Kåresen; Erik Bølviken; Blind deconvolution of ultrasonic traces accounting for pulse variance IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, vol. 46, pp. 564 573 , (ISSN 0885-3010 1525-8955 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.1109/58.764843 , 1999. Scientific article

O Haug; Ola Myklebost; M Aldrin; Bjørn Østenstad; M Holden; et al. Analysis of the humoral immune response to immunoselected phage-displayed peptides by a microarray-based method Proteomics, vol. 4, pp. 2572 2582 , (ISSN 1615-9853 1615-9861 ), 2004. Scientific article

Hege Hisdal; Lena M. Tallaksen; Arnoldo Frigessi; Lene M. Tallaksen; H. van Lanen; et al. Handling non-extreme events in extreme value modelling of droughts IAHS, pp. 281 288 , 2002. Scientific article