Health in every video
- Department DART
- Fields involved Digital Inclusion, E-health and welfare technology
- Industries involved Health
Our project is dedicated to developing guidelines for inclusive video consultations in the Norwegian healthcare sector.
Inclusive video services
According to the Norwegian Directorate of Health (2021), between 10-30 per cent of the Norwegian public struggle to access or use digital services, this number includes people working in healthcare. Among people with disabilities, the number is as high as 50-70 per cent.
The project will identify and address the technical barriers that patients and health personnel face when using video-based healthcare services, and examine how these barriers can be avoided. Our aim is to create comprehensive digital guidelines that will allow for more inclusive, user-centric video consultations. The target audience is management, purchasers of audiovisual technology and personnel.
The Norwegian Computing Center will contribute with our extensive expertise in accessible communication technology, usability, user involvement and diversity. Througout the project we will provide technical assessments and inclusive service design, conduct literature reviews, and actively involve users in various processes.
Our vision is the advancement of inclusive video services that in turn will improve patient well-being and quality of life, Addtionally, our work should improve working conditions for staff, reduce costs for hospitals and other healthcare providers, and ultimately benefit society at large.
Name: Video for everyone – inclusive video consultations in the healthcare system
Partners: Sunnaas sykehus, Oslo universitetssykehus, Sørlandet sykehus, Sykehuset Innlandet, Vestre Viken helseforetak, Universitet i Agder
Period: 2022-2023
Funding: Innovasjonsmidler Helse Sør-Øst