E-health and welfare technology

NR is working on scientific research in e-health and welfare technology. Many of our projects revolve around patient user perspective. We are also concerned with the therapist’s role and the perspective of relatives and other helpers.

E-health and welfare technology is a complex area with many research topics. Here, we take advantage of the fact that our groups for digital transformation, privacy and security and the group for digital inclusion work closely together and contribute with different approaches. We are concerned with equal access to healthcare services and good patient and user experiences, while also emphasizing ethical aspects, privacy and high digital security.

Digital Health Literacy

Many of our projects are about increasing the individual’s digital health skills so that they can take responsibility for their own health. It involves supporting the processes of searching for, understanding, assessing and using health information from electronic sources, as well as being able to use electronic tools to follow up on one’s own state of health. Central elements in this work are user friendliness, universal design and educational training.

Our research largely includes the development of knowledge and methods that contribute to better products and services, for example for e-consultations, self-service solutions, self-measurement of health parameters, and administration of one’s own health.

Combat Social Exclusion

Our vision is to actively promote self-mastery and counteract alienation in order to improve the quality of life for everyone involved, including relatives and other helpers.

We base our work on multiple of the UN’s sustainability goals, primarily good health and quality of life for all (no. 3). Goal no. 10, less inequality, is about equal opportunities for all and reducing discrimination. Cooperation to achieve the goals (no. 17), where adapted technology, especially information and communication technology, is also a focus area.

We base our work on multiple of the UN's sustainability goals
We base our work on multiple of the UN’s sustainability goals

Our specialist group in digital health literacy offers 

  • Technology consulting
  • Mapping of needs and prerequisites, as well as development of functional system requirements
  • Implementation of prototypes, including production of relevant content
  • Evaluation and testing of prototypes with suitable methodology, measurement of user experience and treatment impact
  • Follow-up research and documentation and publication of results through peer-reviewed channels
