Publication details
- Publisher: Norsk Regnesentral
- Series: Report at the Norwegian Computing Center (1059)
- Year: 2022
- Issue: 1059
- Number of pages: 81
International Standard Numbers:
- Printed: 978-82-539-0569-3
In the research and innovation project "Accessible Feedback", research foundation Norsk Regnesentral together with consulting company Tingtun AS have investigated how a feedback function for websites can be designed in the most appropriate way for different user groups. A survey of the users' experiences with the services on and the development of personas and user journeys have also been part of the project. The work was carried out from 2020 to 2022 and was supported by NAV research and development (R&D). Participating civil-society organizations were these: Unge funksjonshemmede, Funksjonshemmedes fellesorganisasjon, Selvhjelp for innvandrere og flyktninger, Kreftforeningen, Norges Blindeforbund and Seniornett. Background for the project was the introduction of the EU's new web directive (Web Accessibility Directive, or WAD) into Norwegian law. The law is in effect from 2022 with
an additional year of implementation time. From February 2023. Among other things, the Directive requires a function on public websites for users to be able to report deficiencies in accessibility and barriers, and to make it possible to request information in accessible formats. NAV's digital services at were used as a case.