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Gunnhildur Högnadóttir Steinbakk; Magne Aldrin; Thordis Linda Thorarinsdottir; Statistiske metoder for korreksjon av deterministiske luftforurensningsprognoser 2013. Report

Publisher Norsk Regnesentral

Gunnhildur Högnadóttir Steinbakk; Mathilde Wilhelmsen; Magne Aldrin; Value estimation of the residential real estate market - version 3 2013. Report

Publisher Norsk Regnesentral

Johannes Skaar; Anders Løland; Tage Rolén; Steinar Brandslet; Hvor fort går du på ski? , 2013. Media interview

Maciel Zortea; Rune Solberg; Arnt Børre Salberg; Evaluation of SWE retrieved from satellite PMR data for three catchments in Hardangervidda 2013. Report

Publisher Norsk Regnesentral

Svetlana Boudko; Wolfgang Leister; Network Selection for Multicast Groups in Heterogeneous Wireless Environments pp. 167 176 , doi: , 2013. Scientific chapter / article / conference article

Steinar Brandslet; Johannes Skaar; Anders Løland; Tage Rolén; Hvor fort går du på ski? Gemini, pp. 6 7 , (ISSN 0802-085X 0805-6285 ), , 2013. Interview

Wolfgang Leister; Ingvar Tjøstheim; Thor Kristoffersen; Till Halbach; Svetlana Boudko; Smart Information Systems - Final report of the project GB-SMS-2012/2013 2013. Report

Publisher Norsk Regnesentral

Roman Schefzik; Thordis Linda Thorarinsdottir; Tilmann Gneiting; Uncertainty quantification in complex simulation models using ensemble copula coupling Statistical Science, vol. 28, pp. 616 640 , (ISSN 0883-4237 2168-8745 ), doi: , 2013. Scientific article

Hanne Therese Wist Rognebakke; Magne Tommy Aldrin; Fordelinger for slaktevekt i oppdrettsanlegg 2013. Report

Publisher Norsk Regnesentral

Clara-Cecilie Günther; Anders Løland; 169 sikre og usikre: Nate Silver på norsk 2013. Lecture popular

Erling Hugo Jensen; Marit Ulvmoen; Ragnar Hauge; XML structure for rock physics models 2013. Report

Publisher Norsk Regnesentral

Kashif Habib Sheikh; Adaptive Security for the Internet of Things Reference Model 2013. Scientific lecture

Kashif Habib Sheikh; Adaptive Security for the Internet of Things 2013. Scientific lecture

Kashif Habib Sheikh; Wolfgang Leister; Adaptive Security for the Internet of Things Reference Model pp. 13 24 , 2013. Scientific chapter / article / conference article

Kjersti Aas; Pair-copula constructions - even more flexible than copulas 2013. Scientific lecture

Publisher Norsk Regnesentral

Anders Løland; Mathilde Wilhelmsen; Statistisk metode på 360 minutter – fra det enkle til det avanserte 2013. Lecture popular

Magne Tommy Aldrin; Anders Løland; 90,5 prosent sjanse for at Carlsen tar VM-tittelen , 2013. Media interview