- 7637 publications found
- Publisher
Anne Helene Schistad Solberg; C Brekke; Per Ove Husøy; Oil spill detection in Radarsat and Envisat SAR images IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 45, (ISSN 0196-2892 1558-0644 ), doi: , 2007. Scientific article
K Lagesen; P Hallin; Einar Andreas Rødland; HH Staerfeldt; T Rognes; et al. RNAmmer: consistent and rapid annotation of ribosomal RNA genes Nucleic Acids Research (NAR), vol. 35, (ISSN 0305-1048 1362-4962 ), doi: , 2007. Scientific article
Hans Olav Fjærli; G Bukholm; Camilla Skjæret; Marit Holden; B Nakstad; Cord blood gene expression in infants hospitalized with respiratory syncytial virus bronchiolitis Journal of Infectious Diseases, vol. 196, (ISSN 0022-1899 1537-6613 ), doi: , 2007. Scientific article
Viktor Kaufmann; Wolfgang Sulzer; Jostein Amlien; Lars Aurdal; Line Eikvil; et al. Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on High Mountain Remote Sensing Cartography Ukjent, vol. 43, pp. 109 112 4 , 2007. Scientific article
Nestor Cardozo; Per Røe; Harald Heimtun Soleng; Jan Tveranger; Volume based strain computation in Havana: A methodology for efficiently populating corner point grids with strain 2007. Scientific lecture
Tor Even Aas; Ragnar Hauge; Bjørn Fjellvoll; Petter Abrahamsen; John Anthony Howell; et al. Process based modelling of deep marine reservoir systems 2007. Scientific lecture
Gunnhildur Högnadóttir Steinbakk; Bruk av Bayesianske p-verdier i modellkritikk- problemer og noen løsninger 2007. Scientific lecture
Kjell Thorvaldsen; Åsmund Skomedal; Trond Ericson; Bevisverdien av elektronisk informasjon Ukjent, pp. 3 3 , 2007. Article journal
Riitta Hellman; Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Workflow on mobile phones”. Position paper workshop 4: Universal Design - Design for All on mobile phones and digital TV Ukjent, , 2007. Scientific article
Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Audio Information In mobile services. ”. Position paper workshop 4: Universal Design - Design for All on mobile phones and digital TV Ukjent, , 2007. Scientific article
Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Ivar Solheim; IKT overalt og for alle: motivasjon, status og utfordringer for universell utforming av IKT 2007. Scientific lecture
Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Synshemmedes IKT-barrierer 2007. Scientific lecture
Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Complexity vs. simplicity in universal design 2007. Scientific lecture
Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Ivar Solheim; Universell utforming og IKT: Forskningsutfordringer 2007. Scientific lecture
Åsmund Skomedal; Forskning innen personvern og informasjonssikkerhet -informatiske aspekter , 2007. Lecture popular
Åsmund Skomedal; PETweb - User Awareness and current use of protective measures , 2007. Lecture popular
Åsmund Skomedal; PETweb KMB; Privacy Enhancing Technology for large scale web based services , 2007. Lecture popular
Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Hvordan utforme IKT for personer med kognitive funksjonsnedsettelser – en litteraturgjennomgang , 2007. Report
Jostein Amlien; Line Eikvil; Hans Koren; Rune Solberg; Integrated Project geoland - Final Period Activity Report 2004-2006 (Editor A.Kaptein, Infoterra GmbH) 2007. Report
Jostein Amlien; Rune Solberg; Methods for the detection of long term spectral changes in natural vegetation. An example from Norwegian mountain vegetaion 2007. Poster