- 7637 publications found
- Publisher
Rune Solberg; Steinar Eastwood; Robert Schjøtt Fausto; Asgeir Finnseth; Helmuth Haak; et al. A New System and Service for Climate Monitoring in the Cryosphere , 2006. Poster
Rune Solberg; Jonathan Bamber; Carl Egede Bøggild; Lars-Anders Breivik; Joan Eamer; et al. Outline of a Technical Solution to a Global Cryospheric Climate Monitoring System Ukjent, pp. 90 90 , , 2006. Article journal
Petter Abrahamsen; Ariel Almendral-Vazquez; Pål Dahle; Arne Skorstad; Harald Heimtun Soleng; Cohiba 0.2 Specification and design document 2006. Report
Rune Solberg; Hans Koren; Jostein Amlien; A review of optical snow algorithms , 2006. Report
Knut Holmqvist; Tjenestearkitektur for morgendagens hjemmenettverk , 2006. Scientific lecture
Knut Holmqvist; Samarbeidsprosjekter mellom industri og forskningsinstitutt , 2006. Lecture popular
Lars Holden; Ola Haug; Kjersti Aas; A multidimensional mixture model for unsupervised tail estimation 2006. Report
Ståle Andersen; Torbjørn Sagstuen; Magne Tommy Aldrin; Ola Haug; Uttesting av beregningsmodulen i NorTraf (basiskurvemetoden) Ukjent, 2006. Article journal
Jostein Amlien; Hans Koren; Line Eikvil; Rune Solberg; SnowLab - A system for automated snow product generation - Software documentation , 2006. Report
Magne Aldrin; Ola Haug; Oppdatering av Basiskurvemetodikken , 2006. Report
Ola Lindqvist; Anders Løland; Ingrid Hobæk Haff; Hanne Therese Wist Rognebakke; OLGA V -- User manual 2006. Report
Heidi Kjønsberg; Ingeborg Ligaarden; Second order Markov mesh models described as Markov Random Fields , 2006. Report
Hanne Therese Wist Rognebakke; Kjersti Aas; Totalrisikomodell for Sparebanken Sør: Brukermanual 2006. Report
Hanne Therese Wist Rognebakke; Kjersti Aas; Totalrisikomodell for Sparebanken Sogn og Fjordane: Brukermanual 2006. Report
Habtamu Abie; Different Ways to Authenticate Users with the Pros and Cons of each Method , 2006. Lecture popular
Habtamu Abie; Arne-Kristian Groven; Åsmund Skomedal; LongRec – Records Management over Decades: Preservation of Trust and Security 2006. Lecture popular
Habtamu Abie; Arne-Kristian Groven; Åsmund Skomedal; Adaptive Risk Management for Resilient Networked Organizations 2006. Lecture popular
Habtamu Abie; An ICT system for efficient environmental monitoring and risk management 2006. Lecture popular
Habtamu Abie; DART's Interests, ideas, and possible contributions to projects under the various FP7 challenges and objectives 2006. Lecture popular
Habtamu Abie; Formal framework for an adaptive risk management for the protection of critical infrastructures 2006. Lecture popular