- 7635 publications found
- Publisher
Magne Aldrin; Sonia Mazzi; Ola Haug; En kostnadseffektiv strategi for avisleveranser Logistikk & innkjøp, vol. 5/2006, pp. 11102012 99999 , (ISSN 0808-9604 ), 2006. Science for the public article
Kjersti Aas; Faren for børskrakk er større enn du kanskje tror 2006. Lecture popular
Ola Haug; Magne Tommy Aldrin; Programvare for trafikkberegninger basert på basiskurvemetoden. Versjon pr. 16. november 2006 2006. Report
Per Røe; Harald Heimtun Soleng; Strain Calculations in Havana - Algorithm and implementation , 2006. Report
Ivar Andreas Aursnes; Ingunn Tvete; Jørund Inge Gåsemyr; Bent Natvig; Even more suicide attempts in clinical trials with paroxetine randomised against placebo BMC Psychiatry, vol. 6, (ISSN 1471-244X 1471-244X ), doi: , 2006. Scientific article
Marit Holden; Steps in a microarray study 2006. Scientific lecture
Kjersti Aas; Modellering av total økonomisk kapital 2006. Lecture popular
Kjersti Aas; Methodological developments in the analysis of financial risk called for by industry needs 2006. Scientific lecture
Xeni Kristine Dimakos; Anders Løland; Ikke løgn og forbannet løgn, men en innføring i statistisk metode 2006. Lecture popular
Xeni Kristine Dimakos; Anders Løland; Ikke løgn og forbannet løgn, men en innføring i statistiske begreper i forskningen 2006. Lecture popular
Per Røe; Compilation of SGeMS , 2006. Report
Wolfgang Leister; Do we need Security Research for VoIP products? , 2006. Lecture popular
Ola Lindqvist; Ingrid Hobæk Haff; Anders Løland; Risk Premium in the UK Natural Gas Forward Market 2006. Report
Anders Løland; Ola Lindqvist; Coal Prices – a Pilot Study 2006. Report
Heidi Kjønsberg; Harald Heimtun Soleng; An Implementation of Markov Random Fields: Overview and user's manual for version 0.1 , 2006. Report
Xeni Kristine Dimakos; Bjarte M. Østvold; Europlay pre-study 2006. Report
Xeni Kristine Dimakos; Ingrid Hobæk Haff; Anders Løland; Statistikk (og R) på 123 minutter 2006. Report
Anne H. Schistad Solberg; Data fusion for remote sensing applications, in Signal and Image Processing for Remote Sensing (ed. C. H. Chen) 2006. Non fiction book
Camilla Brekke; Anne H. Schistad Solberg; Classification methods for oil spill detection by SAR imaging 2006. Scientific lecture
Magne Aldrin; Anders Løland; Estimating and decomposing total uncertainty for survey-based abundance estimates of Norwegian spring-spawning herring 2006. Scientific lecture