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  • 1520 publications found
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Ivar Solheim; MobileSage. Situated Adaptive Guidance for the Mobile Elderly , 2012. Scientific lecture

Thordis Linda Thorarinsdottir; Proper scoring rules and divergences -- with an application to climate model ranking 2012. Scientific lecture

Thordis Linda Thorarinsdottir; Statistical post-processing of ensemble forecasts 2012. Scientific lecture

Thordis Linda Thorarinsdottir; Proper scoring rules and divergences to evaluate weather and climate models 2012. Scientific lecture

Thordis Linda Thorarinsdottir; Paths and pitfalls in prediction verification 2013. Scientific lecture

Arnt Børre Salberg; Øystein Rudjord; Anne H S Solberg; Oil spill detection in compact polarimetry SAR images 2012. Scientific lecture

Georg Heygster; Marcus Huntemann; Raul Scarlat; Laura Tropf; Øystein Rudjord; et al. High resolving sea ice concentration, and thickness of thin sea ice 2013. Scientific lecture

Øystein Rudjord; Øivind Due Trier; Rune Solberg; Automatic estimation of lake ice cover and lake surface temperature using ENVISAT MERIS and AATSR 2012. Scientific lecture

Kashif Habib Sheikh; Risk based adaptive security for the IoT in eHealh 2012. Scientific lecture

Thordis Linda Thorarinsdottir; Bayesian model selection for point process cluster models 2012. Scientific lecture

Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; The challenge of diversity in universal design 2012. Scientific lecture

Anne-Lise Hektoen; Lars Holden; Alister MacDonald; A Bayesian model for sequence stratigraphic bounding surfaces 1995. Scientific lecture

Rune Solberg; André Teigland; Integrasjon av satellittbasert snøkartlegging og HBV-modellen 1995. Scientific lecture

Michael Gritzman; Vennlige publikumssystemer 1995. Scientific lecture

Ivar Solheim; Endringsprosesser og omstillingskrav i banksektoren 1995. Scientific lecture

Michael Gritzman; Drømmen om det perfekte brukergrensesnitt 1995. Scientific lecture

Rune Solberg; Sjur Kolberg; Ole Martin Halck; Automatisk geometrisk oppretting av NOAA AVHRR bilder for snøkartlegging , 1996. Scientific lecture

Kari Thoresen; Telependling - hva skjer når arbeidsplassen flytter hjem? 1996. Scientific lecture

Lars Edward Kjellesvik; Jason Scott; Ragnar Hauge; Reducing N/G uncertainty for infill drilling on Forties by using 3D seismic conditioning 1997. Scientific lecture

Alister MacDonald; Jan Inge Tollefsrud; Ragnar Hauge; Arne Skorstad; Lars Holden; Multiwell conditioning of object models for fluvial reservoir 1997. Scientific lecture

Lars Holden; Geostatistics to parameterize geology 1997. Scientific lecture

Arnoldo Frigessi; Recent advances in Markov chain Monte Carlo methods 1997. Scientific lecture

Kjersti Aas; Et system for resirkulering av bokser 1998. Scientific lecture

André Teigland; Line Eikvil; Bent Foyn; Anders Kluge; Hvordan kan multimedia brukes som informasjonsstøtte i kritiske situasjoner 1998. Scientific lecture

Wolfgang Leister; Neste generasjon datanett 1998. Scientific lecture

Øyvind Langsrud; Arnoldo Frigessi; Hege Hisdal; Gudmund Høst; Ole Schjødt-Osmo; et al. A statistical method for describing uncertainty in flood forecasts from a hydrological rainfall-runoff model based on meteorological forecasts 1998. Scientific lecture

Petter F. Mostad; Jon Gjerde; Multifractal simulation of fault clusters 1998. Scientific lecture

Kari Thoresen; Arne-Kristian Groven; Kurs i totalkvalitetsledelse (TQM) 1998. Scientific lecture

Rune Solberg; SNOWTOOLS 1998. Scientific lecture

Ivar Solheim; Offentlig informasjon på nett - sett utenfra 1998. Scientific lecture

Alfhild Lien Eide; Anne Randi Syversveen; Marked point model of facies units conditioned to seismic traces and well data 1998. Scientific lecture

Colin Daly; Alistair Jones; Kes Heffer; Anne-Lise Hektoen; Lars Holden; et al. Reconciling fracture and test permeability in 3D heterogeneity models 1998. Scientific lecture

Lars Holden; Development in geostatistics the last years 1999. Scientific lecture

Lars Holden; History matching in a geostatistical perspective 1999. Scientific lecture

Arnoldo Frigessi; Geopricing in insurance 1999. Scientific lecture

Arnoldo Frigessi; Nonparametric methods in spatial statistics with covariates 1999. Scientific lecture

Arnoldo Frigessi; The role of simulation techniques in inference of complex models 1999. Scientific lecture

Bård Storvik; Nonparametric mixture densities 1999. Scientific lecture

David Hirst; Constrained simulation of gas prices 1999. Scientific lecture

Petter Abrahamsen; Ragnar Hauge; Knut Heggland; Petter F. Mostad; Uncertain Cap Rock Geometry, Spill Point, and Gross Rock Volume, SPE 49286 1998. Scientific lecture