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  • 455 publications found
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Till Halbach; Andrew Perkis; Geir Egil Øien; Tor Audun Ramstad; Helge Coward; FLC versus VLC 1998. Lecture popular

Kari Åse Homme; National Meals in Different European Countries 1999. Lecture popular

Kari Åse Homme; Home Economics in Norway 1999. Lecture popular

Bjarte M. Østvold; Security protocol design and evaluation , 2008. Lecture popular

Ingrid Aarnes; Naturkatastrofer med betydning for vår tid 2008. Lecture popular

Ingrid Aarnes; Island som vindu til de store kreftene på jorda 2007. Lecture popular

Inga Strumke; Finn Myrstad; Anders Løland; Maria Amelie; Når virkeligheten kan hackes: hva er sant og hva kan vi stole på? Og hva gjør vi med det? , 2023. Lecture popular

Mark Hammarstedt; Anders Løland; Anis Yazidi; Evi Zouganeli; Yngvar Ugland; et al. How can Norway become a Leading AI Nation, as Sweden & Finland - Panel discussion 2023. Lecture popular

Pierre Lison; A short introduction to statistical machine translation , 2016. Lecture popular

Pierre Lison; Kan man snakke med en robot? , 2013. Lecture popular

Trenton Schulz; Diana Saplacan; Universal Design of Robots / Universell Utformning av Robottar , 2023. Lecture popular

Arnoldo Frigessi; Data Science for the covid-19 emergency 2021. Lecture popular

Arnoldo Frigessi; Discovery and prediction of change 2016. Lecture popular

Arnoldo Frigessi; Big Data Big Insight 2016. Lecture popular

Arnoldo Frigessi; Big Health data 2016. Lecture popular

Arnoldo Frigessi; A high-dimensional tribute to Juni Palmgren 2016. Lecture popular

Arnoldo Frigessi; Value from sharing data 2016. Lecture popular

Arnoldo Frigessi; BigInsight and Skatteetatten 2016. Lecture popular

Arnoldo Frigessi; The data rich society of the future 2016. Lecture popular

Arnoldo Frigessi; Ledermøte: presentasjon av BigInsight 2015. Lecture popular

Arnoldo Frigessi; Apollon lansering 2015. Lecture popular

Wolfgang Leister; Gunnar Sevåg; Seniorgruppas GPS kurs 2015. Lecture popular

Wolfgang Leister; Gunnar Sevåg; Seniorgruppas GPS kurs 2014. Lecture popular

Wolfgang Leister; Gunnar Sevåg; GPS kurs nybegynnere 2014. Lecture popular

Wolfgang Leister; Gunnar Sevåg; GPS kurs viderekomne 2014. Lecture popular

Wolfgang Leister; Gunnar Sevåg; GPS kurs nybegynnere 2014. Lecture popular

Wolfgang Leister; Gunnar Sevåg; GPS-kurs 2013. Lecture popular

Wolfgang Leister; Gunnar Sevåg; GPS-kurs 2013. Lecture popular

Wolfgang Leister; Gunnar Sevåg; GPS-kurs for seniorer 2012. Lecture popular

Wolfgang Leister; Gunnar Sevåg; GPS-kurs 2012. Lecture popular

Wolfgang Leister; Gunnar Sevåg; GPS-kurs 2012. Lecture popular

Wolfgang Leister; Gunnar Sevåg; GPS Temakurs 2012. Lecture popular

Wolfgang Leister; Gunnar Sevåg; GPS-kurs 2011. Lecture popular

Wolfgang Leister; Gunnar Sevåg; GPS-kurs 2011. Lecture popular

Wolfgang Leister; Gunnar Sevåg; En smakebit av GPS 2010. Lecture popular

Wolfgang Leister; Gunnar Sevåg; Beate Heilemann; GPS-kurs 2010. Lecture popular

Wolfgang Leister; Gunnar Sevåg; GPS-kurs 2010. Lecture popular

Wolfgang Leister; Vidar Gundersen; Sverre Didriksen; Bruk av GPS 2010. Lecture popular

Wolfgang Leister; Gunnar Sevåg; Beate Heilemann; GPS-kurs 2009. Lecture popular

Wolfgang Leister; Gunnar Sevåg; GPS-kurs 2009. Lecture popular

Wolfgang Leister; Gunnar Sevåg; GPS Kurs for Turledere - Teori og Praksis 2008. Lecture popular

Wolfgang Leister; Beate Heilemann; Gunnar Sevåg; GPS-kurs for turledere 2007. Lecture popular

Wolfgang Leister; Beate Heilemann; Gunnar Sevåg; GPS-kurs for turledere 2006. Lecture popular

Wolfgang Leister; Beate Heilemann; GPS-kurs for turledere: Praksis-del 2005. Lecture popular

Wolfgang Leister; Beate Heilemann; Kurskveld II: Bruk av GPS - Praksisdel 2005. Lecture popular