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Habtamu Abie; Reijo M. Savola; John Bigham; Ilesh Dattani; Domenico Rotondi; et al. Self-Healing and Secure Adaptive Messaging Middleware for Business Critical Systems International journal on advances in security, vol. 3, pp. 34 51 , (ISSN 1942-2636 1942-2636 ), 2010. Scientific article

Moen Anders Hagalisletto; Lars Kristoffer Strand; Designing attacks on SIP call set-up International Journal of Applied Cryptography, pp. 13 22 , (ISSN 1753-0563 1753-0571 ), doi: , 2010. Scientific article

Publisher InderScience Publishers

Anders Løland; Xeni Kristine Dimakos; Modeling Nord Pool's NO1 area price Journal of Energy Markets, vol. 3, (ISSN 1756-3607 1756-3615 ), , 2010. Scientific article

Anne-Karine H. Thorén; Øivind Thorvald Due Trier; Einar Lieng; Renata Aradi; Kartlegging av urban grønnstruktur med satellittdata Kart og Plan, vol. 70, årg. 103, pp. 238 253 16 , (ISSN 0047-3278 2535-6003 ), , 2010. Scientific article

Publisher Universitetsforlaget

Till Halbach Røssvoll; Ivar Solheim; Design of Cognitively Accessible Web Pages International Journal on Advances in Intelligent Systems, vol. vol. 3, no. 3&4, pp. 303 312 10 , (ISSN 1942-2679 1942-2679 ), 2010. Scientific article

Publisher International Academy, Research and Industry Association (IARIA)

Immo Grabe; Mohammad Mahdi Jaghoori; Joachim Klein; Sascha Klüppelholz; Andries Stam; et al. The Credo Methodology (Extended Version) Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), vol. 6286, pp. 41 69 , (ISSN 0302-9743 1611-3349 ), , 2010. Scientific article

Publisher Springer

Moen Anders Hagalisletto; Steinar Kristoffersen; Pervasive Integration of Autonomous Agents Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), pp. 1 9 , (ISSN 1530-1605 2572-6862 ), 2010. Scientific article

Lothar Fritsch; Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Ivar Solheim; Towards Inclusive Identity Management Identity in the Information Society, vol. 3, pp. 515 538 , (ISSN 1876-0678 1876-0678 ), doi: , 2010. Scientific article

Publisher Springer
Publisher Norsk Regnesentral

Elisabeth de Leeuw; Simone Fischer-Hübner; Lothar Fritsch; Second IFIP WG 11.6 Working Conference, IDMAN 2010 (ISSN 978-3-642-17302-8 ), 2010. Scientific anthology / conference series

Publisher Springer

Audun Jøsang; Lothar Fritsch; Tobias Mahler; Privacy Policy Referencing pp. 12 , , 2010. Scientific chapter / article / conference article

Svetlana Boudko; Wolfgang Leister; Pål Halvorsen; Carsten Griwodz; Maximizing video quality for several unicast streams in a multipath overlay network pp. 5 , , 2010. Scientific chapter / article / conference article

Publisher Norsk Regnesentral

Marita Stien; Frode Georgsen; Ragnar Hauge; Odd Kolbjørnsen; Computation of horizon gradients from seismic , 2010. Report

Publisher Norsk Regnesentral

Ingvar Tjøstheim; Ivar Solheim; The use of social media among blind and visually impaired in Norway 2010 2010. Report

Publisher Norsk Regnesentral

Marita Stien; Odd Kolbjørnsen; Markov mesh model specification for facies modeling , 2010. Report

Publisher Norsk Regnesentral

Ariel Almendral-Vazquez; Pål Dahle; Petter Abrahamsen; Arne Skorstad; Frode Georgsen; et al. COHIBA user manual — Version 2.2 , 2010. Report

Publisher Norsk Regnesentral