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Stein Mortensen; Lars Asplin; Kjetil Korsnes; Peder A Jansen; Magne Aldrin; Smittespredning – resultater fra forskningsprosjektet AREAPATHOGEN Fiskehelse, vol. 01.06.2010, pp. 14 17 4 , (ISSN 1502-3559 ), , 2010. Science for the public article

Øystein Dale; GPS-teknologi - nytte ved demens Demens og alderspsykiatri, vol. 14(2), pp. 10072012 99999 , 2010. Scientific article

Kjersti Aas; Pair copula constructions of multiple dependence 2010. Scientific lecture

Ingrid Hobæk Haff; Estimating the parameters of a pair-copula construction 2010. Scientific lecture

Gunnhildur Högnadóttir Steinbakk; Magne Aldrin; Statistical modelling of traffic related air pollution in Oslo: Does MgCl reduce PM? 2010. Lecture popular

Kari Luojus; Jouni Pulliainen; Helmut Rott; Thomas Nagler; Rune Solberg; et al. Producing Snow Extent and Snow Water Equivalent Information for Climate Research Purposes – ESA DUE GlobSnow Effort 2010. Poster

Rune Solberg; Carl Egede Bøggild; Borgar Aamaas; Øivind Thorvald Due Trier; Hans Koren; et al. Measuring and modelling black carbon in Svalbard - Final results from the PRODEX Black Carbon pilot project 2010. Report

Publisher Norsk Regnesentral

Carl Egede Bøggild; Rune Solberg; Borgar Aamaas; Organic and black carbon deposition on melting glaciers 2010. Poster

Rune Solberg; Bjørn Wangensteen; Jostein Amlien; Hans Koren; Sari Metsämäki; et al. New Global Snow Extent Product Based on Optical Satellite Data 2010. Poster

Rune Solberg; Bjørn Wangensteen; Jostein Amlien; Hans Koren; Sari Metsämäki; et al. The New Global Snow Extent Product Developed by the GlobSnow Project 2010. Poster

Rune Solberg; Bjørn Wangensteen; Thor Kristoffersen; Mari Anne Killie; Lars-Anders Breivik; et al. First Results from the CryoClim System for Cryospheric Climate Monitoring Ukjent, , 2010. Scientific article

Kari Luojus; Jouni Pulliainen; Helmut Rott; Thomas Nagler; Rune Solberg; et al. Development of Long Term Snow Water Equivalent Information for Climate Research Purposes in ESA GlobSnow Project 2010. Scientific lecture

Publisher Norsk Regnesentral

Rune Solberg; Carl Egede Bøggild; Borgar Aamaas; Øivind Thorvald Due Trier; Hans Koren; et al. Measuring and modelling black carbon in Svalbard - PRODEX Black Carbon project progress report 2009 2010. Report

Publisher Norsk Regnesentral

Embjørg Julianne Wollen; Yngve Sejersted; M.S. Wright; Clara-Cecilie Günther; M Bik-Multanowski; et al. Global gene expression in newborn mouse lung tissue after hypoxia and reoxygenation 2010. Scientific lecture

Fotball-VM 2010 2010. Media participation