- 7635 publications found
- Publisher
Kjersti Aas; Ser ikke rasfaren Ukjent, 2005. Reader opinion
Kjersti Aas; Sannsynligheten for et nytt børskrakk er kanskje større enn man tror Ukjent, 2005. Science for the public article
Lars Holden; Vil vi ha et kunnskapsbasert næringsliv itavisen, 2005. Reader opinion
Kjersti Aas; Ingrid Hobæk Haff; The Generalised Hyperbolic Skew Student’s t-distribution 2005. Scientific lecture
Ingrid Hobæk Haff; Linda Reiersølmoen Neef; Anders Løland; Kjersti Aas; OLGA III 2005. Report
Per Røe; Jon Ølnes; Andre Larsen; Ilangko Balasingham; Karl Øyri; Wireless Health and Care Security architecture - The Wireless instrumentation demonstrator - WiSMoS , 2005. Report
Kjersti Aas; Anders Løland; Statistisk risikostyring i E-CO Energi - forprosjekt 2005. Report
Wolfgang Leister; HikerNet - prinsipp, simulering og applikasjoner , 2005. Lecture popular
Kjersti Aas; Ingrid Hobæk Haff; Modelling a portfolio of financial assets of several different types 2005. Report
Kjersti Aas; Xeni Kristine Dimakos; Linda Reiersølmoen Neef; Totalrisikomodell for DnB NOR: Teknisk rapport 2005. Report
Magne Aldrin; Anders Løland; Dagens bestandsestimeringsmetode for norsk vårgytende sild 2005. Report
Bjarte M. Østvold; Thor Kristoffersen; Analysis of object-oriented programs: a survey , 2005. Report
Ingrid Hobæk Haff; Anders Løland; Correlation for OLGA 2005. Report
Håvard Hegna; Arne-Kristian Groven; Stumbling thru' with Objects First: Some Observations from a Study of Objects First with BlueJ in a non-CS Context 2005. Scientific lecture
Magne Aldrin; Anders Løland; Alf Harbitz; Quantifying uncertainty in abundance estimates of herring , 2005. Scientific lecture
Magne Aldrin; Improved predictions penalizing both slope and curvature in additive models 2005. Scientific lecture
Lars Holden; Adaptive chains 2005. Scientific lecture
Ragnar Hauge; Arne Skorstad; Anne Randi Syversveen; Lars Holden; Geological modelling with marked point processes 2005. Scientific lecture
Kjersti Aas; Xeni Kristine Dimakos; Modellering av totalrisiko 2005. Scientific lecture
Geir Olve Storvik; Thore Egeland; Identification of DNA profiles from mixture samples 2005. Scientific lecture