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Publisher Norsk Regnesentral

Helge Holden; Lars Holden; Nils Henrik Risebro; Some qualitative properties of 2x2 systems of conservation laws of mixed type 1989. Scientific lecture

Kyrre Bratvedt; Frode Bratvedt; Christian Buchholz; Helge Holden; Lars Holden; et al. A reservoir simulator based on front tracking 1989. Scientific lecture

Jan Ole Aasen; John K. Silseth; Kjetil B. Halvorsen; Lars Holden; Jan Høiberg; et al. A stochastic reservoir model and its use in evaluations of uncertainties 1989. Scientific lecture

Wolfgang Leister; Der chinesische Raytracer Technische Rundschau, vol. 81, pp. 52 57 , (ISSN 1023-0823 ), 1989. Science for the public article

Torfinn Taxt; Line Eikvil; Nils Lid Hjort; Statistical classification using mixures of multinormal densities Ukjent, 1989. Scientific article

Lars Holden; Jan Ole Aasen; Jon Solseth; Kjetil B. Halvorsen; Henning Omre; Construction and use of a stochastic reservoir model 1989. Scientific lecture

Erik Holbæk-Hanssen; Rune Solberg; Torfinn Taxt; Utvalgte emner i bildeanalyse 1989. Report

Petter Abrahamsen; Kjetil B. Halvorsen; Prediksjon av tilstedeværende hydrokarbonvolum 1989. Scientific lecture

Håvard Hegna; Noen erfaringer med elektronisk post i PC-nett 1989. Scientific lecture

Margaret Robb; Rolf Clemetsen; Michael Gritzman; Gisle Hannemyr; Jan Heim; et al. Integrated EDP-tools for municipal planning Ukjent, vol. 2, pp. 465 477 13 , 1989. Scientific article

Håvard Hegna; Søkelys på elektronisk post 1989. Scientific lecture

Lars Holden; Helge Holden; Nils Henrik Risebro; A note on 2x2 systems of hyperbolic conservation laws 1989. Scientific lecture

Lars Holden; Petroleumsrelatert forskning på Norsk Regnesentral 1989. Scientific lecture