- 1520 publications found
- Publisher
Petter Abrahamsen; Faults and horizon modelling 1999. Scientific lecture
Ingvar Tjøstheim; Fra surfer til shopper. Hva kjennertegner dem som handler på nettet i dag? 1999. Scientific lecture
Ingvar Tjøstheim; Internett - turistenes viktigste informasjonskilde? 1999. Scientific lecture
Ingvar Tjøstheim; Svein Thalberg; Kristian Tolonen; Håkon Kavli; Datainnsamling på nett 1999. Scientific lecture
Jan Vidar Haukeland; Ingvar Tjøstheim; Bilturistene i Norge - online eller offline? 1999. Scientific lecture
Magne Aldrin; André Teigland; Optimal delivery of newspapers 2000. Scientific lecture
Bård Storvik; On bias and variance reduction of the local linear kernel regression estimator 2000. Scientific lecture
F.J.T. Floris; M.D. Bush; Maarten Cuypers; F. Roggero; Anne Randi Syversveen; Methods for quantifying uncertainty in production forecasts - A comparative study 2000. Scientific lecture
Lars Holden; Sigurd Sannan; Hilmar Bungum; A Stochastic Time and Space Model for Earthquakes , 2000. Scientific lecture
Habtamu Abie; Security Requirements for Middleware 2000. Scientific lecture
Lars Holden; Ole Jakob Arntzen; Ragnar Hauge; Conditioning reservoir models 2000. Scientific lecture
Arne-Kristian Groven; Impact of OOT on software quality (invited speaker) 2000. Scientific lecture
Ole Jakob Arntzen; Ragnar Hauge; Lars Holden; Conditioning on data in stochastic reservoir models 2000. Scientific lecture
Bent Foyn; LAVA Læring - Utfordringer med innhold , 2000. Scientific lecture
Erik Bølviken; Xeni Kristine Dimakos; Kjersti Aas; Aktuarielle og finansielle beregninger ved simulering 2000. Scientific lecture
Bent Foyn; Er fremtidens læringsarena nettbasert? , 2000. Scientific lecture
Ivar Solheim; Member state study of electronic information services. Results from Norway 1999. Scientific lecture
Ivar Solheim; Elektronisk handel i sykehussektoren: gevinster og lønnsomhet 1999. Scientific lecture
Ivar Solheim; Informasjonsteknologi for senil demente 1997. Scientific lecture
Ingvar Tjøstheim; A managerial perspective on web-based surveys - lessons from three case studies 1999. Scientific lecture
Ivar Solheim; Bruk av Lava-teknologi i gruppearbeid. Samtaleanalyser 2000. Scientific lecture
Ivar Solheim; Ingvar Tjøstheim; Elektronisk handel i Norge: hvorfor er vi kommet så kort? 1999. Scientific lecture
Ivar Solheim; Anund Lie; Elektronisk handel: marked og teknologi 1999. Scientific lecture
Ivar Solheim; Gevinster fra elektroniske innkjøpsprosesser i sykehus. Case: Aust-Agder Sentralsjukehus 1999. Scientific lecture
Habtamu Abie; Jon Ølnes; The Role of Middleware in Telemedicine, HARP, Haifa Israel 2000. Scientific lecture
Lars Holden; Petter Abrahamsen; Recent development in conditioning reservoir models using geostatistics 2001. Scientific lecture
Bård Storvik; Bent Natvig; Magne Aldrin; Løpende utvalgsundersøkelse om kopiering i universitets og høgskolesektoren 2001. Scientific lecture
Geir Storvik; Tidsrekkeanalyse 1999. Scientific lecture
Gudmund Høst; Gunnhildur Högnadóttir Steinbakk; Ingunn Fride Tvete; Øivind Skare; Cristiano Varin; A generalised linear mixed model for multiple scale remote sensing data 2001. Scientific lecture
Arnoldo Frigessi; Population dynamics of cod along the norwegian Skagerrak coast: a structured Bayesain modelling approach 2001. Scientific lecture
Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Working life research at NR , 2001. Scientific lecture
Rune Solberg; FOREMMS and EuroClim projects 2001. Scientific lecture
Rune Solberg; The Forest Environmental Monitoring and Management System (FOREMMS) project , 2001. Scientific lecture
Xiuhua Zhang; Svetlana Boudko; Integration issues in patient mobility (Poster) , 2002. Scientific lecture
Wolfgang Leister; Rendering of photorealistic images in a UNIX network , 2002. Scientific lecture
Wolfgang Leister; Survey: Digital TV , 2002. Scientific lecture
Anders Løland; Gudmund Høst; Spatial covariance modelling in a complex coastal domain by multidimensional scaling 2002. Scientific lecture
Anders Moen; Introduction to temporal logic - Metalogic (Part II) 2001. Scientific lecture
Kjersti Aas; Sucessful price modeling in energy markets 2002. Scientific lecture
Arnoldo Frigessi; Building and validating complex Bayesian hierarchial models with substantive knowledge:an example in biology with some general thoughts 2002. Scientific lecture
Arne Skorstad; Bjørn Fjellvoll; Managing the SAIGUP senitivity study using RMS Workflow Management and IPL 2002. Scientific lecture
Habtamu Abie; EU FP6 Proposals for NoEs and IPs in DRM, Security, Privacy and Trust 2002. Scientific lecture
Håvard Hegna; Wolfgang Leister; Åpen kildekode (høringsuttalelse) 2003. Scientific lecture
Gudmund Høst; Anders Løland; Space-time modeling of fish density with application to abundance estimation of Norwegian spring spawning herring 2003. Scientific lecture
Habtamu Abie; DRM-Net: Network of Excellence for a Framework for Digital Rights Management 2003. Scientific lecture
Marit Holden; Estimation of absolute mRNA concentrations from cDNA microarrays 2003. Scientific lecture
Xeni Kristine Dimakos; Ola Haug; Vanskader innen villaforsikring koblet til meteorologiske målinger 2003. Scientific lecture
André Teigland; Improving risk management 2003. Scientific lecture
Bent Natvig; Ingunn Fride Tvete; Bayesian hierarchical modeling of spatial and temporal dependencies between earthquakes 2003. Scientific lecture
Marit Holden; Experimental design, repeated measurements and control spots 2003. Scientific lecture