- 7635 publications found
- Publisher
Jostein Amlien; Rune Solberg; A comparison of temperature retrieval algorithms for snow covered surfaces Ukjent, 2003. Scientific article
Ingvar Tjøstheim; Joachim Lous; Bjørn Kristian Nordlund; Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Travelers and Location-information in the Mobile Environment – Consumer Attitudes and a Prototype of a Service for Early Adopters of Mobile Internet Ukjent, 2003. Scientific article
Rune Solberg; A system for cryospheric observations and climate modelling in Europe Geophysical Research Abstracts, vol. 5, pp. 3258 3258 , (ISSN 1029-7006 1607-7962 ), , 2003. Scientific article
Ivar Solheim; Bent Foyn; Eirik Maus; Solving Meno's paradox, Task semantics and task syntax in multimediated educational environments Ukjent, 2003. Scientific article
Dagrun Vikhamar; Rune Solberg; Subpixel mapping of snow cover in forest by optical remote sensing Remote Sensing of Environment, (ISSN 0034-4257 1879-0704 ), 2003. Scientific article
Dagrun Vikhamar; Rune Solberg; Snow-cover mapping in forest by constrained linear spectral unmixing of MODIS data Remote Sensing of Environment, (ISSN 0034-4257 1879-0704 ), , 2003. Scientific article
Dagrun Vikhamar; Rune Solberg; A constrained spectral unmixing approach to snow-cover mapping in forest using MODIS data Ukjent, , 2003. Scientific article
Wolfgang Leister; Bilder i medisinske anvendelser Norsigd Info, (ISSN 0803-8317 ), 2003. Science for the public article
Wolfgang Leister; Fra Eurographics 2003 Norsigd Info, (ISSN 0803-8317 ), 2003. Science for the public article
Wolfgang Leister; Fra konferansen om bildebehandling 2003 Norsigd Info, (ISSN 0803-8317 ), 2003. Science for the public article
Knut Holmqvist; Arve Larsen; Image Classification Using Heuristic Weights on EXIF Data Ukjent, vol. 2, 2003. Science for the public article
David Hirst; Geir Storvik; Anne Randi Syversveen; A hierarchical modelling approach to combining environmental data at different scales 2003. Scientific lecture
André Teigland; Kjersti Aas; Sucessful price modelling and risk management for changig energy markets 2003. Lecture popular
Magne Aldrin; CarbonCorrect - A Coke Bed Indicator Model - User's Guide, 2003 2003. Report
Arnoldo Frigessi; Nils Lid Hjort; Statistical models and methods for discontinuous phenomena. [General introduction (by the Guest Editors) to the Special Issue of Journal of Nonparametric Statistics.] Journal of nonparametric statistics (Print), pp. 1 6 , 2002. Scientific article
Arnoldo Frigessi; Xeni Kristine Dimakos; Hierarchical Premium rating with latent structure Scandinavian Actuarial Journal, pp. 162 184 , 2002. Scientific article
Geir Olve Storvik; Arnoldo Frigessi; David Hirst; Stationary Space Time Gaussian Fields and their time autoregressive representation Statistical Modelling, pp. 139 161 , 2002. Scientific article
Dag Myrhaug; Carl Trygve Stansberg; Hanne Therese Wist; Aspects of nonlinear random wave kinematics , 2002. Scientific lecture
Emil Aall Dahle; Dag Myrhaug; Hanne Therese Wist; Maximum wave bending moment - back to basics? The Naval Architect, pp. 134 137 , 2002. Scientific article
Hanne Therese Wist; Dag Myrhaug; Håvard Rue; Nonlinearity in successive wave crest height statistics in finite water depths , 2002. Scientific lecture