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  • 7554 publications found
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Magne Aldrin; Lengdemodifisert ridge regresjon 1997. Scientific lecture

Kjersti Aas; Line Eikvil; Uttesting av metode for strekkodedeteksjon 1997. Report

Publisher Norsk Regnesentral

Anne-Lise Hektoen; Lars Holden; Conditioning log-normal permeability fields to well test data 1997. Report

Publisher Norsk Regnesentral

Marit Holden; Examples of use of cut to shorten proofs Ukjent, 1997. Scientific article

Kjersti Aas; Line Eikvil; Reading bar codes from low resolution images Ukjent, 1997. Science for the public article

Lars Edward Kjellesvik; Jason Scott; Ragnar Hauge; Reducing N/G uncertainty for infill drilling on Forties by using 3D seismic conditioning 1997. Scientific lecture

Tore Guneriussen; Harald Johnsen; Rune Solberg; Espen Volden; EMISAR and ERS-1 data within the European Multi-sensor Airborne Campaign EMAC-95 Ukjent, pp. 111 119 9 , , 1997. Scientific article

Unni Astad; Ivar Solheim; Experience from introducing information technology in Norwegian public schools Ukjent, 1997. Scientific article

Petter Abrahamsen; A Review of Gaussian random fields and correlation functions - Second edition (ISSN 82-539-0435-5 ), , 1997. Report

Anne H. Schistad Solberg; Espen Volden; Geir Storvik; Slick signature screening: Algorithm improvement 1997. Report

Publisher Norsk Regnesentral

Unni Astad; Ivar Solheim; IT, fjernarbeid og lærereffektivitet: Lærerens personlige bruk av IT (ISSN 82-539-0434-7 ), 1997. Report

Kjersti Aas; Line Eikvil; A survey on: Content-based access to image and video databases (ISSN 82-539-0433-9 ), 1997. Report

Publisher Norsk Regnesentral

Kari Thoresen; Arbeidsflyt - fins det? 1997. Scientific lecture

Fred Espen Benth; Petter Abrahamsen; Ragnar Hauge; HCPV studium for PL199b 1997. Report

Publisher Norsk Regnesentral

Bjørn Gunnar Tjetland; Rune Solberg; André Teigland; Geir Storvik; Mari Thune; et al. Formation Evaluation Workstation, FEW, Stage 4, Final report on research and development 1996 1997. Report

Publisher Norsk Regnesentral