- 7637 publications found
- Publisher
Ingvar Tjøstheim; Ivar Solheim; Jan-Olav Eide; Bruk av webspørreskjema som analyseverktøy: Erfaringer fra et evalueringsprosjekt Ukjent, pp. 339 350 12 , 1997. Science for the public article
Kari Thoresen; Arne-Kristian Groven; Kvalitetsforbedring i programvareutvikling- hva må til? 1997. Scientific lecture
Harald Heimtun Soleng; Adaptiv gridding for reservoir simulation 1997. Scientific lecture
Ingrid K. Glad; Arnoldo Frigessi; Gianpaolo Scalia-Tomba; Maria Balducci; Bayesian backcalculation with HIV seropositivity notifications 1997. Scientific lecture
Håvard Hegna; Jon Ølnes; Scenario test specification 1997. Report
Knut Heggland; Mette Langaas; Magne Aldrin; REGMOD II: Brukermanual 1997. Report
Kjersti Aas; Intelligente agenter: Til hjelp i informasjonssøket? 1997. Scientific lecture
Jon Helgeland; Ragnar Bang Huseby; Tim Smith; Validation of computer programs for the IWC catch limit algorithm Ukjent, 1997. Science for the public article
Arnoldo Frigessi; Penalized pseudolikelihood inference in spatial interaction models with covariates 1997. Scientific lecture
Magne Aldrin; Turid Follestad; Ny metodikk for trafikkberegninger på grunnlag av tellinger - Kalibrert for korttidstellinger i Oslo , 1997. Report
Håvard Hegna; Oslo og datavalg Osloposten, 1997. Science for the public article
Jon Gjerde; Petter Abrahamsen; HCPV evaluation of Sleipner Øst and Loke 1997. Report
Alister MacDonald; Jan Inge Tollefsrud; Ragnar Hauge; Arne Skorstad; Lars Holden; Multiwell conditioning of object models for fluvial reservoir 1997. Scientific lecture
Lars Holden; Geostatistics to parameterize geology 1997. Scientific lecture
Arnoldo Frigessi; Recent advances in Markov chain Monte Carlo methods 1997. Scientific lecture
Harald Johnsen; Jarkko Koskinen; Kimmo Rautiainen; Martti Hallikainen; Andy Standley; et al. Preprocessing algorithms - a review 1997. Report
Ragnar Hauge; Arne Skorstad; Lars Holden; Petter Abrahamsen; Conditioning a Fluvial Model on Convolved Seismic Amplitudes 1997. Report
Tore Guneriussen; Harald Johnsen; Rune Solberg; Espen Volden; Snow monitoring using EMISAR and ERS-1 data within the European Multi-sensor Airborne Campaign EMAC-95 Ukjent, pp. 631 633 3 , , 1997. Scientific article
Anne H. Schistad Solberg; Espen Volden; Incorporation of prior knowledge in automatic classification of oil spills in ERS SAR images Ukjent, pp. 157 159 3 , 1997. Scientific article
Ragnar Bang Huseby; Jon Helgeland; Validation of a computer program for the IWC catch limit algorithm 1997. Report