- 537 publications found
- Publisher
Anders Løland; Tree based models vs GLM/GAM 2020. Lecture
Till Halbach; Ingvar Tjøstheim; Kartlegging av installasjoners universell utforming på vitensentre & museer 2020. Lecture
Anders Løland; Understanding and using statistics when covering scientific research 2020. Lecture
Anders Løland; JUS5671: NR, Big Insight and one question 2020. Lecture
Solveig Engebretsen; Your pain tolerance is correlated with your friends’ pain tolerance 2017. Lecture
Solveig Engebretsen; Using mobile phone data for modelling influenza spread 2017. Lecture
Solveig Engebretsen; Pain tolerance and social networks 2018. Lecture
Anders Løland; Do we need an agency for algorithmic oversight? 2020. Lecture
Kjersti Aas; Analyse av salgs- og kundedata for effektivisering og verdiskapning 2020. Lecture
Kjersti Aas; Explainable AI for finance 2020. Lecture
Aliaksandr Hubin; An adaptive simulated annealing EM algorithm for inference on non-homogeneous hidden Markov models 2019. Lecture
Aliaksandr Hubin; Geir Olve Storvik; Combining Model and Parameter Uncertainty in Bayesian Neural Networks 2019. Lecture
Petter Abrahamsen; Modelling Techniques 2019. Lecture
Kjersti Aas; How to explain AI models? A comparison of LIME and Shapley 2020. Lecture
Anders Løland; Forklarbar kunstig intelligens: Metodegjennomgang – utvalgte forklaringsmetoder , 2020. Lecture
Aliaksandr Hubin; Using node embedding to obtain information from network based transactions data in a bank 2019. Lecture
Ingrid Aarnes; Bjørn Fjellvoll; Helena van der Vegt; Kjetil Nordahl; Using sedimentary process models to assist reservoir facies modeling 2017. Lecture
Kjersti Aas; Ulike anvendelser av maskinlæring og statistisk modellering i finans og forsikring 2020. Lecture
Kjersti Aas; Credit Scoring using Deep Learning and how to explain predictions from black-box models 2020. Lecture
Anders Løland; BigInsight – Norway's first (?) AI center 2020. Lecture
Kjersti Aas; Credit Scoring using Deep learning and how to explain predictions from black-box models 2020. Lecture
Ragnar Bang Huseby; Magne Tommy Aldrin; Modell for spredning av virus innen og mellom oppdrettslokaliteter 2020. Lecture
Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Universell utforming og velferdsteknologi 2020. Lecture
Pierre Lison; Open challenges in anonymisation 2019. Lecture
Arnoldo Frigessi Di Rattalma; The Norwegian Covid-19 Model: a spatial modelling of the early phase epidemics 2020. Lecture
Arnoldo Frigessi Di Rattalma; Spatial modelling of early-phase COVID-19 epidemic in Norway 2020. Lecture
Arnoldo Frigessi Di Rattalma; In silico modelling of breast tumours for personalised therapy 2020. Lecture
Arnt-Børre Salberg; Automatisk bildetolkning ved hjelp av AI 2020. Lecture
André Teigland; General introduction to ML and AI 2020. Lecture
Jens Christian Wahl; Fra statistikk til makskinlæring hos Norsk Regnesentral 2020. Lecture
Jens Christian Wahl; Fra statistikk til maskinlæring hos Norsk Regnesentral 2019. Lecture
Jens Christian Wahl; Predicting probability of default using relational data 2019. Lecture
Olav Brautaset; Automatic target classification using supervised learning on marine acoustic data with auxiliary information 2020. Lecture
Anders Løland; Explaining and opening the black box – methods and research challenges 2020. Lecture
Till Halbach; Vegard Haugstvedt; Clothes4all - Et nytt verktøy for å teste og lære om tilgjengelighet på nett 2020. Lecture
Solveig Engebretsen; Spatial modelling of COVID-19 in Norway 2021. Lecture
Anders Løland; Innføring i statistiske metoder (som kan være nyttige!) for analyse av prosessdata 2021. Lecture
Habtamu Abie; Machine Learning as an Enabler for Cyber-Physical Security 2021. Lecture
Ildikó Pilán; Automatic readability analysis for second language learners , 2021. Lecture
Solveig Engebretsen; Computational statistics for COVID-19 2021. Lecture
Anders Løland; Hva er maskinlæring og hvordan utvikler en maskinlæringsmodeller? 2021. Lecture
Pierre Lison; Fremdrift i forskningsprosjekter 2021. Lecture
Ingvar Tjøstheim; John A. Waterworth; Human sovereignty in a lock-down situation: Is there room for privacy? 2021. Lecture
Anders Løland; Kunstig intelligens: kan vi stole på den svarte boksen? 2021. Lecture
Michael Kampffmeyer; Robert Jenssen; Karl Øyvind Mikalsen; Arthur Revhaug; Uncertainty-Aware Deep Ensembles for Explainable Time Series Prediction 2020. Lecture
Michael Kampffmeyer; Robert Jenssen; Karl Øyvind Mikalsen; Sigurd Eivindson Løkse; Towards Explainable Representation Learning 2021. Lecture
Line Eikvil; Deep Learning for Norwegian Breast Cancer Screening 2021. Lecture
Solveig Engebretsen; Covid-19 situational awareness and forecasting modelling 2021. Lecture
Thea Roksvåg; Julia Lutz; Lars Grinde; Anita Verpe Dyrrdal; Thordis Linda Thorarinsdottir; New methods for making consistent IDF curves for Norway 2021. Lecture
Robert Jenssen; Spearheading AI research and innovation in Norway 2021. Lecture