Senior Research Scientist
Ariel Almendral Vazquez
- Department SAND
- Phone number +47 22 85 26 46
- E-mail ariel@nr.no
- 80 publications found
- Publisher
Ingrid Aarnes; Jacob Skauvold; Ragnar Hauge; Ariel Almendral Vazquez; Marie Lilleborge; et al. GEOPARD 1.0 user manual NR-notat, 2024. Abstract
Audun Sektnan; Ariel Almendral Vazquez; Ragnar Hauge; Ingrid Aarnes; Jacob Skauvold; et al. A Tree Representation of Pluri-Gaussian Truncation Rules Mathematical Geosciences, pp. 26 , (ISSN 1874-8961 1874-8953 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11004-024-10162-5 , 2024. Scientific article
Ingrid Aarnes; Ragnar Hauge; Øivind Due Trier; Ola Haug; Ariel Almendral Vazquez; Hierarkisk modell for naturtyper til bruk i naturregnskap NR-notat, 2024. Abstract
Ariel Almendral Vazquez; Pål Dahle; Petter Abrahamsen; Audun Sektnan; Consistent prediction of well paths and geological surfaces Computational Geosciences, pp. 15 , (ISSN 1420-0597 1573-1499 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10596-024-10310-0 , 2024. Scientific article
David Owen Smith Oakley; Nestor Cardozo; Ariel Almendral Vazquez; Per Røe; Structural geologic modeling and restoration using ensemble Kalman inversion Journal of Structural Geology, vol. 171, pp. 17 , (ISSN 0191-8141 1873-1201 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsg.2023.104868 , 2023. Scientific article
Ariel Almendral Vazquez; Pål Dahle; Petter Abrahamsen; Audun Sektnan; Conditioning geological surfaces to horizontal wells Computational Geosciences, pp. 0 , (ISSN 1420-0597 1573-1499 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10596-022-10154-6 , 2022. Scientific article
David Owen Smith Oakley; Nestor Cardozo; Per Røe; Ariel Almendral Vazquez; Structural Geologic Modelling and Restoration Using the Ensemble Kalman Filter , 2022. Scientific lecture
Audun Sektnan; Ariel Almendral Vazquez; Ragnar Hauge; Ingrid Aarnes; Jacob Skauvold; et al. A Tree Representation of Plurigaussian Truncation Rules ECMOR Proceedings, vol. 2022, pp. 17 , doi: https://doi.org/10.3997/2214-4609.202244066 , 2022. Scientific article
Audun Sektnan; Ariel Almendral Vazquez; Ragnar Hauge; Ingrid Aarnes; Jacob Skauvold; et al. A Tree Representation of Plurigaussian Truncation Rules pp. 17 , doi: https://doi.org/10.3997/2214-4609.202244066 , 2022. Scientific chapter / article / conference article
Petter Abrahamsen; Pål Dahle; Vegard Berg Kvernelv; Audun Sektnan; Ariel Almendral Vazquez; et al. COHIBA User Manual Version 6.1 2020. Report
Ariel Almendral Vazquez; Pål Dahle; Petter Abrahamsen; Compendium of Linvel formulas used in Cohiba 2020. Report
Pål Dahle; Petter Abrahamsen; Ariel Almendral Vazquez; Handling true vertical depth (TVD) uncertainty in wells 2019. Lecture
Ariel Almendral Vazquez; Ingrid Aarnes; Petter Abrahamsen; Application of NR’s Solutions to Geothermal Reservoir Characterization 2019. Report
Ingrid Aarnes; Ariel Almendral Vazquez; Pål Dahle; COHIBA in fault blocks on Valhall 2019. Report
Petter Abrahamsen; Pål Dahle; Vegard Berg Kvernelv; Audun Sektnan; Ariel Almendral Vazquez; et al. COHIBA User Manual Version 6.0 2019. Report
Audun Sektnan; Ariel Almendral Vazquez; Pål Dahle; Correlating intervals that share common reference surface 2019. Report
Pål Dahle; Ingrid Aarnes; Petter Abrahamsen; Ariel Almendral Vazquez; Audun Sektnan; Increasing subsurface accuracy with COHIBA by taking advantage of resistivity contrasts 2019. Report
Ana Maria Patino; Mauricio Parra; Juan Carlos Ramirez; Edward R. Sobel; Johannes Glodny; et al. Thermochronological constraints on Cenozoic exhumation along the southern Caribbean: The Santa Marta range, northern Colombia pp. 103 132 , doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-816009-1.00007-1 , 2019. Scientific chapter / article / conference article
Mauricio Parra; Sebastian Echeverri; Ana Maria Patino; Juan Carlos Ramirez; Andrés Mora; et al. Cenozoic Evolution of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia pp. 259 297 , doi: https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.32685/pub.esp.37.2019.07 , 2019. Scientific chapter / article / conference article
Audun Sektnan; Pål Dahle; Ariel Almendral Vazquez; Petter Abrahamsen; Getting the zonation right. A synthetic real-time case study 2019. Lecture
Ariel Almendral Vazquez; Petter Abrahamsen; Pål Dahle; Audun Sektnan; A novel implementation of the LinVel model 2019. Lecture
Ariel Almendral Vazquez; Petter Abrahamsen; Pål Dahle; Audun Sektnan; Getting the most out of your deep directional resistivity data 2019. Lecture
Bjørn Fjellvoll; Ragnar Hauge; Ariel Almendral Vazquez; Petter Abrahamsen; Jacob Skauvold; Applied Geostatistics and Geomodelling 2019 2019. Lecture
Ariel Almendral Vazquez; Pål Dahle; Audun Sektnan; Valhall study using Cohiba 2018. Report
Pål Dahle; Ariel Almendral Vazquez; Petter Abrahamsen; COHIBA and velocity models linear in depth 2018. Report
Ingrid Aarnes; Ariel Almendral Vazquez; Pål Dahle; Valhall structural model with COHIBA 2018. Report
Petter Abrahamsen; Ariel Almendral Vazquez; Pål Dahle; Vegard Berg Kvernelv; Audun Sektnan; Cohiba User Manual Version 5.6 , 2018. Report
Ariel Almendral Vazquez; Hanna Marta Zdanowicz; Localization strategies: Implementation and testing of localization strategies on Reek and Norne 2017. Report
Petter Abrahamsen; Pål Dahle; Vegard Berg Kvernelv; Audun Sektnan; Ariel Almendral Vazquez; Cohiba User Manual Version 5.5 , 2017. Report
Per Røe; Ariel Almendral Vazquez; Remus Gabriel Hanea; Distinguishing Signal from Noise in History Matching - Analysis of Ensemble Collapse on a Synthetic Data Set 2016. Scientific lecture
Bjørn Fjellvoll; Petter Abrahamsen; Ragnar Hauge; Ariel Almendral Vazquez; Geostatistics course 2016. Lecture
Per Røe; Ariel Almendral Vazquez; Remus Gabriel Hanea; Distinguishing Signal from Noise in History Matching - Analysis of Ensemble Collapse on a Synthetic Data Set pp. 13 , doi: https://doi.org/10.3997/2214-4609.201601819 , 2016. Scientific chapter / article / conference article
Per Røe; Ariel Almendral Vazquez; Diagnostics and countermeasures for ensemble collapse - Testing of localization as a measure to prevent ensemble collapse when history matching Reek and Norne 2016. Report
Petter Abrahamsen; Pål Dahle; Vera Louise Hauge; Gudmund Horn Hermansen; Vegard Berg Kvernelv; et al. Cohiba User Manual Version 5.4 2016. Report
Ariel Almendral Vazquez; Audun Sektnan; The ISCWSA model essentials and implementation 2016. Report
Pål Dahle; Petter Abrahamsen; Ariel Almendral-Vazquez; Surface modelling in fault blocks using COHIBA: A feasibility study 2015. Report
Ariel Almendral-Vazquez; Wilmer Robles; Mauricio Parra; Andrés Mora; Richard A. Ketcham; et al. FetKin: Coupling kinematic restorations and temperature to predict thrusting, exhumation histories, and thermochronometric ages American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, pp. 1557 1573 , doi: https://doi.org/10.1306/07071411112 , 2015. Scientific article
Ariel Almendral-Vazquez; Maria Vigsnes; Depth Conversion on the Gohta Oil Field – using Cohiba 2015. Report
Petter Abrahamsen; Pål Dahle; Vera Louise Hauge; Gudmund Horn Hermansen; Maria Vigsnes; et al. Cohiba User Manual, Version 5.1 , 2015. Report
Petter Abrahamsen; Pål Dahle; Vera Louise Hauge; Gudmund Horn Hermansen; Maria Vigsnes; et al. Cohiba User Manual Version 5.3 , 2015. Report
Petter Abrahamsen; Pål Dahle; Vera Louise Hauge; Gudmund Horn Hermansen; Maria Vigsnes; et al. Cohiba User Manual Version 5.2 , 2015. Report
Bjørn Fjellvoll; Ragnar Hauge; Petter Abrahamsen; Ariel Almendral-Vazquez; Four days course in Geostatistics and Advanced Geomodelling 2015. Lecture
Andrés Mora; Wilson Casallas; Richard A. Ketcham; Diego Gomez; Mauricio Parra; et al. Kinematic restoration of contractional basement structures using thermokinematic models: A key tool for petroleum system modeling American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, doi: https://doi.org/10.1306/04281411108 , 2015. Scientific article
Pål Dahle; Petter Abrahamsen; Ariel Almendral-Vazquez; Simultaneous prediction of geological surfaces and well paths 2015. Lecture
Petter Abrahamsen; Pål Dahle; Vera Louise Hauge; Ariel Almendral Vazquez; Maria Vigsnes; Surface prediction using rejection sampling to handle non-linear constraints Bulletin of Canadian petroleum geology, vol. 63, pp. 304 317 , (ISSN 0007-4802 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.2113/gscpgbull.63.4.304 , 2015. Scientific article
Pål Dahle; Petter Abrahamsen; Ariel Almendral-Vazquez; Simultaneous prediction of geological surfaces and well paths , 2015. Scientific lecture
Ariel Almendral-Vazquez; Petter Abrahamsen; Pål Dahle; Gudmund Horn Hermansen; A continuous model for well depths: theory and application to well repositioning 2015. Scientific lecture
Petter Abrahamsen; Pål Dahle; Vera Louise Hauge; Ariel Almendral-Vazquez; Maria Vigsnes; Surface prediction using rejection sampling to handle non-linear relationships 2014. Scientific lecture
Ariel Almendral-Vazquez; Pål Dahle; Petter Abrahamsen; Frode Georgsen; Inge Myrseth; Cohiba User Manual Version 3.1.1 , 2012. Report
Ariel Almendral-Vazquez; Pål Dahle; Petter Abrahamsen; Frode Georgsen; Inge Bjørn Myrseth; COHIBA user manual - Version 2.3 2011. Report
Ariel Almendral-Vazquez; Petter Abrahamsen; Pål Dahle; Frode Georgsen; Inge Bjørn Myrseth; COHIBA user manual - Version 2.4 2011. Report
Ariel Almendral-Vazquez; Pål Dahle; Petter Abrahamsen; Frode Georgsen; Inge Bjørn Myrseth; Cohiba user manual Version 2.5 2011. Report
Petter Abrahamsen; Ariel Almendral-Vazquez; Pål Dahle; Frode Georgsen; Inge Myrseth; Cohiba user manual version 3.0 2011. Report
Ariel Almendral-Vazquez; Pål Dahle; Petter Abrahamsen; Arne Skorstad; Frode Georgsen; et al. COHIBA user manual — Version 2.2 , 2010. Report
Ariel Almendral-Vazquez; Pål Dahle; Petter Abrahamsen; Arne Skorstad; Frode Georgsen; et al. COHIBA user manual — Version 2.1 , 2010. Report
Ariel Almendral-Vazquez; Pål Dahle; Petter Abrahamsen; Arne Skorstad; Frode Georgsen; et al. COHIBA user manual - Version 2.0 , 2010. Report
Per Røe; Frode Georgsen; Petter Abrahamsen; Ariel Almendral-Vazquez; Surface based fault format in Havana , 2009. Report
Petter Abrahamsen; Ariel Almendral-Vazquez; Conditioning Surfaces on Hydrocarbon Contacts in COHIBA 2009. Report
Petter Abrahamsen; Ariel Almendral-Vazquez; Pål Dahle; Arne Skorstad; Frode Georgsen; COHIBA — Technical Documentation 2009. Report
Ariel Almendral-Vazquez; Bjørn Fredrik Nielsen; The multigrid algorithm applied to a degenerate equation: A convergence analysis Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, vol. 225, pp. 251 267 17 , (ISSN 0377-0427 1879-1778 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cam.2008.07.026 , 2009. Scientific article
Ariel Almendral-Vazquez; Pål Dahle; Petter Abrahamsen; Arne Skorstad; Frode Georgsen; COHIBA user manual version 1.4.1 , 2009. Report
Per Røe; Ragnar Hauge; Ariel Almendral-Vazquez; Choice of linear algebra libraries for NRLib , 2009. Report
Petter Abrahamsen; Ariel Almendral-Vazquez; Pål Dahle; Arne Skorstad; COHIBA - Technical Documentation 2008. Report
Odd Kolbjørnsen; Ariel Almendral-Vazquez; Arild Buland; Bayesian common midpoint inversion for controlled source electromagnetics 2008. Report
Ariel Almendral-Vazquez; Petter Abrahamsen; Ragnar Hauge; Multidimensional Scaling and Anisotropic Covariance Functions pp. 187 196 , 2008. Scientific chapter / article / conference article
Pål Dahle; Ariel Almendral-Vazquez; Surface modelling of the Troll field using COHIBA 2008. Report
Odd Kolbjørnsen; Ariel Almendral-Vazquez; EM inversion software, USER MANUAL 2008. Report
Ariel Almendral-Vazquez; Cornelis Oosterlee; On American options under the Variance Gamma process Applied Mathematical Finance, (ISSN 1350-486X 1466-4313 ), 2007. Scientific article
Ariel Almendral-Vazquez; Cornelis Oosterlee; Accurate Evaluation of European and American Options Under the CGMY Process SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, vol. 29.01.2012, pp. 93 117 25 , (ISSN 1064-8275 1095-7197 ), 2007. Scientific article
Ariel Almendral-Vazquez; Pål Dahle; Petter Abrahamsen; Arne Skorstad; COHIBA user manual 2007. Report
Ariel Almendral-Vazquez; Anne Randi Syversveen; Ensemble Kalman Filter - theory and applications in oil industry , 2006. Report
Ariel Almendral-Vazquez; Cornelis Oosterlee; Highly accurate evaluation of European and American options under the Variance Gamma process Journal of Computational Finance, vol. 01.10.2012, pp. 21 40 20 , (ISSN 1460-1559 1755-2850 ), 2006. Scientific article
Petter Abrahamsen; Ariel Almendral-Vazquez; Pål Dahle; Arne Skorstad; Harald Heimtun Soleng; Cohiba 0.2 Specification and design document 2006. Report
Ariel Almendral-Vazquez; Cornelis Oosterlee; Numerical valuation of options with jumps in the underlying Applied Numerical Mathematics, vol. 53, pp. 1 18 , (ISSN 0168-9274 1873-5460 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apnum.2004.08.037 , 2005. Scientific article
Ariel Almendral-Vazquez; Cornelis Oosterlee; C.W. Leentvaar; Pricing options with discrete dividends by high order finite differences and grid stretching 2004. Scientific lecture
Ariel Almendral-Vazquez; Nevanlinna parametrization of the solution to some rational moment problems Analysis, vol. 23, pp. 107 124 18 , (ISSN 0003-2638 1467-8284 ), , 2003. Scientific article
Ariel Almendral-Vazquez; Bjørn Fredrik Nielsen; The multigrid algorithm applied to the discretized Black and Scholes equation; a convergence analysis 2003. Scientific lecture
Lars Holden; Bjørn Fredrik Nielsen; Petter Fredrik Mostad; Arne Skorstad; Ariel Almendral-Vazquez; et al. A stochastic structural model , 2001. Scientific lecture
Lars Holden; Bjørn Fredrik Nielsen; Ariel Almendral-Vazquez; Chris Townsend; Stochastic structural modeling in Havana 2001. Scientific lecture
Ariel Almendral-Vazquez; The Spectrum of a Periodic Complex Jacobi Matrix Revisited Journal of Approximation Theory, vol. 105, pp. 344 351 8 , (ISSN 0021-9045 1096-0430 ), , 2000. Scientific article