- 1520 publications found
- Publisher
Rune Solberg; EuroCryoClim project and envisioned services 2008. Scientific lecture
Egil Ferkingstad; Anders Løland; Causal modelling and inference for electricity markets 2009. Scientific lecture
Ola Haug; Projections of future insurance losses from climate model data 2009. Scientific lecture
Kjersti Aas; Trond Reitan; A new robust importance sampling method for measuring VaR and ES allocations for credit portfolios 2009. Scientific lecture
Lothar Fritsch; Business risks from RFID in tracking, tracing and logistics , 2009. Scientific lecture
Ingrid Hobæk Haff; Kjersti Aas; Arnoldo Frigessi; Forenklede par-copula-konstruksjoner 2009. Scientific lecture
Øystein Dale; Inaccessible information and communication technology (ICT) – a threat to societal participation , 2009. Scientific lecture
Øystein Dale; Assistive technology or mainstreaming of ICT? Yes, please! , 2009. Scientific lecture
Wolfgang Leister; Experiences with the testbed for MPEG-21 and Wireless Patient Monitoring Systems 2009. Scientific lecture
Ingrid Hobæk Haff; Estimating the parameters of a pair-copula construction 2010. Scientific lecture
Phillippe Nivlet; Sebastian Ng; Mari -Anne Hetle; Ragnar Hauge; Pål Dahle; et al. Integration of seismic data and uncertainties in the facies model; application to the Snorre field 2010. Scientific lecture
Knut Utne Hollund; Ragnar Hauge; Helge Rosenlund; Svein Akcora; Hitting Bull’s-eye with Time and Cost Estimates by Combining Statistics and Engineering, a Statoil Case Study 2010. Scientific lecture
Per Røe; Petter Abrahamsen; Frode Georgsen; Anne Randi Syversveen; Oddvar Lia; SPE 134912 - Flexible Simulation of Faults 2010. Scientific lecture
Lothar Fritsch; Nettverksbygging og tverrfaglighet med EU ”Network of Excellence” 2010. Scientific lecture
André Teigland; Line Eikvil; Elisabeth Orskaug; The role of statistical methods 2010. Scientific lecture
Kjersti Aas; The profit-loss distribution of a hydropower company 2010. Scientific lecture
Sjur Reppe; Marit Holden; Vigdis Gautvik; Harish K Datta; Kaare M Gautvik; Postmenopausal BMD Variation is Strongly Associated with Subsets of MicroRNAs and Other Non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) Expression Levels 2010. Scientific lecture
Lars Kristoffer Strand; Wolfgang Leister; A Survey of SIP Peering 2010. Scientific lecture
Øivind Due Trier; Arnt-Børre Salberg; Deteksjon av gravminner fra høyoppløselige satellittbilder. Deteksjon av fangstgroper fra lidarbilder , 2010. Scientific lecture
Line Eikvil; Arnt-Børre Salberg; Øivind Thorvald Due Trier; Experiments on Landsat scene 227-062 in Brazil , 2010. Scientific lecture
Magne Aldrin; Bayesian estimation of the climate sensitivity based on a simple climate model fitted to global temperature observations 2010. Scientific lecture
Ragnar Bang Huseby; Magne Aldrin; Disease dispersal in marine fish aquaculture - A statistical model with unobserved infection 2010. Scientific lecture
Wolfgang Leister; Research Challenges and Results in the EUX2010sec Project 2010. Scientific lecture
Magne Aldrin; Marit Holden; Peter Guttorp; Bayesian estimation of the climate sensitivity based on a simple climate model fitted to global temperature observations 2010. Scientific lecture
Åsmund Skomedal; HiG - MSc in Information Security - IT Governance (IMT4571) 2010. Scientific lecture
Ragni Ryvold Arnesen; Introduction to cryptography , 2004. Scientific lecture
Kjersti Aas; Xeni Kristine Dimakos; Statistisk analyse av finansielle tidsrekker 2004. Scientific lecture
André Teigland; Xeni Kristine Dimakos; Løgn, forbannet løgn og statistikk - fallgruver og misbruk av statistikk i media 2004. Scientific lecture
Kjersti Aas; Predicting the Time-Varying Covariance Matrix of Electricity Forwards 2004. Scientific lecture
Marit Holden; Introduction to experimental design and statistical analysis in genetic association studies 2004. Scientific lecture
Helge Holden; Lars Holden; Steinar Holden; Contract renewal 2004. Scientific lecture
Ragni Ryvold Arnesen; Rammeverk for håndheving av personvern policy , 2004. Scientific lecture
Ragni Ryvold Arnesen; Rammeverk for håndheving av personvern , 2004. Scientific lecture
Marit Holden; Experimental design and non-random variation 2004. Scientific lecture
Jostein Amlien; Rune Solberg; Evaluation of algorithms for the retrieval of snow surface temperature from medium resolution satellite data 2004. Scientific lecture
Wolfgang Leister; Grid-computing for radiologi , 2005. Scientific lecture
Wolfgang Leister; Grid Systems - utfordringer innen medisin , 2005. Scientific lecture
Rune Solberg; A new solution to improved climate change observations and modelling , 2004. Scientific lecture
Wolfgang Leister; GPS Kurs for Turledere , 2005. Scientific lecture
Magne Aldrin; Anders Løland; Alf Harbitz; Quantifying uncertainty in abundance estimates of herring , 2005. Scientific lecture
Magne Aldrin; Improved predictions penalizing both slope and curvature in additive models 2005. Scientific lecture
Habtamu Abie; A Distributed Digital Rights Management Model for Information Distribution Systems 2004. Scientific lecture
Håvard Hegna; Arne-Kristian Groven; Stumbling thru' with Objects First: Some Observations from a Study of Objects First with BlueJ in a non-CS Context 2005. Scientific lecture
Wolfgang Leister; E-Government and Privacy , 2005. Scientific lecture
Habtamu Abie; State of the Art in DRM 2005. Scientific lecture
Xeni Kristine Dimakos; André Teigland; Statistiske begreper i forskningen 2005. Scientific lecture
Anders Rognes; Rune Solberg; Jostein Amlien; Hans Koren; Line Eikvil; et al. Satellite based snow monitoring for hydropower production and trade in Norway - – results versus operational needs , 2005. Scientific lecture
Knut Utne Hollund; Anne Randi Syversveen; Arild Jørstad; Tove Lie; Making Good Decisions Using Simple Stochastic Models 2005. Scientific lecture
Ragnar Hauge; Anne Randi Syversveen; John Inge Berg; Stochastic modelling of objects seen on seismic 2005. Scientific lecture
Ragnar Hauge; Arne Skorstad; Anne Randi Syversveen; Lars Holden; Geological modelling with marked point processes 2005. Scientific lecture