- 1520 publications found
- Publisher
Jonatan Fredricson Marquez; Aline Magdalena Lee; Steinar Engen; Sondre Aanes; Are Salthaug; et al. Age-structure and spatial autocorrelation in marine fish populations 2020. Scientific lecture
Vanessa Ayres Pereira; Angelo Pirrone; Ingvar Tjøstheim; Gisela Bøhm; Privacy Concern and Privacy-Protective Behavior: The Privacy Paradox in the Context of Mobile Applications 2020. Scientific lecture
Vanessa Ayres Pereira; Angelo Pirrone; Ingvar Tjøstheim; Gisela Bøhm; E-privacy concern: A weak predictor of granting data access permission to mobile apps 2020. Scientific lecture
Kristoffer Herland Hellton; Penalized angular regression for personalized predictions 2020. Scientific lecture
Eyvind Aker; Jeremie Thiebaud; Per Røe; Probabilistic AVO inversion of transversely isotropic medium for better characterization of North Sea Oxfordian turbidite reservoir 2020. Scientific lecture
Øivind Due Trier; Arnt-Børre Salberg; Deteksjon av veier i Sentinel-2 med U-Net. Fjernmåling av endringer i inngrepsfri natur. 2020. Scientific lecture
Øivind Due Trier; Arnt-Børre Salberg; Deteksjon av veier med Sentinel. Fjernmåling av endringer i inngrepsfri natur. 2020. Scientific lecture
Martin Tveten; Scalable changepoint and anomaly detection in cross-correlated data 2021. Scientific lecture
Thea Roksvåg; Ingelin Steinsland; Kolbjørn Engeland; Estimating mean annual runoff by using a geostatistical spatially varying coefficient model that incorporates process-based simulations and short records 2021. Scientific lecture
Martin Tveten; Scalable changepoint and anomaly detection in cross-correlated data 2021. Scientific lecture
Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Teknologi og inkludering av personer med nedsatt syn i arbeidslivet: Kunnskapsoppsummering 2021. Scientific lecture
Qinghui Liu; Michael Kampffmeyer; Robert Jenssen; Arnt Børre Salberg; PAGNet Models for The 2nd Agriculture-Vision Challenges CVPR 2021 , 2021. Scientific lecture
Ingvar Tjøstheim; Vanessa Ayres Pereira; John waterworth; Human Sovereignty in a lock-down situation: Is there a room for privacy 2021. Scientific lecture
Pierre Lison; Ildikó Pilán; David Sánchez Ruenes; Montserrat Batet; Lilja Øvrelid; Anonymisation Models for Text Data: State of the art, Challenges and Future Directions 2021. Scientific lecture
Pierre Lison; Ildikó Pilán; Lilja Øvrelid; David Sánchez Ruenes; Montserrat Batet; Anonymisation Models for Text Data: State of the art, Challenges and Future Directions 2021. Scientific lecture
Solveig Engebretsen; Regional modelling of COVID-19 in Norway for situational awareness and forecasting 2021. Scientific lecture
Thea Roksvåg; Julia Lutz; Lars Grinde; Anita Verpe Dyrrdal; Thordis Linda Thorarinsdottir; Consistent Intensity-Duration-Frequency curves by post-processing of estimated Bayesian posterior quantiles 2021. Scientific lecture
Martin Tveten; Introduction to change detection 2021. Scientific lecture
Ingunn Fride Tvete; Britt Bang Jensen; Magne Tommy Aldrin; Understanding drivers for daily mortality in Norwegian salmon farming 2021. Scientific lecture
Pierre Lison; Skweak: Weak Supervision Made Easy for NLP 2021. Scientific lecture
Kristoffer Herland Hellton; Penalized angular regression for personalized predictions 2021. Scientific lecture
Kristoffer Herland Hellton; Penalized angular regression for personalized predictions 2020. Scientific lecture
Kristoffer Herland Hellton; Penalized angular regression for personalized predictions 2019. Scientific lecture
Olav Brautaset; Marine Acoustic Classification: Supervised Semantic Segmentation of Echosounder Data using CNNs 2021. Scientific lecture
Ali Hassan Sodhro; Abdullah Lakhan; Sandeep Pirbhulal; Tor-Morten Grønli; Habtamu Abie; A Lightweight Security Scheme for Failure Detection in Microservices IoT-Edge Networks 2022. Scientific lecture
Alba Ordonez; Line Eikvil; Marit Holden; Learning motion of seismic structures without human labelling 2021. Scientific lecture
Alba Ordonez; Alf Harbitz; Bjarki Elvarsson; Line Eikvil; Arnt-Børre Salberg; Deep domain adaptation applied to automatic fish age prediction 2021. Scientific lecture
Alba Ordonez; Ingrid Utseth; Line Eikvil; Nils Olav Handegard; Using model averaging ensembles in semantic segmentation of marine echosounder data for acoustic classification of species 2021. Scientific lecture
Solveig Engebretsen; Spatial modelling of COVID-19 for situational awareness and forecasting 2021. Scientific lecture
Nicholas Thomas Walker; Torbjørn Dahl; Pierre Lison; Dialogue Management as Graph Transformations 2021. Scientific lecture
Thordis Linda Thorarinsdottir; Machine learning vs statistical methods for climate data analysis 2021. Scientific lecture
Thordis Linda Thorarinsdottir; On the importance of statistics and machine learning in climate research 2021. Scientific lecture
Michael Scheuerer; Using statistical and machine learning techniques to improve the skill of sub-seasonal weather predictions over Norway 2021. Scientific lecture
Thordis Linda Thorarinsdottir; Forecast evaluation part II 2021. Scientific lecture
Thordis Linda Thorarinsdottir; Forecast evaluation part I 2021. Scientific lecture
Thordis Linda Thorarinsdottir; Forecast evaluation part III 2021. Scientific lecture
Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; ROSA - Robot-supported language development for children with ASD. 2021. Scientific lecture
Sandeep Pirbhulal; Cybersecurity in Healthcare 4.0: Trends, Challenges and Opportunities 2021. Scientific lecture
Vanessa Ayres Pereira; Ingvar Tjøstheim; Gisela Böhm; Effects of a Serious Game to Raise Awareness about Dark Patterns among Teenagers: Preliminary Results 2021. Scientific lecture
Stine Hansen; Srishti Gautam; Robert Jenssen; Michael Kampffmeyer; Anomaly Detection-Inspired Few-Shot Medical Image Segmentation Through Self-Supervision 2021. Scientific lecture
Øivind Due Trier; Automated building detection with Mask R-CNN from combined hyperspectral and lidar data 2021. Scientific lecture
Ingvar Tjøstheim; Phishing, Data-Disclosure and The Cognitive Reflection Test , 2022. Scientific lecture
Anne Moen; Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Janne H Dugstad; INNSIKT - nettverkserfarigner og oppsummering 2021. Scientific lecture
Vanessa Ayres Pereira; Angelo Pirrone; Ingvar Tjøstheim; Gisela Petra Bøhm; Privacy Concern and Privacy-Protective Behavior: The Privacy Paradox in the Context of Mobile Applications 2021. Scientific lecture
Ingvar Tjøstheim; Vanessa Pereira Aires; John A. Waterworth; Human sovereignty in a lock-down situation: Is there room for privacy? 2021. Scientific lecture
Vanessa Pereira Aires; Angelo Pirrone; Ingvar Tjøstheim; Gisela Petra Bøhm; Privacy Concern and Privacy-Protective Behavior: The Privacy Paradox in the Context of Mobile Applications 2021. Scientific lecture
Vanessa Pereira Aires; Ingvar Tjøstheim; Gisela Petra Bøhm; Effects of a Serious Game to Raise Awareness about Dark Patterns among Teenagers: Preliminary Results 2021. Scientific lecture
Vanessa Pereira Aires; Angelo Pirrone; Max Korbmacher; Hanna Seidler; Shna Latif; et al. The “privacy paradox” in the technological context of mobile apps 2021. Scientific lecture
Michael Scheuerer; Using statistical and machine learning techniques to improve the skill of sub-seasonal weather predictions over Norway. 2022. Scientific lecture
Øivind Due Trier; Arnt-Børre Salberg; Ragnvald Larsen; Ole Torbjørn Nyvoll; Detection of forest roads in Sentinel-2 images using U-Net 2022. Scientific lecture