Female skeletal health and socioeconomic status in medieval Norway (11th–16th centuries AD): Analysis of bone mineral density and stature Elin Therese Brødholt Kaare M Gautvik Ole Jørgen Benedictow Clara-Cecilie Günther Torstein Sjøvold Publikasjonsdetaljer Journal: International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, p. 83–93–11, Thursday 3. November 2022 Utgiver: John Wiley & Sons Internasjonale standardnumre: Trykt: 1047-482X Elektronisk: 1099-1212 Lenker: ARKIV: http://hdl.handle.net/10852/99493 DOI: doi.org/10.1002/oa.3178 Du er her: Hjem Publikasjoner Vitenskapelig artikkel Female skeletal health and socioeconomic status in medieval Norway (11th–16th centuries AD): Analysis of bone mineral density and stature