Abundance of northeastern Atlantic minke whales, estimates for 1989 and 1995

  • Tore Schweder
  • Hans J. Skaug
  • Xeni Kristine Dimakos
  • Mette Langaas
  • N. Øien


  • Journal: Rep. int. Whal. Commn, vol. 47, p. 453–483, 1997

Abundance estimates are obtained from shipborn surveys in 1995, 1989 and 1988. Due to the discrete nature of the line transect experiment, the model is of the hazard probability type and the probability g(0) is estimated from double platform data. Approximate maximum likelihood estimates are calculated by the simulated likelihood method, accounting for measurement errors in distance estimates and also errors in duplicate identification. For 1995, the abundance estimate is 122,000 minke whales, with a 95% confidence interval of 91,000 - 137,000.