- 2512 publikasjoner funnet
- Utgiver
Lothar Fritsch; Privacy visualization requirements in the Internet of Things - A uTRUSTit FP7 ICT project note, 7.9.2012 2012. Rapport
Petter Abrahamsen; Pål Dahle; Frode Georgsen; Inge Myrseth; Cohiba User Manual Version 4.0 2012. Rapport
Ragnar Bang Huseby; Ola Haug; Beregning av reisetid ved hjelp av blåtannteknologi 2012. Rapport
Thor Kristoffersen; Acoustic GSM Modem Prototype 2012. Rapport
Till Halbach Røssvoll; Valentin Alonso Gracía; MobileSage Deliverable D2.4: System Requirements Specification for Content Management Service 2012. Rapport
Till Halbach Røssvoll; MobileSage Deliverable D2.2: User Requirements Specification 2012. Rapport
Kjersti Aas; Estimating market risk based on historical data 2012. Rapport
Lothar Fritsch; Documentation of the 3rd PETweb II PhD student workshop - Joint PhD student workshop of the VERDIKT PETweb II and ASSET projects in Gjøvik, 13.9.2012 2012. Rapport
Lothar Fritsch; Documentation of the 2nd PETweb II PhD student workshop - 2-day PhD student workshop of the VERDIKT PETweb II projects in Rømskog, 19.3.2012 2012. Rapport
Habtamu Abie; John Borking; Risk Analysis Methods and Practices: Privacy Risk Analysis Methodology 2012. Rapport
Wolfgang Leister; Edvard Kristoffer Karlsen; Thor Kristoffersen; Technical Note on the Hands-On 3D Project 2012. Rapport
Wolfgang Leister; Nils Damm Christophersen; INF5780 Compendium Autumn 2012: Open Source, Open Collaboration and Innovation , 2012. Rapport
Magne Aldrin; Ragnar Bang Huseby; Sammenligning av to forvaltningsstrategier for PD basert på scenariosimulering 2012. Rapport
Ragnar Bang Huseby; Anders Løland; Gunnhildur Högnadóttir Steinbakk; StfSpot - Short Term forecasts of Demand and Spot Price with extensions and sensitivity computation + Risk Premium Model 2012. Rapport
Anders Løland; Marit Holden; ProPrice Interface Specification 2012. Rapport
Edvard Hove; Validating gantry passes 2012. Rapport
Sophia Yingyu Cui; Kjersti Aas; CIR++-rentemodellen 2012. Rapport
Bård Storvik; Anders Løland; Verifisering av eksisterende liveoddskalkulator 2012. Rapport
Magne Aldrin; Egil Ferkingstad; Ola Haug; Trafikkstatistikk for trikk , 2012. Rapport
Kjersti Aas; Marit Holden; Importance Sampling from DNB's Credit Risk Model 2012. Rapport