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Aaro Kiuru; Rudy Mattheus; Katrine Weisteen Bjerde; Standardization of medical imaging in Europe: an integrated initiative Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, vol. 43, pp. 21 26 6 , (ISSN 0169-2607 1872-7565 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/0169-2607(94)90181-3 , 1994. Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ole Hanseth; Kari Thoresen; Langdon Winner; The politics of networking technology in health care Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW), vol. 2, pp. 109 130 , (ISSN 0925-9724 1573-7551 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00749286 , 1994. Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ragnar Bang Huseby; Otto Milvang; Anne H. Schistad Solberg; Katrine Weisteen Bjerde; Seabed classification from multibeam echosunder data using statistical methods Ukjent, 1993. Vitenskapelig artikkel
Katrine Weisteen; Anne H. Schistad Solberg; Rune Solberg; Detection of oil spill in SAR images using a statistical classification scheme Ukjent, 1993. Vitenskapelig artikkel
Rune Solberg; Thore Egeland; Automatic feature selection in hyperspectral satellite imagery Ukjent, 1993. Vitenskapelig artikkel
Rune Solberg; Mapping of snow cover by ERS-1 SAR Ukjent, 1993. Vitenskapelig artikkel
Geir Storvik; Volume-calculations in MR-images of the brain Ukjent, 1993. Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ragnar Bang Huseby; Recognition of 3-D objects in coregistered range- and intensity images using a Hidden Markov Chain model Ukjent, 1993. Vitenskapelig artikkel
Geir Storvik; Arvid Lundervold; Segmentation of brain parenchyma and CSF in multispectral MR images of the head Ukjent, 1993. Vitenskapelig artikkel
Marit Holden; Line Eikvil; Geir Storvik; Methods for updating of model parameters applied within the area of symbol recognition Ukjent, 1993. Vitenskapelig artikkel
Anne H. Schistad Solberg; Anil K. Jain; Torfinn Taxt; Fusion of multitemporal satellite images and GIS data for land-use classification Ukjent, , 1993. Vitenskapelig artikkel
Otto Milvang; Ragnar Bang Huseby; Katrine Weisteen; Anne H. Schistad Solberg; Feature extraction from backscatter sonar data Ukjent, 1993. Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ragnar Bang Huseby; Otto Milvang; Anne H. Schistad Solberg; Katrine Weisteen; Seabed Classification from backscatter sonar data using statistical methods Ukjent, 1993. Vitenskapelig artikkel
Anne H. Schistad Solberg; Torfinn Taxt; Datafusjon i klassifikasjon av satellittbilder Ukjent, pp. 5 5 , 1993. Vitenskapelig artikkel
Frode Bratvedt; Kyrre Bratvedt; Christian Buchholz; Tore Gimse; Helge Holden; et al. Frontline and frontsim: two full scale, two-phase, black oil reservoir simulators based on front tracking Surveys on Mathematics for Industry, vol. 3, (ISSN 0938-1953 ), 1993. Vitenskapelig artikkel
Magne Aldrin; Erik Bølviken; Tore Schweder; Projection pursuit regression for moderate non-linearities Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, vol. 01.01.1904 16:04:00, pp. 379 403 25 , (ISSN 0167-9473 1872-7352 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/0167-9473(93)90156-N , 1993. Vitenskapelig artikkel
Tore Schweder; Nils Øien; Gudmund Høst; Estimates of abundance of northeastern Atlantic mink whales in 1983 Reports of the International Whaling Commission, vol. 43, pp. 323 331 9 , 1993. Vitenskapelig artikkel
Geir Storvik; Data reduction by separation of signal and noise components for multivariate spatial images Journal of Applied Statistics, vol. 20, pp. 127 136 10 , (ISSN 0266-4763 1360-0532 ), 1993. Vitenskapelig artikkel
Rune Solberg; Tom Andersen; Operational monitoring of snow coverage and soil erosion in Norway Ukjent, pp. 12 12 , 1993. Vitenskapelig artikkel
Rune Solberg; Semi-automatic revision of topographic maps from satellite imagery Ukjent, 1992. Vitenskapelig artikkel