Senior Research Scientist

Till Halbach


  • Digital Inclusion
  • Learning technology, e-learning and easy-to-read information

Robot-supported education for children with autism

  • Digital Inclusion
  • E-health and welfare technology

Health in every video

A nurse typing, The IDA Project is about the effects of accessible and universally designed IT systems for the inclusiveness of digital workplaces.
  • Digital Inclusion

Inclusive Digital Application

The image features an ipad in a red case, black-rimmed glasses and an airpod case.
  • Information and communication technology
  • Digital Inclusion

Inclusive employment for people with visual impairments

Mobile elderly
  • Digital Inclusion

Guidance for mobile elderly

The image shows a woman in a studio setup sitting behind a mobile camera. The camera displays footage and is in focus, while the rest of the image is less sharp.
  • Digital Inclusion

Digitally accessible health videos

A woman with Down syndrome and dark hair is sitting in front of a bright window in a beige armchair, in front of a modern wooden coffee table. On the table, there is a glass water carafe and a vase with dried flowers. The window is lit up by the sun, and one can see a road or a parking lot with some cars that are out of focus. The woman has headphones in her ears and a laptop on her lap, and is speaking with someone on her computer.
  • Digital Inclusion

A resource bank for disability simulation

Elderly people is often the target of digital fraud
  • Information and communication technology
  • Digital Inclusion

Digital fraud


  • 200 publications found
  • Publisher

Slik ble jeg digitalt svindlet 2025. Other presentation

Slik ble jeg digitalt svindlet 2025. Other presentation

Joschua Thomas Simon-Liedtke; Till Halbach; Sara Kjellstrand; Malin Hammarberg; Susanna Laurin; Tilgjengelige informasjonskapsler (ISSN 978-82-539-0577-8 ), 2025. Report

Publisher Norsk Regnesentral

Till Halbach; Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Digital kompetanse i NBFs Synslikestillingsbarometer and beyond 2024. Scientific lecture

Publisher Norsk Regnesentral
Publisher Oslo Economics

Till Halbach; Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Joschua Thomas Simon-Liedtke; Towards a Model for Assessing the Maturity of Organizations’ Work on Universally Designed Digital Solutions pp. 404 411 8 , doi: , 2024. Scientific chapter / article / conference article

Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Till Halbach; Ingrid Utseth; Anders Ueland Waldeland; Exploring the Use of AI for Enhanced Accessibility Testing of Web Solutions pp. 453 460 , doi: , 2024. Scientific chapter / article / conference article

Till Halbach; Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Joschua Thomas Simon-Liedtke; Towards a Model for Assessing the Maturity of Organizations’ Work on Universally Designed Digital Solutions 2024. Scientific lecture

Slik ble jeg digitalt svindlet 2024. Other presentation

Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Joschua Thomas Simon-Liedtke; Till Halbach; Kristin Kjæret; Eva Elida Skråmestø; Motvirkning av ensomhet gjennom inkludering i informasjonssamfunnet: iStøtet sluttrapport vol. 2023, (ISSN 978-82-539-0571-6 ), , 2023. Report

Publisher Norsk Regnesentral

Till Halbach; Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Trenton Schulz; Best Practice for Inclusive Journey Mapping and Diversity in User Participation pp. 61 73 12 , doi: , 2023. Scientific chapter / article / conference article

Till Halbach; Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Hva sier Norges Blindeforbunds Synslikestillingsbarometer om digital kompetanse, arbeid og digitale produkter og tjenester? vol. 2023, (ISSN 978-82-539-0572-3 ), 2023. Report

Publisher Norsk Regnesentral

Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Till Halbach; Trenton Schulz; Joschua Thomas Simon-Liedtke; Forskning innen digital inkludering: Erfaringer og anbefalinger for bruk av metoder, verktøy og praktisk tilrettelegging 2023 utgave 2023. Report

Publisher Norsk Regnesentral

Till Halbach; XR for Diversity and Inclusive Experiences 2023. Lecture

Till Halbach; Anders U. Waldeland; Ingrid Utseth; Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; GB-prosjektet AI-basert UU-tilsyn 2023. Report

Publisher Norsk Regnesentral

Till Halbach; Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Mye positivt for digitale synshemmede, men manglende universell utforming roter det til, 2023. Science for the public article

Till Halbach; IDA-prosjektet: Oversikt 2023. Lecture

Till Halbach; Populærvitenskapelig forskningsformidling 2023. Lecture

Till Halbach; Video in Healthcare: Really for All? 2023. Lecture

Joschua Thomas Simon-Liedtke; Till Halbach; Universally Designed Augmented Reality (AR) for the School of the Future pp. 4 11 8 , , 2023. Scientific chapter / article / conference article

Joschua Thomas Simon-Liedtke; Till Halbach; The Multi-Color Contrast Checker (M3C) pp. 38 43 , , 2023. Scientific chapter / article / conference article

Till Halbach; Tonje Fyhn; Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Kristin Kjæret; Terje André Olsen; "Kanskje du kunne bli maler?" – Fem personer med nedsatt syn forteller om sine erfaringer som arbeidssøkere og arbeidstakere vol. 2022, (ISSN 978-82-539-0566-2 ), 2022. Report

Publisher Norsk Regnesentral

Tonje Fyhn; Till Halbach; Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Kristin Kjæret; Terje André Olsen; Synshemmede i arbeidslivet: Et arbeidsgiverperspektiv (ISSN 978-82-8408-217-2 ), , 2022. Report

Publisher NORCE Norwegian Research Centre
Publisher Norsk Regnesentral
Publisher Norsk Regnesentral

Till Halbach; Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Tonje Fyhn; Kristin Kjæret; Terje André Olsen; The Role of Technology for the Inclusion of People with Visual Impairments in the Workforce pp. 466 478 , doi: , 2022. Scientific chapter / article / conference article

Till Halbach; Mikael Snaprud; La brukerstemmer bli hørt: Brukerinvolvering & tilbakemeldinger 2022. Lecture

Till Halbach; Marte Oppedal Vale; Modern Communication Technology, Assistive Technology, and Hearing Impairment: How Do They Go Together? doi: , 2022. Scientific chapter / article / conference article

Till Halbach; Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Mikael Snaprud; User Insights for Better and More Inclusive Online Public Services: A Survey Study Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, pp. 36 43 , (ISSN 0926-9630 1879-8365 ), doi: , 2022. Scientific article

Publisher IOS Press
Publisher Norsk Regnesentral

Till Halbach; Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Mikael Snaprud; Spørreundersøkelse om NAVs digitale tjenester og innbyggernes tilbakemeldinger (ISSN 978-82-539-0568-6 ), , 2022. Report

Publisher Norsk Regnesentral

Till Halbach; Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Mikael Snaprud; Anbefalinger fra TiTi-prosjektet (Leveransene L3.2, L4.3, L5.2 og L5.3) 2022. Report

Publisher Norsk Regnesentral

Till Halbach; Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Mikael Snaprud; TiTi-prosjektet: Sluttrapportering 2022. Report

Publisher Norsk Regnesentral

Till Halbach; Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Mikael Snaprud; Sluttrapport for TiTi-prosjektet – Tilgjengelige tilbakemeldinger (ISSN 978-82-539-0569-3 ), , 2022. Report

Publisher Norsk Regnesentral

Till Halbach; Marte Oppedal Vale; Modern Communication Technology, Assistive Technology, and Hearing Impairment: How Do They Go Together? pp. 9 , doi: , 2022. Scientific chapter / article / conference article

Line Eikvil; Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Dahl Fredrik; Till Halbach; Jarle Petterson; Kunstig intelligens avlaster travle spesialister , 2022. Media interview

Till Halbach; Joschua Thomas Simon-Liedtke; The Simulated User Impairment Testing (SUIT) Protocol and Toolbox for Digital Artifacts doi: , 2022. Scientific chapter / article / conference article

Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Tonje Fyhn; Till Halbach; Kristin Kjæret; Terje André Olsen; Teknologi og inkludering av personer med nedsatt syn i arbeidslivet: Kunnskapsoppsummering (ISSN 978-82-539-0564-8 ), , 2021. Report

Publisher Norsk Regnesentral

Till Halbach; Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Universal Design for Inclusion & Sustainability: From Public Services to Virtual Reality 2021. Lecture popular

Till Halbach; Vegard Haugstvedt; pp. 201 209 , doi: , 2021. Scientific chapter / article / conference article

Till Halbach; Joschua Thomas Simon-Liedtke; Categories of User Impairment pp. 7 , , 2021. Scientific chapter / article / conference article

Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Till Halbach; Mikael Snaprud; Involving Diverse Users for Inclusive Technology Development , 2021. Scientific chapter / article / conference article

Till Halbach; Trenton Schulz; Wolfgang Leister; Ivar Solheim; Robot-Enhanced Language Learning for Children in Norwegian Day-Care Centers Multimodal Technologies and Interaction, (ISSN 2414-4088 2414-4088 ), doi: , 2021. Scientific article

Publisher MDPI

Till Halbach; Trenton Schulz; Wolfgang Leister; Ivar Solheim; Robot-Enhanced Language Learning for Children in Norwegian Day-Care Centers Multimodal Technologies and Interaction, vol. 5, pp. 25 , (ISSN 2414-4088 2414-4088 ), doi: , 2021. Scientific article

Publisher MDPI

Trenton Wade Schulz; Till Halbach; Ivar Solheim; Using social robots to teach language skills to immigrant children in an oslo city district ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI), pp. 442 444 , (ISSN 2167-2121 2167-2148 ), doi: , 2020. Scientific article

Publisher IEEE

Till Halbach; Siv Tunold; Ingvar Tjøstheim; Teknologiens ambivalens for arbeidstakere med nedsatt syn (ISSN 978-82-539-0559-4 ), , 2020. Report

Publisher Norsk Regnesentral

Till Halbach; Kristin Berg; Elin Ruhlin Gjuvsland; Data på jobben ble et hinder for blinde Kristin Berg , 2020. Media interview

Till Halbach; Tonje Grymyr; Roy Helge Tjomsland; Robotstøttet opplæring (ROS) , 2020. Media interview

Till Halbach; Anja Naper; Undersøkelse: Manglende tilrettelegging gjør at blinde slutter i jobben , 2020. Media interview

Vegard Haugstvedt; Till Halbach; Nettstedet for å lære om tilgjengelighet 2020. Lecture popular

Trenton Wade Schulz; Till Halbach; Social Robots as Language Teachers: Findings from the Literature 2020. Report

Publisher Norsk Regnesentral

Wolfgang Leister; Till Halbach; Trenton Wade Schulz; Bjarte M. Østvold; Security & Privacy in Social Robots 2020. Report

Publisher Norsk Regnesentral

Wolfgang Leister; Trenton Wade Schulz; Jo Erskine Hannay; Joschua Thomas Simon-Liedtke; Ingvar Tjøstheim; et al. Aspects of Digitalisation 2020. Report

Publisher Norsk Regnesentral

Till Halbach; Siv Tunold; Teknologiens mange sider i synshemmedes arbeidsliv (ISSN 978-82-539-0560-0 ), , 2020. Report

Publisher Norsk Regnesentral

Bjørn Fjukstad; Nikita Shvetsov; Therese Haugdahl Nøst; Hege Marie Bøvelstad; Till Halbach; et al. Standardizing data analysis for system epidemiology studies doi: , 2020. Chapter

Bjørn Fjukstad; Nikita Shvetsov; Therese Haugdahl Nøst; Hege Marie Bøvelstad; Till Halbach; et al. Reproducible Data Management and Analysis using R pp. 48 62 , doi: , 2020. Scientific chapter / article / conference article

Aleksander Bai; Till Halbach; Tom Widerøe; Lotte Johansen; ITIK: Hvordan integrere tilgjengelighetssjekking i kildekodebygging 2019. Lecture

Till Halbach; Universell utforming av interaktive dingser 2019. Lecture

Till Halbach; Ingvar Tjøstheim; Towards Reliable Accessibility Assessments of Science Center Exhibits Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), vol. 11746 LNCS, pp. 33 41 , (ISSN 0302-9743 1611-3349 ), doi: , 2019. Scientific article

Publisher Springer

Till Halbach; Tom Widerøe; Aleksander Bai; Raising Awareness for Universal Design by Integrating Accessibility Testing into a Continuous-Deployment Process: A Large-Company Case Study NOKOBIT - Norsk konferanse for organisasjoners bruk av informasjonsteknologi, vol. 27, pp. 12 , (ISSN 1892-0748 1894-7719 ), , 2019. Scientific article

Aleksander Bai; Rannveig Alette Skjerve; Till Halbach; Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Evaluating accessibility testing in automated software build processes NIKT: Norsk IKT-konferanse for forskning og utdanning, pp. 12 , (ISSN 1892-0713 1892-0721 ), , 2019. Scientific article

Till Halbach; Position paper: Universal Design for Informal Learning pp. 2 , , 2018. Chapter

Aleksander Bai; Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Rannveig Alette Skjerve; Till Halbach; Categorization and Comparison of Accessibility Testing Methods for Software Development Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, vol. 256, pp. 821 831 , (ISSN 0926-9630 1879-8365 ), doi: , 2018. Scientific article

Publisher IOS Press

Till Halbach; Ivar Solheim; Gamified Micro-Learning for Increased Motivation: An Exploratory Study pp. 271 279 , , 2018. Scientific chapter / article / conference article

Till Halbach; Ivar Solheim; Siri Ytrehus; Trenton Wade Schulz; A Mobile Application for Supporting Dementia Relatives: A Case Study pp. 839 846 , doi: , 2018. Scientific chapter / article / conference article

Till Halbach; Ivar Solheim; Gamified Micro-Learning for Increased Motivation: An Exploratory Study 2018. Scientific lecture

Till Halbach; Universal Design for Informal Learning , 2018. Scientific lecture

Till Halbach; Ivar Solheim; Siri Ytrehus; Trenton Wade Schulz; A Mobile Application for Supporting Dementia Relatives: A Case Study 2018. Scientific lecture

Till Halbach; Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Gode skrifttyper på skjerm (ISSN 978-82-539-0551-8 ), , 2018. Report

Publisher Norsk Regnesentral

Aleksander Bai; Heidi Camilla Mork; Viktoria Stray; Nikolai Johan Sand Sverdrup; Till Halbach; et al. Evaluering av tilgjengelighetstest-metoder (ISSN 978-82-539-0548-8 ), , 2018. Report

Publisher Norsk Regnesentral

Till Halbach; Ingvar Tjøstheim; Tilgjengelige installasjoner på vitensentre: Kunnskapsstatus og anbefalinger (ISSN 978-82-539-0552-5 ), , 2018. Report

Publisher Norsk Regnesentral

Ivar Solheim; Till Halbach; Nytte av lettlest informasjon for NAV-brukere (ISSN 978-82-539-0550-1 ), , 2018. Report

Publisher Norsk Regnesentral

Till Halbach; Ivar Solheim; Siri Ytrehus; Trenton Schulz; A mobile application for supporting dementia relatives: A case study 2018. Scientific chapter / article / conference article

Wolfgang Leister; Ingvar Tjøstheim; Thor O. Kristoffersen; Till Halbach; Svetlana Boudko; et al. The Project GB-MULTE-2016/17 - Final Report 2017. Report

Publisher Norsk Regnesentral

Till Halbach; Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Måling av kontraster på skjerm - Teknologi- og metodeanbefaling 2017. Report

Publisher Norsk Regnesentral

Aleksander Bai; Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Till Halbach; Uninite (forskerpool) Tilgjengelighetsevaluering 2017. Report

Publisher Norsk Regnesentral

Till Halbach; Test av mYouTime 2.4.0 2017. Report

Publisher Norsk Regnesentral

Aleksander Bai; Heidi Camilla Mork; Till Halbach; Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Wolfgang Leister; et al. A Review of Universal Design in Ambient Intelligence Environments pp. 6 11 , , 2016. Scientific chapter / article / conference article

Till Halbach; Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Reflections on Cost-Benefit Analyses Concerning Universal Design of ICT Solutions pp. 93 100 , , 2016. Scientific chapter / article / conference article

Till Halbach; Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; On Assessing the Costs and Benefits of Universal Design of ICT pp. 662 672 , doi: , 2016. Scientific chapter / article / conference article

Till Halbach; Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; On Assessing the Costs and Benefits of Universal Design of ICT 2016. Scientific lecture

Till Halbach; Stordata: neste generasjons personalisering 2016. Lecture popular

Till Halbach; Trenton Wade Schulz; Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Emner innen universell utforming av IKT: Måling, effektmåling og apps. 2016. Report

Publisher Norsk Regnesentral

Ivar Solheim; Till Halbach; Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Trenton Wade Schulz; Health litteracy og peronalisering 2016. Report

Publisher Norsk Regnesentral

Ingvar Tjøstheim; Trenton Wade Schulz; Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Ivar Solheim; Till Halbach; Nye interaksjonsformer 2016. Report

Publisher Norsk Regnesentral

Trenton Wade Schulz; Ivar Solheim; Till Halbach; PLA First Evaluation Report 2016. Report

Publisher Norsk Regnesentral

Till Halbach; Siri Ytrehus; Ivar Solheim; Trenton Wade Schulz; DILP-evalueringsrapport 2016. Report

Publisher Norsk Regnesentral

Aleksander Bai; Heidi Camilla Mork; Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Till Halbach; Ingvar Tjøstheim; et al. State of the art: Universal Design of Ambient Hybrid Environments 2016. Report

Publisher Norsk Regnesentral

Stein Erik Skotkjerra; Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Till Halbach; Developing a tool for testing compatibility of websites with ATs Journal on Technology & Persons with Disabilities, vol. 3, pp. 77 88 12 , (ISSN 2330-4219 2330-4219 ), , 2015. Scientific article

Till Halbach; Wojtek Lyszkiewicz; Accessibility Checkers for the Web: How Reliable are they, actually? pp. 3 , , 2015. Scientific chapter / article / conference article

Till Halbach; A Prototype-Based Case Study of Secure Mobile Payments pp. 9 , doi: , 2015. Scientific chapter / article / conference article

Till Halbach; A Prototype-Based Case Study of Secure Mobile Payments 2015. Scientific lecture

Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Till Halbach; Stein Erik Skotkjerra; Testing av tilgjengelighet på web – metoder, hjelpemidler og verktøy , 2015. Lecture popular

Till Halbach; Efficient Web Accessibility Testing 2015. Lecture popular

Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Till Halbach; Ingvar Tjøstheim; Cost-benefit analysis of universal design vol. 2015, (ISSN 978-82-539-0542-6 ), , 2015. Report

Publisher Norsk Regnesentral

Trenton Wade Schulz; Till Halbach; Oversikt av tjenester og apper for pårørende av personer med demens 2015. Report

Publisher Norsk Regnesentral

Wolfgang Leister; Ingvar Tjøstheim; Thor O. Kristoffersen; Till Halbach; Svetlana Boudko; et al. The Project GB-BOHEME-2014/15 -- Final Report , 2015. Report

Publisher Norsk Regnesentral
Publisher Norsk Regnesentral

Getting started with MobileSage , 2014. Website material

Efficient Web Accessibility Testing , 2014. Website material

Statistikk over digitale hjelpemidler , 2014. Website material

Virtuell hjelpemiddellab , 2014. Website material

Till Halbach; Trenton Schulz; MobileSage – A Prototype Based Case Study for Delivering Context-Aware, Accessible, and Personalized On-Demand Help Content International Journal on Advances in Intelligent Systems, vol. 7, pp. 267 278 , (ISSN 1942-2679 1942-2679 ), , 2014. Scientific article

Publisher International Academy, Research and Industry Association (IARIA)

Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Till Halbach; Stein Erik Skotkjerra; Challenges with assistive technology compatibility in universal design pp. 55 59 , doi: , 2014. Scientific chapter / article / conference article

Till Halbach; Ingvar Tjøstheim; Kristina Hoydal; Universal-Design Awareness of Survey Software Manufacturers pp. 327 336 , doi: , 2014. Scientific chapter / article / conference article

Publisher MobileSage Consortium

Till Halbach; Trenton Schulz; D4.3: Evaluation Report of MobileSage Services v2.0 2014. Report

Publisher MobileSage Consortium

Ingvar Tjøstheim; Kristina Hoydal; Till Halbach; Web-baserte spørreundersøkelser og universell utforming - en undersøkelse (ISSN 978-82-539-0540-2 ), 2014. Report

Publisher Norsk Regnesentral

Till Halbach; Efficient Web Accessibility Testing 2014. Lecture

Till Halbach; Verktøy for testing av universell utforming 2014. Lecture

Till Halbach Røssvoll; Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Best Practice for Efficient Development of Inclusive ICT pp. 97 106 , , 2013. Scientific chapter / article / conference article

Till Halbach Røssvoll; Lothar Fritsch; Trustworthy and Inclusive Identity Management for Applications in Social Media pp. 68 77 , doi: , 2013. Scientific chapter / article / conference article

Till Halbach; Trenton Schulz; MobileSage - A Prototype Based Case Study for Delivering Context-Aware, Personalized, On-Demand Help Content , 2013. Scientific chapter / article / conference article

Till Halbach Røssvoll; The European MobileSage Project - Situated Adaptive Guidance for the Mobile Elderly: Overview, Status, and Preliminary Results pp. 479 482 , , 2013. Scientific chapter / article / conference article

Till Halbach Røssvoll; Trust Implications for Universal Design of Social-Networking Applications pp. 4 , 2013. Scientific chapter / article / conference article

Till Halbach Røssvoll; Lothar Fritsch; Reducing the User Burden of Identity Management: A Prototype Based Case Study for a Social-Media Payment Application pp. 364 370 , , 2013. Scientific chapter / article / conference article

Øystein Dale; Ivar Solheim; Till Halbach Røssvoll; Trenton Schulz; Spiru Luiza; et al. What Seniors Want in a Mobile Help-on-Demand Service pp. 96 101 , , 2013. Scientific chapter / article / conference article

Ivar Solheim; Till Halbach; Trenton Schulz; Jordi Rovira Simon; Ileana Turcu; et al. D4.3 Evaluation Report 2013. Report

Publisher MobileSage Consortium

Wolfgang Leister; Ingvar Tjøstheim; Thor Kristoffersen; Till Halbach; Svetlana Boudko; Smart Information Systems - Final report of the project GB-SMS-2012/2013 2013. Report

Publisher Norsk Regnesentral

Till Halbach Røssvoll; Thor Kristoffersen; Sikkerhet i klientprogramvare 2013. Report

Publisher Norsk Regnesentral

Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Till Halbach Røssvoll; An evaluation of Web-based voting usability and accessibility Universal Access in the Information Society, vol. 11, pp. 359 373 15 , (ISSN 1615-5289 1615-5297 ), doi: , 2012. Scientific article

Till Halbach Røssvoll; The European MobileSage Project – Situated Adaptive Guidance for the Mobile Elderly pp. 215 222 , 2012. Scientific chapter / article / conference article

Till Halbach Røssvoll; Universal-Design Requirements for Cross-Platform Electronic Services , 2012. Scientific lecture

Wolfgang Leister; Ingvar Tjøstheim; Till Halbach Røssvoll; Trends in User Experience Research , 2012. Lecture popular

Till Halbach Røssvoll; Valentin Alonso Gracía; MobileSage Deliverable D2.4: System Requirements Specification for Content Management Service 2012. Report

Publisher MobileSage Consortium
Publisher MobileSage Consortium

Till Halbach Røssvoll; Anbefalinger for nye nettsider på NR 2012. Report

Publisher Norsk Regnesentral

Lavinia Curescu; Iulian Anghelache; Till Halbach Røssvoll; MobileSage Deliverable D2.3: System Requirements Specification for Help-on-Demand Service 2012. Report

Publisher MobileSage Consortium

Wolfgang Leister; Svetlana Boudko; Till Halbach Røssvoll; Adaptive Video Streaming through Estimation of Subjective Video Quality International Journal On Advances in Systems and Measurements, vol. 4, pp. 109 121 , (ISSN 1942-261X 1942-261X ), , 2011. Scientific article

Publisher International Academy, Research and Industry Association (IARIA)

Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Till Halbach Røssvoll; Usability and Accessibility of Personal Identification Management Systems in Electronic Services 2011. Scientific chapter / article / conference article

Till Halbach Røssvoll; Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Usability and Accessibility of Personal Identification Management Systems in Electronic Services , 2011. Scientific lecture

Till Halbach Røssvoll; Ivar Solheim; Design of Cognitively Accessible Web Pages International Journal on Advances in Intelligent Systems, vol. vol. 3, no. 3&4, pp. 303 312 10 , (ISSN 1942-2679 1942-2679 ), 2010. Scientific article

Publisher International Academy, Research and Industry Association (IARIA)

Ivar Solheim; Øystein Dale; Lothar Fritsch; Till Halbach Røssvoll; Knut Holmqvist; et al. Search and navigation as retrieval strategies in large photo collections , 2010. Scientific chapter / article / conference article

Till Halbach; Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Øystein Dale; Ivar Solheim; Trenton Schulz; Usability and Accessibility Evaluation of the Upcoming Norwegian E-Vote Solution pp. 156 167 , , 2010. Scientific chapter / article / conference article

Wolfgang Leister; Svetlana Boudko; Till Halbach Røssvoll; Estimation of Subjective Video Quality as Feedback to Content Providers pp. 266 271 , 2010. Scientific chapter / article / conference article

Till Halbach Røssvoll; Towards Cognitively Accessible Web Pages pp. 19 24 , , 2010. Scientific chapter / article / conference article

Till Halbach; Riitta Hellman; Gro Marit Rødevand; Ivar Solheim; Cognitive Accessibility of Web Pages and Sites , 2010. Report

Publisher Helsedirektoratet
Publisher Norsk Regnesentral
Publisher Norsk Regnesentral
Publisher Norsk Regnesentral

Till Halbach; Riitta Hellman; Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Ivar Solheim; Designveileder for kognitiv tilgjengelighet av elektroniske tjenester og innhold Ukjent, , 2009. Article journal

Riitta Hellman; Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Lasse Udjus; Till Halbach; Kjell Tore Guttormsen; et al. UNIMOD: Universell utforming i multimodale grensesnitt – prosjektavslutningsforedrag , 2009. Lecture popular

Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Till Halbach; Øystein Dale; Ivar Solheim; Trenton Schulz; Accessibility and usability evaluation of E-vote prototypes , 2009. Report

Publisher Norsk Regnesentral

Knut Holmqvist; Ivar Solheim; Lothar Fritsch; Øystein Dale; Till Halbach; Search vs Navigation in Mariage Image Retrieval 2009. Report

Publisher Norsk Regnesentral

Knut Holmqvist; Till Halbach; User and elderly friendly home video services 2009. Report

Publisher Norsk Regnesentral

Till Halbach; Dokumentasjon av UNIMOD-innloggingsprototypen , 2009. Report

Publisher Norsk Regnesentral

Till Halbach; A Framework for Serving Inclusive Web Forms to Disabled and Elderly Individuals 2009. Scientific chapter / article / conference article

Till Halbach; Log In If You Can - The Brønnøysund Case , 2008. Scientific lecture

Till Halbach; Knut Holmqvist; Søknadsevaluering 2008. Report

Publisher Norsk Regnesentral

Till Halbach; Video Codec Performance Evaluation 2007. Report

Publisher Norsk Regnesentral

Till Halbach; Thomas R. Fischer; SNR scalability by coefficient refinement for hybrid video coding IEEE Signal Processing Letters, pp. 88 91 , doi: , 2006. Scientific article

Publisher Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)

Till Halbach; Error Robustness Evaluation of H.264/MPEG-4 AVC 2004. Scientific lecture

Till Halbach; Some Important International Standards and Organizations in Visual Telecommunications, Part III: Video Compression Standards NORSIGnalet : organ for NORSIG, Norsk forening for signalbehandling, pp. 12 19 , 2003. Science for the public article

Till Halbach; The H.264 Video Compression Standard 2003. Scientific lecture

Till Halbach; Some Important International Standards and Organizations in Visual Telecommunications, Part I: Organizations in International Standardization NORSIGnalet : organ for NORSIG, Norsk forening for signalbehandling, pp. 9 13 , 2002. Science for the public article

Till Halbach; Enhanced variable-length coding 2002. Report

Publisher ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11 and ITU-T SG16 Q.6 (JVT)
Publisher ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11 and ITU-T SG16 Q.6 (JVT)
Publisher ITU-T,Q15/SG16 and ISO/IEC,MPEG (JVT)

Till Halbach; Mathias Wien; Concepts and Performance of Next-Generation Video Compression Standardization 2002. Scientific lecture

Till Halbach; Motivation for Error-Tolerant Communication 2002. Poster

Till Halbach; Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Reflections on Cost-Benefit Analyses Concerning Universal Design of ICT Solutions 2001. Scientific lecture

Till Halbach; TML-8.4 error resilience performance 2001. Report

Publisher ITU-T SG16 Q.6 (VCEG)

Mathias Wien; Till Halbach; Results of H.26L Core Experiment on Adaptive Block Transforms 2000. Report

Publisher ITU-T SG16 Q.15

Till Halbach; Tor Audun Ramstad; Andrew Perkis; Blockwise Mixed Fixed-length/Variable-length Coding in JPEG2000 , 1999. Scientific lecture

Till Halbach; Andrew Perkis; Geir Egil Øien; Tor Audun Ramstad; Helge Coward; FLC versus VLC 1998. Lecture popular

Andrew Perkis; Tor Audun Ramstad; Geir Egil Øien; Helge Coward; Till Halbach; Fixed Length Coding by Nonuniform Scalar Quantization 1998. Report

Publisher ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG1