- 471 publikasjoner funnet
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André Teigland; Hva er egentlig Maskinlæring og Kunstig intelligens? 2019. Faglig foredrag
Per Røe; Odd Kolbjørnsen; Ragnar Hauge; Comparison of one- and two-step seismic inversion for Lithology and Fluid prediction 2019. Faglig foredrag
Anders Løland; Data management – or what I did not learn @UiO 2019. Faglig foredrag
Solveig Engebretsen; Pain tolerance and social networks 2018. Faglig foredrag
Line Eikvil; Intelligent og automatisk bildeanalyse med deep learning 2018. Faglig foredrag
Rune Solberg; Snow products and services under development by the Norwegian Computing Center 2018. Faglig foredrag
Martin Jullum; XGBoost - efficient tree boosting 2018. Faglig foredrag
Pierre Lison; Tekstmining: En kort innføring , 2018. Faglig foredrag
André Teigland; Bridging the gap between research and industry - experiences and practical tools 2018. Faglig foredrag
Anders Løland; Martin Jullum; Ragnar Bang Huseby; Detecting money laundering transactions – two stories 2018. Faglig foredrag
Anders Løland; Samfunnsnytte eller personvern? 2018. Faglig foredrag
Anders Løland; Why artificial intelligence struggles in the real world 2018. Faglig foredrag
Kjersti Aas; Credit Scoring using Deep Learning 2018. Faglig foredrag
Lars Holden; Historisk befolkningsregister og bioinformatikk 2018. Faglig foredrag
Line Eikvil; Lars Holden; Bruk av Deep learning and Big Data i Mammografiprogrammet 2018. Faglig foredrag
Svetlana Boudko; Habtamu Abie; Applying Evolutionary Game Theory for Integrity Attacks and Defences for Advanced Metering Infrastructure 2018. Faglig foredrag
Svetlana Boudko; Habtamu Abie; An Evolutionary Game for Integrity Attacks and Defences for Advanced Metering Infrastructure 2018. Faglig foredrag
Kjersti Aas; Big Data og maskinlæring i finans og forsikring 2018. Faglig foredrag
Anders U. Waldeland; Seismic interpretation with deep learning , 2018. Faglig foredrag
Clara-Cecilie Günther; Marit Holden; Advising in a research institute: Challenges and lessons learned 2018. Faglig foredrag