Chief Research Scientist
Pierre Lison
- Department SAMBA
- Phone number +47 22 85 25 77
- E-mail plison@nr.no

- Machine learning
- Language technology
- Digital security
Semi-Automated Cyber Risk Management

- Machine learning
How do we understand machines that talk to us?
- 118 publications found
- Publisher
Casey Kennington; Pierre Lison; David Schlangen; Incremental Dialogue Management: Survey, Discussion, and Implications for HRI arXiv, 2025. Scientific article
Benet Manzanares-Salor; David Sánchez; Pierre Lison; Evaluating the disclosure risk of anonymized documents via a machine learning-based re-identification attack Data mining and knowledge discovery, vol. 38, pp. 4040 4075 35 , (ISSN 1384-5810 1573-756X ), doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10618-024-01066-3 , 2024. Scientific article
Pierre Lison; Nå kan KI-generert tekst vannmerkes Dagensnæringsliv, 2024. Article feature
Ildikó Pilán; Laurent Prévot; Hendrik Buschmeier; Pierre Lison; Conversational Feedback in Scripted versus Spontaneous Dialogues: A Comparative Analysis pp. 440 457 , doi: https://doi.org/10.18653/v1/2024.sigdial-1.38 , 2024. Scientific chapter / article / conference article
Pierre Lison; Automated de-identication of scanned patient records: Evaluation report 2024. Report
Syed Zohaib Hassan; Pierre Lison; Pål Halvorsen; Enhancing Naturalness in LLM-Generated Utterances through Disfluency Insertion arXiv, 2024. Scientific article
Nils Hallvard Korsvoll; Pierre Lison; Hilde Reinertsen; Mari Elken; Haley De Korne; et al. Fire tiltak for en bedre språkpolitikk i akademia Khrono.no, (ISSN 1894-8995 ), 2023. Article feature
Ingrid Lossius Falkum; Pierre Lison; Er prateroboten ChatGPT en klok samtalepartner eller papegøye? Forskersonen.no, 2023. Article feature
Nicholas Thomas Walker; Pierre Lison; GraphWOZ: Dialogue Management with Conversational Knowledge Graphs 2023. Scientific lecture
Jeremy Claude Barnes; Samia Touileb; Petter Mæhlum; Pierre Lison; Identifying Token-Level Dialectal Features in Social Media pp. 13 , , 2023. Scientific chapter / article / conference article
Anders Mølmen Høst; Pierre Lison; Leon Moonen; Constructing a Knowledge Graph from Textual Descriptions of Software Vulnerabilities in the National Vulnerability Database pp. 386 391 6 , , 2023. Scientific chapter / article / conference article
Pierre Lison; Casey Kennington; Who's in Charge? Roles and Responsibilities of Decision-Making Components in Conversational Robots 2023. Scientific lecture
Annika Willoch Olstad; Anthi Papadopoulou; Pierre Lison; Generation of Replacement Options in Text Sanitization pp. 292 300 9 , , 2023. Scientific chapter / article / conference article
Solveig Engebretsen; Anders Løland; Pierre Lison; Alt du kan lære om statistisk modellering og maskinlæring på en dag 2023. Lecture
Solveig Engebretsen; Anders Løland; Pierre Lison; Alt du kan lære om statistisk modellering og maskinlæring på en dag 2023. Lecture
Pierre Lison; Samia Touileb; Chat GPT egner seg dårlig til eksamenssensuren Morgenbladet, (ISSN 0805-3847 0806-2617 ), 2023. Article feature
Nicholas Thomas Walker; Stefan Ultes; Pierre Lison; Retrieval-Augmented Neural Response Generation Using Logical Reasoning and Relevance Scoring SemDial Proceedings, pp. 13 , (ISSN 2308-2275 2308-2275 ), , 2023. Scientific article
Pierre Lison; Venn med kunstig intelligens 2023. Media interview
Pierre Lison; Kunstig Intelligens, en fare for menneskeheten? 2023. Media interview
Michael Riegler; Pierre Lison; Ingrid Lossius Falkum; Kunstig intelligens-modeller er ikke miniatyrversjoner av den menneskelige hjernen Forskersonen.no, 2023. Article feature
Pierre Lison; Samia Touileb; Chat GPT egner seg dårlig til eksamenssensuren Morgenbladet, 2023. Article feature
Fredrik Andreas Dahl; Line Eikvil; Ingunn Fride Tvete; Pierre Lison; Ildikó Pilán; et al. Helse-effektivisering - et mulig satsningsområde for NR 2023. Report
Nicholas Thomas Walker; Stefan Ultes; Pierre Lison; A Graph-to-Text Approach to Knowledge-Grounded Response Generation in Human-Robot Interaction arXiv, 2023. Scientific article
Emily Mary Weitzenboeck; Pierre Lison; Malgorzata Agnieszka Cyndecka; Malcolm Langford; The GDPR and Unstructured Data: Is Anonymisation Possible? International Data Privacy Law (IDPL), vol. 12, pp. 184 206 22 , (ISSN 2044-3994 2044-4001 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.1093/idpl/ipac008 , 2022. Scientific article
Pierre Lison; Nils Hallvard Korsvoll; Aase-Kristine Aasen Lundberg; Kjernekraft -er det farlig, eller er det fremtiden? Morgenbladet, (ISSN 0805-3847 0806-2617 ), 2022. Article feature
Pierre Lison; Dis, c'est quoi l'intelligence artificielle? (ISSN 2507057297 ), 2022. Popular science book
Pierre Lison; Anonymization of sensitive information 2022. Lecture
Bjarte Aarmo Lund; Astrid Marie Jorde Sandsør; Pierre Lison; Problemer på kontoret: Alltid jeg som må trakte kaffe Morgenbladet, (ISSN 0805-3847 0806-2617 ), 2022. Article feature
Anthi Papadopoulou; Pierre Lison; Lilja Øvrelid; Ildikó Pilán; Bootstrapping Text Anonymization Models with Distant Supervision pp. 4477 4487 , , 2022. Scientific chapter / article / conference article
Nicholas Thomas Walker; Torbjørn Dahl; Pierre Lison; Dialogue Management as Graph Transformations pp. 219 227 , doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-5538-9_15 , 2022. Scientific chapter / article / conference article
Benet Manzanares-Salor; David Sánchez; Pierre Lison; Automatic Evaluation of Disclosure Risks of Text Anonymization Methods pp. 157 171 , doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-13945-1_12 , 2022. Scientific chapter / article / conference article
Ildikó Pilán; Pierre Lison; Lilja Øvrelid; Anthi Papadopoulou; David Sánchez; et al. The text anonymization benchmark (TAB): A dedicated corpus and evaluation framework for text anonymization Computational Linguistics, vol. 48, pp. 1053 1101 , (ISSN 0891-2017 1530-9312 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.1162/coli_a_00458 , 2022. Scientific article
Pierre Lison; Aike Peter Rots; Haley De Korne; Hvilket fremmedspråk bør man lære seg i Google-oversettelsenes tidsalder? Morgenbladet, (ISSN 0805-3847 0806-2617 ), 2022. Article feature
Anthi Papadopoulou; Yunhao Yu; Pierre Lison; Lilja Øvrelid; Neural Text Sanitization with Explicit Measures of Privacy Risk pp. 217 229 , , 2022. Scientific chapter / article / conference article
Hva er universell utforming? 2022. Popular science hosting
Syed Zohaib Hassan; Pegah Salehi; Ragnhild Klingenberg Røed; Pål Halvorsen; Gunn Astrid Baugerud; et al. Towards an AI-driven talking avatar in virtual reality for investigative interviews of children pp. 9 15 , doi: https://doi.org/10.1145/3534085.3534340 , 2022. Scientific chapter / article / conference article
Pierre Lison; Ildikó Pilán; David Sánchez; Montserrat Batet; Lilja Øvrelid; Anonymisation Models for Text Data: State of the art, Challenges and Future Directions pp. 4188 4203 , doi: https://doi.org/10.18653/v1/2021.acl-long.323 , 2021. Scientific chapter / article / conference article
Pierre Lison; Jeremy Barnes; Aliaksandr Hubin; skweak: Weak Supervision Made Easy for NLP pp. 337 346 , doi: https://doi.org/10.18653/v1/2021.acl-demo.40 , 2021. Scientific chapter / article / conference article
Pierre Lison; Ildikó Pilán; David Sánchez Ruenes; Montserrat Batet; Lilja Øvrelid; Anonymisation Models for Text Data: State of the art, Challenges and Future Directions 2021. Scientific lecture
Pierre Lison; Ildikó Pilán; Lilja Øvrelid; David Sánchez Ruenes; Montserrat Batet; Anonymisation Models for Text Data: State of the art, Challenges and Future Directions 2021. Scientific lecture
Pierre Lison; Jeremy Claude Barnes; Aliaksandr Hubin; skweak: weak supervision made easy for NLP 2021. Poster
Joakim Olsen; Arild Brandrud Næss; Pierre Lison; Assessing the Quality of Human-Generated Summaries with Weakly Supervised Learning pp. 112 123 , , 2021. Scientific chapter / article / conference article
Kristiina Jokinen; Martin Heckmann; Dinesh Lala; Pierre Lison; Proceedings of the 1st RobotDial Workshop on Dialogue Models for Human-Robot Interaction , 2021. Report
Pierre Lison; Skweak: Weak Supervision Made Easy for NLP 2021. Scientific lecture
Pierre Lison; Fremdrift i forskningsprosjekter 2021. Lecture
Pierre Lison; Jørgen Bølstad; Anders Kvellestad; Forvirrende pandemistatistikk: Hva skal vi med logaritmer i grafer? Morgenbladet, (ISSN 0805-3847 0806-2617 ), , 2021. Article feature
Nicholas Thomas Walker; Torbjørn Dahl; Pierre Lison; Dialogue Management as Graph Transformations 2021. Scientific lecture
Pierre Lison; Vi må snakke om Bitcoin NRK Ytring, , 2021. Article feature
Pierre Lison; Jørgen Bølstad; Anders Kvellestad; Hva skal vi med logaritmer i grafer? Morgenbladet, (ISSN 0805-3847 0806-2617 ), 2021. Article feature
Nils Hallvard Korsvoll; Mari Elken; Alexander Harald Sandtorv; Pierre Lison; Welcome to Norway! Khrono.no, (ISSN 1894-8995 ), , 2021. Article feature
Pierre Lison; Språkteknologi: siste trender og vanlige fallgruver 2021. Lecture
Annabelle Alice Redelmeier; Pierre Lison; Anders Løland; Ildikó Pilán; Predicting insurance fraud with the help of a sentiment analysis model 2021. Report
Pierre Lison; Developing NLP models without labelled data using weak supervision 2020. Lecture
Pierre Lison; Jeremy Barnes; Aliaksandr Hubin; Samia Touileb; Named Entity Recognition without Labelled Data: A Weak Supervision Approach (ISSN 978-1-950737-48-2 ), 2020. Scientific anthology / conference series
Pierre Lison; Jeremy Barnes; Aliaksandr Hubin; Samia Touileb; Named Entity Recognition without Labelled Data: A Weak Supervision Approach pp. 1518 1533 , , 2020. Scientific chapter / article / conference article
Episode 5: Hva er språkteknologi (eller NLP)? Med Pierre Lison 2020. Popular science hosting
Episode 6: Kan språkteknologi virkelig forstå språk? Med Ingrid Lossius Falkum og Pierre Lison 2020. Popular science hosting
Pierre Lison; Ingrid Lossius Falkum; Kan kunstig intelligens "forstå" språk? Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.), (ISSN 0804-3116 0807-2027 ), , 2020. Science for the public article
Pierre Lison; Named Entity Recognition without Labelled Data: A Weak Supervision Approach 2020. Scientific lecture
Michael Riegler; Pierre Lison; Inga Strümke; Anders Løland; For enkelt om kunstig intelligens: – Diskriminerende og fordomsfull AI er ikke alltid lett å løse Forskning.no, (ISSN 1891-635X 1891-6341 ), , 2020. Reader opinion
Pierre Lison; Ingrid Lossius Falkum; Hva skjedde med «Don’t be evil»? Morgenbladet, (ISSN 0805-3847 0806-2617 ), , 2020. Article feature
Pierre Lison; Ethical and social impacts of AI 2020. Lecture
Pierre Lison; Modellering av omdømme i cybersikkerhet med nevralske nettverk 2019. Lecture
Youngsoo Jang; Jongmin Lee; Jaeyoung Park; Kyeng-Hun Lee; Pierre Lison; et al. PyOpenDial: A Python-based Domain-Independent Toolkit for Developing Spoken Dialogue Systems with Probabilistic Rules pp. 187 192 , doi: https://doi.org/10.18653/v1/D19-3032 , 2019. Scientific chapter / article / conference article
Pierre Lison; Modélisation du dialogue: contrôle du dialogue et corpus multilingues , 2019. Scientific lecture
Pierre Lison; Dialogue Modelling: Small data, Big data 2019. Scientific lecture
Pierre Lison; Data-driven models of reputation for cybersecurity , 2019. Scientific lecture
Pierre Lison; Open challenges in anonymisation 2019. Lecture
Laurent Prévot; Pierre Magistry; Pierre Lison; Should we use movie subtitles to study linguistic patterns of conversational speech? A study based on French, English and Taiwan Mandarin 2019. Scientific lecture
Pierre Lison; Tekstmining: En kort innføring , 2018. Lecture
Pierre Lison; Jörg Tiedemann; Milen Kouylekov; OpenSubtitles 2018: Statistical rescoring of sentence alignments in large, noisy parallel corpora pp. 1742 1748 , , 2018. Scientific chapter / article / conference article
Pierre Lison; A. Seza Dogruöz; Detecting Machine-translated Documents in Large Parallel Corpora pp. 25 32 , , 2018. Scientific chapter / article / conference article
Pierre Lison; Modélisation du dialogue : systèmes de dialogue parlé et corpus multilingues , 2018. Scientific lecture
Pierre Lison; Detecting Machine-translated Subtitles in Large Parallel Corpora 2018. Scientific lecture
Pierre Lison; Neural models for predicting the reputation of end-point hosts 2018. Scientific lecture
Pierre Lison; Data-driven models of reputation in cyber-security , 2018. Scientific lecture
Pierre Lison; Jörg Tiedemann; Milen Kouylekov; OpenSubtitles 2018: Statistical Rescoring of Sentence Alignments in Large, Noisy Parallel Corpora , 2018. Scientific lecture
Pierre Lison; SAFERS: Talegjenkjenning og maskinlæring for nødmeldetjenester , 2018. Lecture popular
Pierre Lison; Anonymisering av rettsavgjørelser 2018. Report
Pierre Lison; Casey Kennington; Incremental Processing for Neural Conversational Models , 2017. Poster
Pierre Lison; Casey Kennington; Incremental Processing for Neural Conversational Models SemDial Proceedings, pp. 162 163 , (ISSN 2308-2275 2308-2275 ), , 2017. Scientific article
Pierre Lison; Vasileios Mavroeidis; Automatic Detection of Malware-Generated Domains with Recurrent Neural Models Norsk Informasjonssikkerhetskonferanse (NISK), pp. 12 , (ISSN 1893-6563 1894-7735 ), , 2017. Scientific article
Opptreden i God Morgen Norge (TV2) for å vise Lenny roboten som ble brukt ved Forskningstorget. 2017. Media participation
Pierre Lison; Andrei Kutuzov; Redefining Context Windows for Word Embedding Models: An Experimental Study pp. 284 288 , , 2017. Scientific chapter / article / conference article
Pierre Lison; Serge Bibauw; Not All Dialogues are Created Equal: Instance Weighting for Neural Conversational Models pp. 384 394 , doi: https://doi.org/10.18653/v1/w17-5546 , 2017. Scientific chapter / article / conference article
Pierre Lison; Vasileios Mavroeidis; Neural Reputation Models learned from Passive DNS data pp. 3662 3671 , doi: https://doi.org/10.1109/BigData.2017.8258361 , 2017. Scientific chapter / article / conference article
Pierre Lison; Serge Bibauw; Not all dialogues are created equal: instance weighting for neural conversational models , 2017. Scientific lecture
Pierre Lison; Automatic Detection of Malware-Generated Domains with Recurrent Neural Models , 2017. Scientific lecture
Pierre Lison; Neural Reputation Models learned from Passive DNS Data 2017. Scientific lecture
Pierre Lison; Automatic Turn Segmentation for Movie and TV Subtitles , 2016. Poster
Pierre Lison; OpenDial: A Toolkit for Developing Spoken Dialogue Systems with Probabilistic Rules 2016. Poster
Pierre Lison; Raveesh Meena; Automatic Turn Segmentation of Movie and TV Subtitles pp. 245 252 , doi: https://doi.org/10.1109/SLT.2016.7846272 , 2016. Scientific chapter / article / conference article
Pierre Lison; Automatic Turn Segmentation for Movie and TV Subtitles , 2016. Scientific lecture
Pierre Lison; Dialogue modelling: small data and large data , 2016. Scientific lecture
Svetlana Stoyanchev; Pierre Lison; Srinivas Bangalore; Rapid Prototyping of Form-driven Dialogue Systems Using an Open-source Framework pp. 216 219 , doi: https://doi.org/10.18653/v1/w16-3626 , 2016. Scientific chapter / article / conference article
Pierre Lison; Casey Kennington; OpenDial: A Toolkit for Developing Spoken Dialogue Systems with Probabilistic Rules pp. 67 72 , doi: https://doi.org/10.18653/v1/p16-4012 , 2016. Scientific chapter / article / conference article
Paolo Dragone; Pierre Lison; Classification and Resolution of Non-Sentential Utterances in Dialogue Italian Journal of Computational Linguistics (IJCoL), pp. 45 62 24 , , 2016. Scientific article
Pierre Lison; Hybrid dialogue management + dialogue modelling for MT , 2016. Lecture
Pierre Lison; A short introduction to statistical machine translation , 2016. Lecture popular
Pierre Lison; OpenSubtitles2016: Extracting Large Parallel Corpora from Movie and TV Subtitles , 2016. Lecture
Pierre Lison; Jörg Tiedemann; OpenSubtitles2016: Extracting Large Parallel Corpora from Movie and TV Subtitles pp. 923 929 , , 2016. Scientific chapter / article / conference article
Paolo Dragone; Pierre Lison; An Active Learning Approach to the Classification of Non-Sentential Utterances pp. 115 119 , doi: https://doi.org/10.4000/books.aaccademia.1464 , 2015. Scientific chapter / article / conference article
Pierre Lison; Structured Probabilistic Modelling for Dialogue Management , 2015. Scientific lecture
Pierre Lison; Casey Kennington; Developing Spoken Dialogue Systems with the OpenDial toolkit , 2015. Poster
Paolo Dragone; Pierre Lison; Non-sentential utterances in dialogue: experiments in classification and interpretation , 2015. Poster
Paolo Dragone; Pierre Lison; Non-sentential utterances in dialogue: experiments in classification and interpretation SemDial Proceedings, pp. 170 172 , , 2015. Scientific article
Pierre Lison; Casey Kennington; Developing Spoken Dialogue Systems with the OpenDial Toolkit SemDial Proceedings, pp. 194 196 , , 2015. Scientific article
Pierre Lison; A hybrid approach to dialogue management based on probabilistic rules Computer Speech and Language, pp. 232 255 , doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.csl.2015.01.001 , 2015. Scientific article
Pierre Lison; Structured Probabilistic Modelling for Dialogue Management 2014. Scientific lecture
Pierre Lison; Raveesh Meena; Spoken Dialogue Systems: A New Frontier in Human-Computer Interaction ACM Crossroads, 2014. Science for the public article
Michal Kajetan Kosek; Pierre Lison; An Intelligent Tutoring System for Learning Chinese with a Cognitive Model of the Learner 2014. Poster
Michal Kajetan Kosek; Pierre Lison; An Intelligent Tutoring System for Learning Chinese with a Cognitive Model of the Learner pp. 179 184 , doi: https://doi.org/10.14705/rpnet.2014.000214 , 2014. Scientific chapter / article / conference article
Pierre Lison; Structured Probabilistic Modelling for Dialogue Management , 2014. Doctor dissertat
Pierre Lison; Model-based Bayesian Reinforcement Learning for Dialogue Management , 2013. Scientific lecture
Pierre Lison; Model-based Bayesian Reinforcement Learning for Dialogue Management Interspeech, , 2013. Scientific article
Pierre Lison; Kan man snakke med en robot? , 2013. Lecture popular
Pierre Lison; Dr. Utenlansk , 2013. Media interview