Senior Research Scientist
Trenton Schulz
- Department DART
- Phone number +47 22 85 26 70
- E-mail trenton@nr.no

- Digital Inclusion
- Learning technology, e-learning and easy-to-read information
Robot-supported education for children with autism

- Digital Inclusion

- Digital Inclusion
- Universal design (UD)
- E-health and welfare technology
Universal design of robots

Can we trust in Internet of Things?
- 170 publications found
- Publisher
Jo Erskine Hannay; Sinan Sigurd Tanilkan; Trenton Schulz; Natalia Isabella Hansen; The Co-design of Simulation-Based Training for Collaboration Between Healthcare Services Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), vol. 14711, pp. 326 345 , (ISSN 0302-9743 1611-3349 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-61066-0_20 , 2024. Scientific article
Trenton Schulz; Ingrid Utseth; A Rock, Paper, Scissors Robot for Engaging Interest in Research 2024. Poster
Trenton Schulz; Ingrid Utseth; A Rock, Paper, Scissors Robot for Engaging Interest in Research pp. 450 452 , doi: https://doi.org/10.1145/3687272.3690914 , 2024. Scientific chapter / article / conference article
Trenton Schulz; Ingrid Utseth; Summary rock-paper-scissors robot 2024 2024. Report
Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Till Halbach; Trenton Schulz; Joschua Thomas Simon-Liedtke; Juan Carlos Torrado; Forskning innen digital inkludering: Erfaringer og anbefalinger for bruk av metoder, verktøy og praktisk tilrettelegging — 2025-utgave: Håndtering av erkjentlighetsgaver, teksting og transkribering av multimedia, verktøy for dataanalyse, personvern og taushetserklæring 2024. Report
Till Halbach; Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Trenton Schulz; Best Practice for Inclusive Journey Mapping and Diversity in User Participation pp. 61 73 12 , doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-35681-0_4 , 2023. Scientific chapter / article / conference article
Patrick Holthaus; Trenton Schulz; Gabriella Lakatos; Rebekka Soma-Jestilä; Communicative Robot Signals: Presenting a New Typology for Human-Robot Interaction pp. 132 141 9 , doi: https://doi.org/10.1145/3568162.3578631 , 2023. Scientific chapter / article / conference article
Diana Saplacan; Trenton Schulz; Jim Tørresen; Zada Pajalic; Health Professionals’ Views on the Use of Social Robots with Vulnerable Users: A Scenario-Based Qualitative Study Using Story Dialogue Method pp. 421 428 8 , doi: https://doi.org/10.1109/RO-MAN57019.2023.10309644 , 2023. Scientific chapter / article / conference article
Trenton Schulz; Diana Saplacan; Universal Design of Robots / Universell Utformning av Robottar , 2023. Lecture popular
Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Till Halbach; Trenton Schulz; Joschua Thomas Simon-Liedtke; Forskning innen digital inkludering: Erfaringer og anbefalinger for bruk av metoder, verktøy og praktisk tilrettelegging 2023 utgave 2023. Report
Trenton Schulz; Ingrid Utseth; Oppsummering: stein-saks-papir robot 2023. Report
Habtamu Abie; Trenton Schulz; Reijo Savola; Adaptive Security and Trust Management for Autonomous Messaging Systems arXiv.org, (ISSN 2331-8422 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2203.03559 , 2022. Scientific article
Trenton Schulz; Wolfgang Leister; SoundVision D4.6 Read out loud Functionality 2022. Report
Trenton Schulz; SoundVision D5.1: Test plan for mobile app 2022. Report
Wolfgang Leister; Thor O. Kristoffersen; Trenton Schulz; SoundVision D4.4: Indoor Navigation and Location Finder 2022. Report
Trenton Schulz; Wolfgang Leister; SoundVision D4.1: Machine learning models for mobile device 2022. Report
Bjørn K Haugen; Trenton Schulz; Wolfgang Leister; Thor O. Kristoffersen; SoundVision – User Evaluation Report from Norway 2022. Report
Trenton Schulz; Wolfgang Leister; Doroteya Dineva; Zhelyazko Zhelev; SoundVision D6.1: Recruitment of focus group 2022. Report
Trenton Schulz; Wolfgang Leister; SoundVision D1.3 Technical Documentation for Making Models 2022. Report
Jo Erskine Hannay; Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Wolfgang Leister; Trenton Schulz; Scenario Design for Healthcare Collaboration Training Under Suboptimal Conditions Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), vol. 13320, pp. 197 214 , (ISSN 0302-9743 1611-3349 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-06018-2_14 , 2022. Scientific article
Jo Erskine Hannay; Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Wolfgang Leister; Trenton Schulz; Scenario Design for Healthcare Collaboration Training Under Suboptimal Conditions 2022. Scientific lecture
Trenton Schulz; Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Creating vignettes for a Robot-Supported Education Solution for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder pp. 323 331 , doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-06242-1_32 , 2022. Scientific chapter / article / conference article
Trenton Schulz; Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Creating a Robot-Supported Education Solution for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder pp. 211 218 , doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-08645-8_25 , 2022. Scientific chapter / article / conference article
Trenton Schulz; Wolfgang Leister; Stefan Mavrodiev; SoundVision D1.3 Technical Documentation V3 2022. Report
Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Till Halbach; Trenton Schulz; Joschua Thomas Simon-Liedtke; Tilrettelegging av forskningsmetoder for brukerinvolvering: Håndtering av erkjentlighetsgaver, teksting og transkribering av multimedia, verktøy for dataanalyse, personvern og taushetserklæring 2022. Report
Trenton Schulz; Diana Saplacan; Performing Accessibility Evaluations for Social Robot 2022. Report
Trenton Schulz; Diana Saplacan; Notes from Literature about Universal Design, Accessibility & Robots 2022. Report
Diana Saplacan; Zada Pajalic; Trenton W. Schulz; Report on user activities in UD-Robots Project - Are social robots universally designed? , 2022. Report
Joschua Thomas Simon-Liedtke; Way Kiat Bong; Trenton Wade Schulz; Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Remote Evaluation in Universal Design Using Video Conferencing Systems During the COVID-19 Pandemic doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-78092-0_8 , 2021. Scientific chapter / article / conference article
Trenton Wade Schulz; Rebekka Soma; Patrick Holthaus; Movement acts in breakdown situations: How a robot's recovery procedure affects participants' opinions Paladyn - Journal of Behavioral Robotics, vol. 12, pp. 336 355 , (ISSN 2080-9778 2081-4836 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.1515/pjbr-2021-0027 , 2021. Scientific article
Jo Herstad; Trenton Wade Schulz; Diana Saplacan; pp. 238 251 , doi: https://doi.org/10.3233/SHTI210400 , 2021. Scientific chapter / article / conference article
Till Halbach; Trenton Schulz; Wolfgang Leister; Ivar Solheim; Robot-Enhanced Language Learning for Children in Norwegian Day-Care Centers Multimodal Technologies and Interaction, (ISSN 2414-4088 2414-4088 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.3390/mti5120074 , 2021. Scientific article
Trenton Schulz; Motivation mechanisms for children with ASD: some findings from literature , 2021. Report
Trenton Schulz; Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Rosa Prosjekt: D1.2a Risikoanalyse , 2021. Report
Trenton Schulz; Felles verktøy for samarbeid i ROSA prosjektet 2021. Lecture
Trenton Schulz; Motivasjonsmekanismer 2021. Lecture
Trenton Schulz; Gro Jørgensen; Teknologiske byggeklosser 2021. Lecture
Trenton Schulz; Presentation of the ROSA project for master students at USN 2021. Lecture
Trenton Schulz; Presentation of the ROSA project for IFI Design Students 2021. Lecture
Trenton Schulz; Presentation of the ROSA project for master students in Robin 2021. Lecture
Till Halbach; Trenton Schulz; Wolfgang Leister; Ivar Solheim; Robot-Enhanced Language Learning for Children in Norwegian Day-Care Centers Multimodal Technologies and Interaction, vol. 5, pp. 25 , (ISSN 2414-4088 2414-4088 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.3390/mti5120074 , 2021. Scientific article
Trenton Wade Schulz; Till Halbach; Ivar Solheim; Using social robots to teach language skills to immigrant children in an oslo city district ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI), pp. 442 444 , (ISSN 2167-2121 2167-2148 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.1145/3371382.3378257 , 2020. Scientific article
Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Trenton Wade Schulz; Astri Letnes Janson; Anne Moen; Co-creating persona scenarios with diverse users enriching inclusive design Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), vol. 12188, pp. 48 59 , (ISSN 0302-9743 1611-3349 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-49282-3_4 , 2020. Scientific article
Diana Saplacan; Jo Herstad; Trenton Wade Schulz; Situated Abilities within Universal Design – A Theoretical Exploration International Journal on Advances in Intelligent Systems, vol. 13, pp. 278 291 14 , (ISSN 1942-2679 1942-2679 ), , 2020. Scientific article
Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Trenton Wade Schulz; Astri Letnes Janson; Anne Moen; Co-creating persona scenarios with diverse users enriching inclusive design (ISSN 978-3-030-49282-3 ), , 2020. Scientific anthology / conference series
Trenton Wade Schulz; Till Halbach; Social Robots as Language Teachers: Findings from the Literature 2020. Report
Trenton Wade Schulz; Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Ivar Solheim; Social Robots in Therapy for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Some findings from the literature 2020. Report
Wolfgang Leister; Till Halbach; Trenton Wade Schulz; Bjarte M. Østvold; Security & Privacy in Social Robots 2020. Report
Wolfgang Leister; Trenton Wade Schulz; Jo Erskine Hannay; Joschua Thomas Simon-Liedtke; Ingvar Tjøstheim; et al. Aspects of Digitalisation 2020. Report
Trenton Wade Schulz; Exploration of Moving Things in the Home , 2020. Doctor dissertat
Trenton Wade Schulz; Differences of Human Perceptions of a Robot Moving using Linear or Slow in, Slow out Velocity Profiles When Performing a Cleaning Task 2019. Scientific lecture
Trenton Wade Schulz; Patrick Holthaus; Farshid Amirabdollahian; Kheng Lee Koay; Jim Tørresen; et al. Differences of Human Perceptions of a Robot Moving using Linear or Slow in, Slow out Velocity Profiles When Performing a Cleaning Task pp. 8 , doi: https://doi.org/10.1109/RO-MAN46459.2019.8956355 , 2019. Scientific chapter / article / conference article
Trenton Wade Schulz; Patrick Holthaus; Farshid Amirabdollahian; Kheng Lee Koay; Humans' Perception of a Robot Moving Using a Slow in and Slow Out Velocity Profile ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI), pp. 594 595 , doi: https://doi.org/10.1109/HRI.2019.8673239 , 2019. Scientific article
Trenton Wade Schulz; Jim Tørresen; Jo Herstad; Animation Techniques in Human-Robot Interaction User Studies: A Systematic Literature Review ACM Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction, doi: https://doi.org/10.1145/3317325 , 2019. Scientific article
Till Halbach; Ivar Solheim; Siri Ytrehus; Trenton Wade Schulz; A Mobile Application for Supporting Dementia Relatives: A Case Study pp. 839 846 , doi: https://doi.org/10.3233/978-1-61499-923-2-839 , 2018. Scientific chapter / article / conference article
Till Halbach; Ivar Solheim; Siri Ytrehus; Trenton Wade Schulz; A Mobile Application for Supporting Dementia Relatives: A Case Study 2018. Scientific lecture
Till Halbach; Ivar Solheim; Siri Ytrehus; Trenton Schulz; A mobile application for supporting dementia relatives: A case study 2018. Scientific chapter / article / conference article
Wolfgang Leister; Camilla Fongen; Dag Soldal; Kåre Birger Hagen; Trenton Wade Schulz; et al. Evidence-Based Self-Management for Spondyloarthritis Patients International Journal on Advances in Life Sciences, vol. 9, pp. 92 105 , (ISSN 1942-2660 1942-2660 ), , 2017. Scientific article
Ruijie Wang; Liming Chen; Ivar Solheim; Trenton Wade Schulz; Aladdin Avesh; Conceptual Motivation Modelling for Students with Dyslexia for Enhanced Assistive Learning 2017. Scientific lecture
Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Kjersti Lunde Ellingsen; Kristin K. Urrang; Trenton Wade Schulz; RevmaRApp prosjektrapport: En app for aktivitetsregulering og egenmestring ved vedvarende mangel på energi ved revmatisk sykdom (ISSN 978-82-539-0544-0 ), , 2017. Report
Aleksander Bai; Heidi Camilla Mork; Trenton Wade Schulz; Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Evaluation of accessibility testing methods. which methods uncover what type of problems? Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, vol. 229, pp. 506 516 , (ISSN 0926-9630 1879-8365 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.3233/978-1-61499-684-2-506 , 2016. Scientific article
Wolfgang Leister; Ingvar Tjøstheim; Trenton Wade Schulz; Göran Joryd; Andreas Larssen; et al. Assessing Visitor Engagement in Science Centres and Museums International Journal on Advances in Life Sciences, vol. 8, pp. 50 64 , (ISSN 1942-2660 1942-2660 ), , 2016. Scientific article
Aleksander Bai; Heidi Camilla Mork; Trenton Wade Schulz; Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Evaluation of Accessibility Testing Methods: Which Methods Uncover What Type of Problems? pp. 506 516 , doi: https://doi.org/10.3233/978-1-61499-684-2-506 , 2016. Scientific chapter / article / conference article
Aleksander Bai; Heidi Camilla Mork; Till Halbach; Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Wolfgang Leister; et al. A Review of Universal Design in Ambient Intelligence Environments pp. 6 11 , , 2016. Scientific chapter / article / conference article
Wolfgang Leister; Camilla Fongen; Dag Soldal; Kåre Birger Hagen; Trenton Wade Schulz; et al. Towards Evidence-Based Self-Management for Spondyloarthritis Patients pp. 43 48 , , 2016. Scientific chapter / article / conference article
Trenton Wade Schulz; Internal Validity in Experiments for Typefaces for People with Dyslexia pp. 335 338 , doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-41267-2_47 , 2016. Scientific chapter / article / conference article
Wolfgang Leister; Liming Chen; Giovanni Schiboni; Jun Qi; Trenton Wade Schulz; Decision Support, Metrics, and Estimation Models for SpA Patients' Self-Management 2016. Report
Wolfgang Leister; Trenton Wade Schulz; Lars Thomas Boye; Vebjørn Berre; Kåre Birger Hagen; et al. The MOSKUS Architecture and Implementation 2016. Report
Till Halbach; Trenton Wade Schulz; Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Emner innen universell utforming av IKT: Måling, effektmåling og apps. 2016. Report
Ivar Solheim; Till Halbach; Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Trenton Wade Schulz; Health litteracy og peronalisering 2016. Report
Ingvar Tjøstheim; Trenton Wade Schulz; Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Ivar Solheim; Till Halbach; Nye interaksjonsformer 2016. Report
Trenton Wade Schulz; Ivar Solheim; Till Halbach; PLA First Evaluation Report 2016. Report
Till Halbach; Siri Ytrehus; Ivar Solheim; Trenton Wade Schulz; DILP-evalueringsrapport 2016. Report
Wolfgang Leister; Kåre Birger Hagen; Dag Soldal; Lars Thomas Boye; Vebjørn Berre; et al. Final Report of the MOSKUS Project 2016. Report
Ingvar Tjøstheim; Aleksander Bai; Lars Thomas Boye; Wolfgang Leister; Jan Halvard Relbe-Moe; et al. User Testing of the MOSKUS Mobile Applications 2016. Report
Trenton W. Schulz; Ingvar Tjøstheim; Using Technology to Measure Trust and Engagement 2015. Lecture
Vladimir Tomberg; Trenton Wade Schulz; Sebastian Kelle; Applying universal design principles to themes for wearables Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), vol. 9176, pp. 550 560 , (ISSN 0302-9743 1611-3349 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-20681-3_52 , 2015. Scientific article
Ingvar Tjøstheim; Wolfgang Leister; Andreas Larssen; Trenton W. Schulz; The Role of Emotion and Enjoyment for QoE — A Case Study of a Science Centre Installation pp. 1 6 6 , doi: https://doi.org/10.1109/QoMEX.2015.7148112 , 2015. Scientific chapter / article / conference article
Wolfgang Leister; Ingvar Tjøstheim; Göran Kurt Joryd; Trenton W. Schulz; Towards Assessing Visitor Engagement in Science Centres and Museums pp. 21 27 , , 2015. Scientific chapter / article / conference article
Trenton Wade Schulz; Till Halbach; Oversikt av tjenester og apper for pårørende av personer med demens 2015. Report
Wolfgang Leister; Ingvar Tjøstheim; Thor O. Kristoffersen; Till Halbach; Svetlana Boudko; et al. The Project GB-BOHEME-2014/15 -- Final Report , 2015. Report
Trenton Schulz; Fredrik Gladhorn; Jan Arve Sæther; Best Practices for Creating Accessible Mobile Applications (ISSN 978-82-539-0541-9 ), , 2015. Report
Marc Busch; Mario Lorenz; Manfred Tscheligi; Christina Hochleitner; Trenton Wade Schulz; Being there for real: presence in real and virtual environments and its relation to usability doi: https://doi.org/10.1145/2639189.2639224 , 2014. Chapter
Wolfgang Leister; Ingvar Tjøstheim; Trenton Schulz; VisitorEngagement Assessments at Engineerium - first results 2014. Lecture
Efficient Web Accessibility Testing , 2014. Website material
Till Halbach; Trenton Schulz; MobileSage – A Prototype Based Case Study for Delivering Context-Aware, Accessible, and Personalized On-Demand Help Content International Journal on Advances in Intelligent Systems, vol. 7, pp. 267 278 , (ISSN 1942-2679 1942-2679 ), , 2014. Scientific article
Anne Christie; Hanne Dagfinrud; Øystein Dale; Trenton Schulz; Kåre Birger Hagen; Collection of patient-reported outcomes; - Text messages on mobile phones provide valid scores and high response rates BMC Medical Research Methodology, vol. 14, (ISSN 1471-2288 1471-2288 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.1186/1471-2288-14-52 , 2014. Scientific article
Trenton Schulz; Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Henrik Arfwedson; Marc Busch; A Case Study for Universal Design in the Internet of Things pp. 45 54 , doi: https://doi.org/10.3233/978-1-61499-403-9-45 , 2014. Scientific chapter / article / conference article
Trenton Schulz; Lothar Fritsch; Accessibility and Inclusion Requirements for Future e-Identity Solutions pp. 316 323 , doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-08596-8_50 , 2014. Scientific chapter / article / conference article
Trenton Schulz; Creating Universal Designed and Trustworthy Objects for the Internet of Things pp. 206 214 , doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-07485-6_21 , 2014. Scientific chapter / article / conference article
Trenton Schulz; Looking at the user side of trust 2014. Scientific lecture
Trenton Schulz; Repairing Trust in Our Toasters: Bringing back Universal Design and Trust to the Internet of Things 2014. Scientific lecture
Wolfgang Leister; Ingvar Tjøstheim; Trenton Schulz; VisitorEngagement - How to assess engagement of the eQuiz installation at Engineerium 2014. Lecture popular
Wolfgang Leister; Trenton Schulz; Ingvar Tjøstheim; Kåre Birger Hagen; Nina Østerås; et al. The MOSKUS Architecture and Implementation Plan - Release 1 2014. Report
Wolfgang Leister; Vebjørn Berre; Lars Thomas Boye; Nina Østerås; Ingvar Tjøstheim; et al. Assessment with Sensors for SpA Patients - First Iteration 2014. Report
Wolfgang Leister; Ingvar Tjøstheim; Trenton Schulz; VisitorEngagement D5.1 and D6.1: Observation Methods and Estimation Models 2014. Report
Wolfgang Leister; Ingvar Tjøstheim; Trenton Schulz; Göran Kurt Joryd; Andreas Larssen; et al. VisitorEngagement D9.1 & D7.2: Science Centre Case Study Development I 2014. Report
Habtamu Abie; Wolfgang Leister; Trenton Schulz; ASSET Project 2014 Annual Meeting, 27-28 February - Meeting Minutes & Documentation 2014. Report
Trenton Schulz; Jan Arve Sæther; Fredrik Gladhorn; Results from User Testing in BestApps , 2014. Report
Till Halbach; Trenton Schulz; D4.3: Evaluation Report of MobileSage Services v2.0 2014. Report
Trenton Schulz; uTRUSTit WP2 Summary February 2013 2013. Lecture
Trenton Schulz; MobileSage Results from Oslo Evaluation 2013. Lecture
Trenton Schulz; uTRUSTit WP2 Status July 2013 2013. Lecture
Trenton Schulz; D22.7 Status Report 2013. Lecture
Trenton Schulz; uTRUSTit—Usable Trust in the Internet of Things 2013. Lecture
Trenton Schulz; Proceedings of the User-Centered Trust in Interactive Systems Workshop: a Workshop from NordiCHI 2012 (ISSN 978-82-539-0538-9 ), , 2013. Scientific anthology / conference series
Øystein Dale; Trenton Schulz; Anne Christie; Hanne Dagfinrud; Collection of Patient Reported Outcome Measures Using Short Messaging Service pp. 214 219 , , 2013. Scientific chapter / article / conference article
Marc Busch; Christina Hochleitner; Mario Lorenz; Trenton Schulz; Manfred Tscheligi; et al. All In: Targeting Trustworthiness for Special Needs User Groups in the Internet of Things pp. 223 231 8 , doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-38908-5_17 , 2013. Scientific chapter / article / conference article
Trenton Schulz; Ingvar Tjøstheim; Increasing Trust Perceptions in the Internet of Things pp. 167 175 8 , doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-39345-7_18 , 2013. Scientific chapter / article / conference article
Till Halbach; Trenton Schulz; MobileSage - A Prototype Based Case Study for Delivering Context-Aware, Personalized, On-Demand Help Content , 2013. Scientific chapter / article / conference article
Øystein Dale; Ivar Solheim; Till Halbach Røssvoll; Trenton Schulz; Spiru Luiza; et al. What Seniors Want in a Mobile Help-on-Demand Service pp. 96 101 , , 2013. Scientific chapter / article / conference article
Trenton Schulz; Lothar Fritsch; Identifying Trust Strategies in the Internet of Things pp. 19 23 , , 2013. Scientific chapter / article / conference article
Trenton Schulz; Increasing Trust Perceptions in the Internet of Things 2013. Scientific lecture
Trenton Schulz; Accessibility in FutureID 2013. Lecture popular
Trenton Schulz; Hvordan kan universelt utformede app’er øke kundegrunnlaget ditt? 2013. Lecture popular
Trenton Schulz; Apps for Everyone 2013. Lecture popular
Trenton Schulz; Utfordringer ved å lage tilgjengelige app’er 2013. Lecture popular
Trenton Schulz; Trusting Our Toasters: Dealing With Real Life Trust Issues in the Internet of Things 2013. Lecture popular
Ivar Solheim; Till Halbach; Trenton Schulz; Jordi Rovira Simon; Ileana Turcu; et al. D4.3 Evaluation Report 2013. Report
Marc Busch; Christina Hochleitner; Peter Wolkerstorfer; Trenton Schulz; Franziska Pürzel; uTRUSTit Deliverable D6.4 Virtual Reality and Real World Comparison Report , 2013. Report
Marc Busch; Peter Wolkerstorfer; Christina Hochleitner; Trenton Schulz; Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; et al. uTRUSTit Deliverable D6.3 Design Iteration II – Evaluation Report , 2013. Report
Trenton Schulz; Lothar Fritsch; Eva Schlehahn; Marit Hansen; Harald Zwingelberg; FutureID Deliverable D22.7 Accessibility and Inclusion Requirements , 2013. Report
Michael Klein; Peter Wolkerstorfer; Christina Hochleitner; Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Trenton Schulz; uTRUSTit Deliverable D2.8 Final UI-Guidelines for the Trust Feedback Provided by the IoT , 2013. Report
Lothar Fritsch; Arne-Kristian Groven; Trenton Schulz; On the Internet of Things, Trust is Relative Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol. 277, pp. 267 273 7 , (ISSN 1865-0929 1865-0937 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-31479-7_46 , 2012. Scientific article
Trenton Schulz; Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Creating Personas with Disabilities pp. 145 152 , doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-31534-3_22 , 2012. Scientific chapter / article / conference article
Øystein Dale; Trenton Schulz; Easier Mobile Phone Input Using the JusFone Keyboard pp. 439 446 , doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-31534-3_65 , 2012. Scientific chapter / article / conference article
Wolfgang Leister; Trenton Schulz; Ideas for a Trust Indicator in the Internet of Things pp. 31 34 , , 2012. Scientific chapter / article / conference article
Trenton Schulz; Designing Usable and Trustworthy “Things” in the Internet of Things 2012. Scientific lecture
Trenton Schulz; Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Creating Personas with Disabilities 2012. Scientific lecture
Trenton Schulz; Wolfgang Leister; Ideas for a Trust Indicator in the Internet of Things 2012. Scientific lecture
Trenton Schulz; Lothar Fritsch; Identifying Trust Strategies in the Internet of Things 2012. Scientific lecture
Trenton Schulz; Ingvar Tjøstheim; Mario Lorenz; Franziska Pürzel; Eckhart Wittstock; Using Virtual Reality to Test Trust Perception in the Internet of Things 2012. Scientific lecture
Trenton Schulz; uTRUSTit WP2 Status, January 2012 2012. Lecture popular
Trenton Schulz; Universell utforming ved hjelp av virtuell virkelighet (VR) , 2012. Lecture popular
Trenton Schulz; uTRUSTit WP2 Requirements Summary – Year 2 2012. Lecture popular
Trenton Schulz; uTRUSTit WP7 – Ethics Coordination, Year 2 2012. Lecture popular
Trenton Schulz; uTRUSTit WP2 Status, September 2012 2012. Lecture popular
Trenton Schulz; uTRUSTit WP2 Status, May 2012 2012. Lecture popular
Trenton Schulz; Ivar Solheim; More Independent Seniors with the Help of MobileSage 2012. Lecture popular
Marc Busch; Döbelt Susen; Hochleitner Christina; Peter Wolkerstorfer; Trenton Schulz; et al. uTRUSTit Deliverable D6.2. Design Iteration I: Evaluation Report , 2012. Report
Cornelia Graf; Marc Busch; Trenton Schulz; Christina Hochleitner; Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; uTRUSTit Deliverable D2.7 Updated Design Guidelines on the Security Feedback Provided by the “Things” , 2012. Report
Trenton Schulz; Smarthus reportasje på NRK Morgennytt 2012. Media interview
Wolfgang Leister; Trenton Schulz; Arne Lie; Knut Harald Grythe; Ilangko Balasingham; Quality of Service, Adaptation, and Security Provisioning in Wireless Patient Monitoring Systems pp. 711 736 , doi: https://doi.org/10.5772/13235 , 2011. Scientific chapter / article / conference article
Trenton Schulz; Introduction for Workshop: On the Internet of Things, Trust is Relative 2011. Scientific lecture
Trenton Schulz; uTRUSTit WP7—Ethics Coordination 2011. Lecture popular
Trenton Schulz; Resultatene fra JusFone Spørreundersøkelsen 2011. Lecture popular
Trenton Schulz; Cornelia Graf; uTRUSTit Personas 2011. Lecture popular
Trenton Schulz; uTRUSTit WP2 Summary September to December 2010 2011. Lecture popular
Trenton Schulz; Preliminære resultater fra JusFone spørreundersøkelse 2011. Lecture popular
Trenton Schulz; uTRUSTit WP2 Summary January to April 2011. Lecture popular
Trenton Schulz; e-ID og tillit på Tingenes Internett 2011. Lecture popular
Trenton Schulz; uTRUSTit WP2—Requirements Presentation 2011. Lecture popular
Trenton Schulz; Persona Creation for MobileSage 2011. Lecture popular
Trenton Schulz; Tilgjengelige apps fra design til bruk , 2011. Lecture popular
Trenton Schulz; VoiceOver på iPhone 2011. Lecture popular
Øystein Dale; Trenton Schulz; JusFone - A Smartphone for Everyone (ISSN 978-82-539-0537-2 ), , 2011. Report
Trenton Schulz; Cornelia Graf; Christina Hochleitner; Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; uTRUSTit Deliverable D2.1 Personas , 2011. Report
Trenton Schulz; Lothar Fritsch; Ivar Solheim; Ingvar Tjøstheim; Dániel Petró; et al. uTRUSTit Deliverable D2.2 Definition of User Scenarios , 2011. Report
Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Ivar Solheim; Lars Ellensohn; Franziska Pürzel; Trenton Schulz; uTRUSTit Deliverable D.7.4 Ethics manual , 2011. Report
Till Halbach; Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Øystein Dale; Ivar Solheim; Trenton Schulz; Usability and Accessibility Evaluation of the Upcoming Norwegian E-Vote Solution pp. 156 167 , , 2010. Scientific chapter / article / conference article
Trenton Schulz; Jusfone Introduksjon til det 1. referansegruppemøtet 2010. Lecture popular
Richard Chan; Trenton Schulz; Jusfone Introduksjon til den 1. fokusgruppen 2010. Lecture popular
Trenton Schulz; Demonstration: WP 4, 5, & 6 working together 2010. Lecture popular
Habtamu Abie; Trenton Schulz; Reijo Savola; Petri Heinonen; Adaptive Security Scenarios for Case Studies 2010. Lecture popular
Habtamu Abie; Trenton Schulz; Quality of Service and Security: Adaptive Security 2010. Lecture popular
Trenton Schulz; Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Universal Mobile Device (UMD)—Methods, Inventory, and Dissemination , 2010. Report
Wolfgang Leister; Trenton Schulz; Medical Digital Items for Use in Patient Monitoring Systems , 2010. Report
Habtamu Abie; Trenton Schulz; Quality of Service and Security: Adaptive Security Demo 2009. Lecture popular
Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Till Halbach; Øystein Dale; Ivar Solheim; Trenton Schulz; Accessibility and usability evaluation of E-vote prototypes , 2009. Report
Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Øystein Dale; Ivar Solheim; Trenton Schulz; Accessibility and usability evaluation of E-vote prototypes , 2009. Report