Research Director
Lars Holden
- Department ADMIN
- Mobile phone 91175642
- Phone number 22852672
- E-mail holden@nr.no
Lars Holden is a research director.
Holden was managing director at the Norwegian Computing Center between 2001 and 2022. He has had a central role in the development of the Norwegian research sector and national research policies, founding the Association of Norwegian Research Institutes (FFA) in 2009, and as chairman of the board between 2009 and 2023. He has founded two private companies based on his own research and been a part-time professor in applied mathematics at University of Oslo. He has written more than 50 scientific articles in mathematics, both theory and with applications including geology, gene technology, biology, finance and history, and he is still an active researcher.
Holden is a member of the Norwegian Academy of Technological Sciences, NTVA.
- 1983 – Cand. Scient, numerical analysis, University of Oslo
- 1990 – Dr. Philos, mathematics, University of Oslo
Work experience
Norsk Regnesentral
- 2022 – Research director
- 2001 – 2022 Managing director (CEO)
- 1990 – 2001 Research director
- 1984 – 1989 Research scientist
- 1995 – 1997 Professor, part-time, applied mathematics, University of Oslo
Administrative chairs
- Chairman of board, Association of Research institutes in Norway (all institutes) 2009-
- Member of board, Forum for technical-industrial research institutes, 2009-
- Member of committee for cooperation between universities, university colleges and research institutes, member 2009-, chair 2011 and every second year.
- Member of board, Portfolio of enabling technologies, Research Council of Norway, 2019-
- Member of board, Division of Innovation, Research Council of Norway, 2013-2018
- Vicechairman of board, Norwegian Institutes for Air Research 2012-2018
- Member of board, Kunnskap Oslo, 2009-2012, Deputy member 2012-2014
- Chairman of board, Forskning.no. deputy 2006-2007, member, 2007-2010, chair 2010-2015
- Member of board, Industrial Council, Norwegian Academy of Technical Science, 2007-2015
- Member of board, Simula Research Laboratory, 2001-2005.
- Deputy member of board, Geomatic, 1995-1996.
- Co-founder and Deputy member of the board, Odin Reservoir Software & Services, 1992-1993
- Co-founder and Member of the board, Technical Software Consultants a.s.,1988-1995.
- Member of the board NR, 1986-1989, Representative for the employees.
- Chairman of the union of employees at NR (FANR), 1985-1986.
- Member of Norwegian Mathematical Council, Representative from NR in 1984 and 1985.
- Editorial work: Assistant editor in Mathematical Geology, 1998-2007.
- Member of organizing committee of 9 international conferences.
I was one of the founders of Technical Software Consultants AS which was established in 1988, and Odin Reservoir Software & Services, established in 1992. Both companies were bought by large international companies and the ideas we developed are still in use in the oil industry.
Elected member of Norwegian Academy of Technical Science
Scientific presentations
- More than 50 journal papers
- More than 50 scientific presentations at international conferences
- More than 20 presentations on research politics at national conferences
- Supervision of PhD students: 5 candidates
Academic book
Hegna, Håvard; Holden, Lars. Norsk Regnesentral 1952-2002 (NRs historie). 2002 pp 392.
- 403 publications found
- Publisher
Lars Holden; SkatteFUNN bør revideres Khrono.no, 2024. Reader opinion
Lars Holden; Some properties of Euler capital allocation arXiv.org, (ISSN 2331-8422 ), 2024. Scientific article
Ane Møller Gabrielsen; Jenny Ostrop; Live Håndlykken Kvale; Lars Holden; Nenitha Charlotte Dagslott; et al. Sluttrapport- Anbefaling til nasjonal fellesløsning for datahåndteringsplanlegging (DMP) , 2024. Report
Maria Astrup Hjort; Synne Solbakken; Hilde Reinertsen; Håkon Jendal; Shahzad Rana; et al. Rapport. Utvalget for bevaring av digitalt skapt dokumentasjon. 15. mai 2023 , 2023. Report
Lars Holden; Velkommen til FFAs årskonferanse 2023. Lecture
Lars Holden; En stat som bruker forskning til å ta beslutninger i kriser 2023. Lecture
Kåre Bævre; Lars Holden; Torkild Hovde Lyngstad; Jørgen Modalsli; Helsestatistikk i fare Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.), pp. 30 , (ISSN 0804-3116 0807-2027 ), 2023. Reader opinion
Lars Holden; Mathilde Skoie; Vidar Røeggen; Pål Bakke; Hvordan ønsker vi at et fremtidig publiseringslandskap skal se ut? Khrono.no, (ISSN 1894-8995 ), 2023. Reader opinion
Gunnar Thorvaldsen; Lars Holden; The Development of Microhistorical Databases in Norway A Historiography Historical Life Course Studies, vol. 13, pp. 127 147 20 , (ISSN 2352-6343 2352-6343 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.51964/hlcs14315 , 2023. Scientific article
Mathilde Skoie; Lars Holden; Vidar Røeggen; Pål Bakke; Lars Wenaas; et al. Strategi for vitenskapelig publisering etter 2024 Khrono.no, , 2023. Reader opinion
Eiliv Lund; Lill-Tove Rasmussen Busund; Lars Holden; The curvilinear relationships between grand parity and incidence of hormone-dependent cancers; follow-up of postmenopausal women in the Norwegian 1960 Census medRxiv, doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.12.13.23299895 , 2023. Scientific article
Lars Holden; Tanja Storsul; Grunnforskning har hatt god vekst Khrono.no, (ISSN 1894-8995 ), , 2022. Reader opinion
Lund Eiliv; Marit Holden; Snapkov Igor; Busund Lill-Tove Rasmussen; Shvetsov Nikita; et al. Trajectories of gene expression, seasonal influenza, and within-host seasonal immunity: transfer value to covid-19 medRxiv, doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.03.01.22271679 , 2022. Article journal
Lars Holden; Her er den billigste og beste løsningen for Forskningsrådet Khrono.no, (ISSN 1894-8995 ), , 2022. Reader opinion
Lars Holden; Hvis vi gjør ytringsfrihet til et hovedproblem, kan det bli en avsporing i forhold til de store oppgavene til instituttene Forskerforum.no, , 2022. Reader opinion
Lars Holden; Akademisk frihet er i stor grad avklart for forskningsinstitutter Forskerforum.no, , 2022. Reader opinion
Krisen i Forskningsrådet 2022. Media participation
Lars Holden; Anders Løland; Jan Terje Kvaløy; Data misuse – or seven ways to fail with statistics , 2022. Media interview
Line Eikvil; Marit Holden; Lars Holden; Olav Brautaset; Machine learning for screening mammography 2021. Report
Lars Holden; Steinar Holden; Oljefondet kan styres med lavere kostnader enn i dag Dagens næringsliv, pp. 29 29 , (ISSN 0803-9372 ), 2021. Reader opinion
Lars Holden; Velkommen til FFAs årskonferanse 2021 2021. Lecture popular
Karina Standahl Olsen; Marit Holden; Jean-Christophe Thalabard; Lill-Tove Rasmussen Busund; Eiliv Lund; et al. Global blood gene expression profiles following a breast cancer diagnosis—Clinical follow-up in the NOWAC post-genome cohort PLOS ONE, vol. 16, pp. 1 20 19 , (ISSN 1932-6203 1932-6203 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0246650 , 2021. Scientific article
Øystein Søreide; Dag Rune Olsen; Guro Elisabeth Lind; Lars Holden; Ingen forskning, ingen omstilling Dagens næringsliv, (ISSN 0803-9372 ), 2020. Reader opinion
Line Eikvil; Marit Holden; Lars Holden; Olav Brautaset; Machine learning for screening mammography - Initial analyses on a first limited dataset 2020. Report
Lars Holden; Svetlana Boudko; Gunnar Thorvaldsen; Lenking og kobling i Historisk befolkningsregister Heimen - Lokal og regional historie, vol. 57, pp. 216 229 , (ISSN 0017-9841 1894-3195 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.18261/issn1894-3195-2020-03-04 , 2020. Scientific article
Gunnar Thorvaldsen; Hilde Leikny Sommerseth; Lars Holden; Anvendelser av Norges historiske befolkningsregister Heimen - Lokal og regional historie, vol. 57, pp. 230 243 , (ISSN 0017-9841 1894-3195 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.18261/issn.1894-3195-2020-03-05 , 2020. Scientific article
Marit Holden; Lars Holden; Statistics of Sparsely Sampled Curves pp. 95 109 , doi: https://doi.org/10.18261/9788215041193-2020-06 , 2020. Scientific chapter / article / conference article
Eiliv Lund; Marit Holden; Jean-Christophe Thalabard; Lill-Tove Rasmussen Busund; Igor Snapkov; et al. Signals of Death - Post-Diagnostic Single Gene Expression Trajectories in Breast Cancer - A Proof of Concept pp. 141 162 , doi: https://doi.org/10.18261/9788215041193-2020-09 , 2020. Scientific chapter / article / conference article
Eiliv Lund; Marit Holden; Jean-Christophe Thalabard; Lill-Tove Rasmussen Busund; Igor Snapkow; et al. 9. Signals of Death—Post-Diagnostic Single Gene Expression Trajectories in Breast Cancer—A Proof of Concept pp. 141 162 , doi: https://doi.org/10.18261/9788215041193-2020-09 , 2020. Scientific chapter / article / conference article
Lars Holden; Nasjonalt historisk befolkningsregister 2019. Lecture
Karina Standahl Olsen; Marit Holden; Jean-Christophe Talabard; Lill-Tove Rasmussen Busund; Eiliv Lund; et al. Post-diagnostic blood gene expression profiles in breast cancer - NOWAC Post-genome Cohort 2019. Poster
Lars Holden; Mixing of MCMC algorithms Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, vol. 89, pp. 2261 2279 , (ISSN 0094-9655 1563-5163 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.1080/00949655.2019.1615064 , 2019. Scientific article
Stefania Salvatore; Knut Dagestad Rand; Ivar Grytten; Egil Ferkingstad; Diana Domanska; et al. Beware the Jaccard: the choice of similarity measure is important and non-trivial in genomic colocalisation analysis Briefings in Bioinformatics, pp. 1 8 , (ISSN 1467-5463 1477-4054 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.1093/bib/bbz083 , 2019. Scientific article
Lars Holden; Instituttene ønsker å bli mer involvert i Forskningsrådets vurdering av forskerkompetanse Forskningspolitikk, (ISSN 0333-0273 0805-8210 ), , 2019. Reader opinion
Lars Holden; Anders Løland; Ingen kvikkfiks for statistikken Forskningsetikk, vol. 2, pp. 26 26 , (ISSN 1502-6353 ), , 2019. Reader opinion
Håkon Haugli; Lars Holden; Agnes Landstad; Underfinansiering bremser Norges kunnskapsmotor Dagens Perspektiv, pp. 36 36 , , 2019. Reader opinion
Eiliv Lund; Marit Holden; Lars Holden; BLOBREC – a blood-based test for breast cancer Analyses of test properties in the years before and after diagnosis , 2019. Report
Marit Holden; Lars Holden; Parity and breast cancer Gene expression in blood, normal and tumor tissue 2019. Report
Erik Vasaasen; Lars Holden; Anders Løland; Personopplysninger i forskningsprosjekter ved Norsk Regnesentral , 2019. Report
Line Eikvil; Lars Holden; Bruk av Deep learning and Big Data i Mammografiprogrammet 2018. Lecture
Lars Holden; Historisk befolkningsregister og bioinformatikk 2018. Lecture
Lars Holden; Historisk befolkningsregister Lokalhistorisk magasin, vol. 2, pp. 36 37 , (ISSN 0802-8931 ), , 2018. Article journal
Lars Holden; Historisk befolkningsregister Genealogen, vol. 1, pp. 18 27 , (ISSN 0807-2191 ), , 2018. Article journal
Lars Holden; Svetlana Boudko; The Norwegian historic population register and migration Journal of Migration History, vol. 4, pp. 249 263 , (ISSN 2351-9916 2351-9924 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.1163/23519924-00402002 , 2018. Scientific article
Krzysztof Sikorski; Adi Mehta; Marit Inngjerdingen; Flourina Kumar Thakor; Simon Kling; et al. A high-throughput pipeline for validation of antibodies Nature Methods, vol. 15, pp. 909 912 , (ISSN 1548-7091 1548-7105 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41592-018-0179-8 , 2018. Scientific article
Eiliv Lund; Aurelie Nakamura; Igor Snapkov; Jean-Christophe Thalabard; Karina Standahl Olsen; et al. Each pregnancy linearly changes immune gene expression in the blood of healthy women compared with breast cancer patients. Clinical Epidemiology, (ISSN 1179-1349 1179-1349 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.2147/CLEP.S163208 , 2018. Scientific article
Lars Holden; Hvordan sikre rettferdig vurdering på eksamen? Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.), (ISSN 0804-3116 0807-2027 ), 2018. Reader opinion
Lars Holden; En instituttpolitikk som løser samfunnsutfordringer 2018. Lecture popular
Lars Holden; Norsk deltakelse i Digital Europe Programme 2018. Lecture popular
Lars Holden; Instituttenes synes på instituttpolitikken 2018. Lecture popular
Marit Holden; Lars Holden; Parity and breast cancer - Gene expression in blood, normal and tumor tissue 2018. Report
Lars Holden; Tone Fløtten; Forskningsetikk for oppdragsforskning , 2018. Report
Lars Holden; Historisk befolkningsregister 2017. Lecture
Lars Holden; Historisk befolkningsregister, åpen del 2017. Lecture
Lars Holden; Hvordan har vi lykkes? Erfaringer fra Norsk Regnesentral 2017. Lecture
Boris Simovski; Daniel Vodak; Sveinung Gundersen; Diana Ewa Domanska; Abdulrahman Azab; et al. GSuite HyperBrowser: integrative analysis of dataset collections across the genome and epigenome GigaScience, vol. 6, pp. 1 12 , (ISSN 2047-217X 2047-217X ), doi: https://doi.org/10.1093/gigascience/gix032 , 2017. Scientific article
Marit Holden; Lars Holden; Karina Standahl Olsen; Eiliv Lund; Local In Time Statistics for detecting weak gene expression signals in blood – illustrated for prediction of metastases in breast cancer in the NOWAC Post-genome Cohort Advances in Genomics and Genetics, vol. 7, pp. 11 28 , (ISSN 1179-9870 1179-9870 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.2147/AGG.S130004 , 2017. Scientific article
Lars Holden; Håkon Haugli; Forunderlig om forskning Dagens næringsliv, pp. 31 , (ISSN 0803-9372 ), 2017. Reader opinion
Lars Holden; Mindre samfunnsnyttig forskning Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.), pp. 22 22 , (ISSN 0804-3116 0807-2027 ), 2017. Reader opinion
Lars Holden; Langsiktig ta-hjem-melding 2017. Lecture popular
Lars Holden; Forskningspolitikk og forskningsstrategi 2017. Lecture popular
Lars Holden; Instituttenes bidrag til å løse store samfunnsutfordringer - hvordan kan LTP bidra? 2017. Lecture popular
Lars Holden; Instituttsektors rolle i ph.d.-utdanningen 2017. Lecture popular
Lars Holden; Velkommen til FFAs årskonferanse 2017. Lecture popular
Lars Holden; Hvordan påvirker og forandrer digitaliseringen forskningen? 2017. Lecture popular
Lars Holden; Flere varige toppforskningsmiljøer - trenger vi det? 2017. Lecture popular
Lars Holden; Martin Jullum; Geir Kjetil Sandve; Statistical modeling of repertoire overlap in entire sampling spaces , 2017. Report
Erik Vasaasen; Lars Holden; Anders Løland; Personopplysninger i forskningsprosjekter ved Norsk Regnesentral 2017. Report
Karina Standahl Olsen; Lars Holden; Hege Bøvelstad; Sandra Plancade; Clara-Cecilie Günther; et al. Blood gene expression profiles reflect temporality and clinical parameters up to six years before breast cancer diagnosis – The Norwegian 2016. Poster
Karina Standahl Olsen; Lars Holden; Hege Bøvelstad; Sandra Plancade; Clara-Cecilie Günther; et al. Blood gene expression profiles reflect temporality and clinical parameters up to six years before breast cancer diagnosis – The Norwegian Women and Cancer Post-genome cohort (Kvinner og Kreft-studien) 2016. Poster
Eiliv Lund; Lars Holden; Hege Bøvelstad; Sandra Caroline Plancade; Nicolle Mode; et al. A new statistical method for curve group analysis of longitudinal gene expression data illustrated for breast cancer in the NOWAC postgenome cohort as a proof of principle BMC Medical Research Methodology, vol. 16, (ISSN 1471-2288 1471-2288 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.1186/s12874-016-0129-z , 2016. Scientific article
Lars Holden; Perspektiver på forskning Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.), (ISSN 0804-3116 0807-2027 ), 2016. Reader opinion
Helge Holden; Lars Holden; Oljefondet kan spare penger Dagens næringsliv, (ISSN 0803-9372 ), , 2016. Reader opinion
Lars Holden; Svak analyse av forskning Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.), (ISSN 0804-3116 0807-2027 ), 2016. Reader opinion
Lars Holden; Kvalitet i forskningen måles ikke bare under tellekanten Forskning.no, (ISSN 1891-635X 1891-6341 ), , 2016. Article feature
Lars Holden; Instituttene svarer på Langtidsplanen 2016. Lecture popular
Lars Holden; Bruk av Forskningsrådets virkemidler for å nå høy kvalitet 2016. Lecture popular
Lars Holden; Forskning og innovasjon for omstilling - instituttenes bidrag 2016. Lecture popular
Marit Holden; Lars Holden; Analysis of gene expression in blood before diagnosis of ovarian cancer - Different statistical methods , 2016. Report
Marit Holden; Lars Holden; Parity, breast cancer and gene expression 2016. Report
Marit Holden; Lars Holden; Detecting weak gene expression signals in blood before diagnosis of cancer - Comparing breast, ovarian and lung cancer 2016. Report
Lars Holden; The two subset recurrent property of Markov chains , 2016. Report
Marit Holden; Lars Holden; Statistical analysis of gene expression in blood before diagnosis of breast cancer , 2016. Report
Lars Holden; Fra (sfi)2 til Big Insight. Hva har vi lært og hva tar vi med oss videre. 2015. Lecture
Arnoldo Frigessi; Lars Holden; André Teigland; (sfi)<sup>2</sup> statistics for innovation - The experience of the Oslo centre in industrial statistics Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, vol. 31, pp. 82 93 , (ISSN 1524-1904 1526-4025 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.1002/asmb.2113 , 2015. Scientific article
Egil Ferkingstad; Lars Holden; Geir Kjetil F. Sandve; Monte Carlo Null Models for Genomic Data Statistical Science, vol. 30, pp. 59 71 , (ISSN 0883-4237 2168-8745 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.1214/14-STS484 , 2015. Scientific article
Dag Rune Olsen; Lars Holden; Samarbeid om fremragende og innovativ forskning Forskningspolitikk, vol. 1, pp. 4 5 , (ISSN 0333-0273 0805-8210 ), , 2015. Reader opinion
Håkon Haugli; Lars Holden; Samfunnets behov bør styre Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.), (ISSN 0804-3116 0807-2027 ), , 2015. Reader opinion
Håkon Haugli; Lars Holden; Bruk Forskningsrådet! Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.), (ISSN 0804-3116 0807-2027 ), 2015. Reader opinion
Lars Holden; Internet based record linkage in the Historical Population Register 2015. Scientific lecture
Egil Ferkingstad; Geir Kjetil F. Sandve; Lars Holden; Monte Carlo null models for genomic data 2015. Scientific lecture
Marit Holden; Clara-Cecilie Günther; Lars Holden; Verification of a blood-based test for breast-cancer (BLOBREC) - Distinguishing breast-cancer patients from population-based controls , 2015. Report
Eiliv Lund; Lars Holden; Hege Bøvelstad; Sandra Caroline Plancade; Nicolle Mode; et al. Curve groups and breast cancer 2015. Report
Lars Holden; Classify strata , 2015. Report
Lars Holden; Time development of gene expression 2015. Report
Marit Holden; Lars Holden; Blood-based diagnostic tests for breast cancer:Additional subgroup analyses of the BLOBREC test 2015. Report
Lars Holden; Svetlana Boudko; The Norwegian historic population register and migration , 2015. Report
Giulio Disanto; Geir Kjetil Sandve; Vito AG Ricigliano; Julia Pakpoor; Antonio Berlanga-Taylor; et al. DNase hypersensitive sites and association with multiple sclerosisxs Human Molecular Genetics, vol. 23, pp. 942 948 , (ISSN 0964-6906 1460-2083 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.1093/hmg/ddt489 , 2014. Scientific article
Jonas Paulsen; Einar Andreas Rødland; Lars Holden; Marit Holden; Johannes Eivind Hovig; A statistical model of ChIA-PET data for accurate detection of chromatin 3D interactions Nucleic Acids Research (NAR), vol. 42, pp. e143 11 , (ISSN 0305-1048 1362-4962 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.1093/nar/gku738 , 2014. Scientific article
Lars Holden; Å leve av bare ekstern finansiering 2014. Lecture popular
Lars Holden; Hvordan kan forskningsinstituttene bidra til at Norge blir en ledende kunnskapsnasjon? 2014. Lecture popular
Lars Holden; Aktuelle forskningspolitiske saker 2014. Lecture popular
Lars Holden; Kommentar fra FFA 2014. Lecture popular
Lars Holden; Avslutningskommentar 2014. Lecture popular
Lars Holden; Line Eikvil; Marit Holden; Svetlana Boudko; Historisk informasjon fra avisarkiv 2014. Report
Clara-Cecilie Günther; Marit Holden; Lars Holden; Preprocessing of gene-expression data related to breast cancer diagnosis – extended version vol. 51, 2014. Report
Clara-Cecilie Günther; Marit Holden; Lars Holden; Preprocessing of gene-expression data related to breast cancer diagnosis 2014. Report
Marit Holden; Lars Holden; Statistical analysis of gene expression data related to breast cancer diagnosis , 2014. Report
Geir Kjetil Sandve; Sveinung Gundersen; Morten Johansen; Ingrid Kristine Glad; Krishanthi Gunathasan; et al. The Genomic HyperBrowser: an analysis web server for genome-scale data Nucleic Acids Research (NAR), vol. 41, pp. W133 W141 , (ISSN 0305-1048 1362-4962 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.1093/nar/gkt342 , 2013. Scientific article
Jonas Paulsen; Tonje Gulbrandsen Lien; Geir Kjetil Sandve; Lars Holden; Ørnulf Borgan; et al. Handling realistic assumptions in hypothesis testing of 3D co-localization of genomic elements Nucleic Acids Research (NAR), vol. 41, pp. 5164 5174 11 , (ISSN 0305-1048 1362-4962 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.1093/nar/gkt227 , 2013. Scientific article
Helge Holden; Lars Holden; Optimal rebalancing of portfolios with transaction costs Stochastics: An International Journal of Probability and Stochastic Processes, vol. 85, pp. 371 394 , (ISSN 1744-2508 1744-2516 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.1080/17442508.2011.651219 , 2013. Scientific article
Lars Holden; Nytt forskningsråd? Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.), (ISSN 0804-3116 0807-2027 ), , 2013. Reader opinion
Lars Holden; Forskningsråd for nysgjerrighetsdrevet forskning Forskning.no, (ISSN 1891-635X 1891-6341 ), , 2013. Article feature
Egil Ferkingstad; Lars Holden; Geir Kjetil Sandve; Monte Carlo null models for genomic data 2013. Scientific lecture
Lars Holden; Hva må til i en langtidsplan for forskning? Innspill fra instituttsektoren 2013. Lecture popular
Lars Holden; Norsk deltagelse i Horizon 2020 - Hvordan kan vi bli bedre? 2013. Lecture popular
Egil Ferkingstad; Lars Holden; Geir Kjetil Sandve; Monte Carlo null models in ecology , 2013. Report
Lars Holden; Gunnar Thorvaldsen; Torkel Rønold Bråthen; Historisk befolkningsregister og DNF 1814 Heimen - Lokal og regional historie, vol. 49, pp. 399 414 , (ISSN 0017-9841 1894-3195 ), , 2012. Scientific article
Ingunn Fride Tvete; Inge C Olsen; Morten Fagerland; Nils Meland; Magne Aldrin; et al. An approach to combining parallel and cross-over trials with and without run-in periods using individual patient data Clinical Trials, vol. 9, pp. 164 175 12 , (ISSN 1740-7745 1740-7753 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.1177/1740774511430714 , 2012. Scientific article
Lars Holden; Which team wins EURO 2012? ScienceNordic.com, , 2012. Science for the public article
Lars Holden; Hvem vinner fotball-EM? Forskning.no, (ISSN 1891-635X 1891-6341 ), 2012. Science for the public article
Inge Jan Henjesand; Nils Christian Stenseth; Terje Handeland; Bjarne Hodne; Lars Holden; et al. Et krafttak for kunnskap Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.), (ISSN 0804-3116 0807-2027 ), , 2012. Article feature
Lars Holden; FoU-begrepet sett fra instituttsektoren 2012. Lecture popular
Lars Holden; Muligheter og utfordringer med EUs forskning - innlegg fra sektorrepresentanter, Instituttsektoren 2012. Lecture popular
Lars Holden; Kunnskapstrianglet og SFI-ordningen - en modell for fremtiden! Erfaringer fra SFI2 2012. Lecture popular
Lars Holden; Viktige spørsmål for forskningspolitikken, fra instituttsektoren 2012. Lecture popular
Lars Holden; Forskeren som del av det politiske spillet 2012. Lecture popular
Lars Holden; Instituttpolitikk i forskningsmeldingen - sett fra instituttene 2012. Lecture popular
Lars Holden; Arnoldo Frigessi; Rønnaug Sægrov Mysterud; Statistics for innovation, presentasjon av en SFI 2012. Lecture popular
Geir Kjetil Sandve; Sveinung Gundersen; Halfdan Rydbeck; Ingrid Kristine Glad; Lars Holden; et al. The differential disease regulome BMC Genomics, vol. 12, pp. 353 , (ISSN 1471-2164 1471-2164 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.1186/1471-2164-12-353 , 2011. Scientific article
Lars Holden; Anders Løland; Ola Lindqvist; Valuation of Long-Term Flexible Gas Contracts Journal of Derivatives, vol. 18, pp. 75 85 , (ISSN 1074-1240 2168-8524 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.3905/jod.2011.18.3.075 , 2011. Scientific article
Lars Holden; Lite om samfunnsnytten av norsk forskning Forskningspolitikk, (ISSN 0333-0273 0805-8210 ), 2011. Reader opinion
Lars Holden; Hva med samfunnsnyttig forskning? Dagens næringsliv, (ISSN 0803-9372 ), 2011. Reader opinion
Gunnar Jordfald; Lars Holden; Staten gir og staten tar Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.), (ISSN 0804-3116 0807-2027 ), 2011. Reader opinion
Arnoldo Frigessi; Lars Holden; Odd O. Aalen; Klima og statistikk Forskning.no, (ISSN 1891-635X 1891-6341 ), , 2011. Article feature
Lars Holden; Hvordan øke avkastningen av norsk forskning? 2011. Lecture popular
Lars Holden; Aktuelle FFA-saker 2011. Lecture popular
Lars Holden; Cooperation between universities and research institutes in PhD education 2011. Lecture popular
Lars Holden; Hva trengs for å utløse potensialet i norsk forskning, SAK eller radikale grep? 2011. Lecture popular
H Holden; Lars Holden; S Holden; Contract adjustment under uncertainty Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, vol. 34, pp. 657 680 24 , (ISSN 0165-1889 1879-1743 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jedc.2009.10.016 , 2010. Scientific article
Geir Kjetil Sandve; Sveinung Gundersen; Halfdan Rydbeck; Ingrid Kristine Glad; Lars Holden; et al. The Genomic HyperBrowser: inferential genomics at the sequence level Genome Biology, vol. 11, (ISSN 1465-6906 1474-760X ), doi: https://doi.org/10.1186/gb-2010-11-12-r121 , 2010. Scientific article
Lars Holden; Paul Chaffey; Samfunnets avkastning fra forskningen Forskning.no, (ISSN 1891-635X 1891-6341 ), , 2010. Reader opinion
Jostein Skurdal; Torbjørn Digernes; Lars Holden; Gry Agnete Alsos; Berit Hyllseth; et al. Styrket samarbeid mellom forskningsinstitutter, universiteter og høgskoler Forskningspolitikk, vol. 4, pp. 20 21 , (ISSN 0333-0273 0805-8210 ), 2010. Reader opinion
Lars Holden; Forenkling av EUs rammeprogrammer 2010. Lecture popular
Lars Holden; Viktigste utfordringer i instituttsektoren 2010. Lecture popular
Lars Holden; Forskningsmiljøenes prioriteringer for 8RP, forskningsinstituttene 2010. Lecture popular
Lars Holden; Forskningsinstituttenes innspill til evaluering av Forskningsrådet 2010. Lecture popular
Lars Holden; Instituttsektorens rolle, nyskapning og samarbeid 2010. Lecture popular
Line Eikvil; Lars Holden; Kåre Bævre; Automatiske metoder som hjelp til transkribering av historiske kilder 2010. Report
Lars Holden; Gunnhildur Högnadóttir Steinbakk; Visualisering av det nye basisbevilgningssystemet for forskningsinstituttene , 2010. Report
Lars Holden; Ragnar Hauge; Marit Holden; ADAPTIVE INDEPENDENT METROPOLIS-HASTINGS The Annals of Applied Probability, vol. 19, pp. 395 413 19 , (ISSN 1050-5164 2168-8737 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.1214/08-AAP545 , 2009. Scientific article
Lars Holden; Kvinner er velkomne på instituttene Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.), (ISSN 0804-3116 0807-2027 ), 2009. Reader opinion
Lars Holden; Ønsker om forskning Forskning.no, (ISSN 1891-635X 1891-6341 ), , 2009. Reader opinion
Lars Holden; Press i instituttsektoren 2009. Lecture popular
Lars Holden; Hvilken betydning har forskningssektoren i en finanskrisetid? 2009. Lecture popular
Lars Holden; Likestilling i instituttsektoren 2009. Lecture popular
Lars Holden; Instituttenes forventninger til forskningsrådet 2009. Lecture popular
Lars Holden; Nytt fra FFA 2009. Lecture popular
Lars Holden; Presentation of a centre for research-based innovation, Statistics for innovation 2009. Lecture popular
Lars Holden; Artikkelskriving og refereearbeid 2009. Lecture popular
Lars Holden; NRs årsplaner 2009 2009. Report
Lars Holden; NRs årsplaner 2010 2009. Report
Lars Holden; Anders Løland; Ola Lindqvist; Valuation of long term, flexible gas contracts 2009. Report
Lars Holden; Ola Haug; A multidimensial mixture model for unsupervised tail estimation , 2009. Report
T Manzocchi; JN Carter; Arne Skorstad; Bjørn Fjellvoll; KD Stephen; et al. Sensitivity of the impact of geological uncertainty on production from faulted and unfaulted shallow-marine oil reservoirs: objectives and methods Petroleum Geoscience, vol. 14, pp. 3 15 13 , (ISSN 1354-0793 2041-496X ), doi: https://doi.org/10.1144/1354-079307-790 , 2008. Scientific article
Lars Holden; Statistikk og klimaprognoser Forskning.no, (ISSN 1891-635X 1891-6341 ), , 2008. Science for the public article
Lars Holden; Klima og statistikk 2008. Scientific lecture
Nils Fridthjov Haavardsson; Arne Huseby; Lars Holden; A Parametric Class Of Production Strategies For Multi-Reservoir Production Optimization , 2008. Report
Ragnar Hauge; Lars Holden; Anne Randi Syversveen; Well conditioning in object models Mathematical Geology, vol. 39, (ISSN 0882-8121 1573-8868 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11004-007-9102-z , 2007. Scientific article
Helge Holden; Lars Holden; Optimal rebalancing of portfolios with transaction costs , 2007. Report
Helge Holden; Lars Holden; Steinar Holden; Contract adjustment under uncertainty 2006. Scientific lecture
Lars Holden; Markov Random Fields and Multipoint statistics 2006. Scientific lecture
Lars Holden; Ola Haug; Kjersti Aas; A multidimensional mixture model for unsupervised tail estimation 2006. Report
Helge Holden; Lars Holden; Steinar Holden; Contract adjustment under uncertainty CESifo Working Papers, (ISSN 1617-9595 2364-1428 ), , 2005. Article journal
Arnoldo Frigessi; Marit Holden; Clare Marshall; Hildegunn Viljugrein; Nils Christian Stenseth; et al. Bayesian population dynamics of interacting species: Great gerbils and fleas in Kazakhstan Biometrics, vol. 61, (ISSN 0006-341X 1541-0420 ), 2005. Scientific article
Lars Holden; Vil vi ha et kunnskapsbasert næringsliv itavisen, 2005. Reader opinion
Ragnar Hauge; Arne Skorstad; Anne Randi Syversveen; Lars Holden; Geological modelling with marked point processes 2005. Scientific lecture
Lars Holden; Adaptive chains 2005. Scientific lecture
Lars Holden; Synspunkter på eVITA programmet 2005. Lecture popular
Helge Holden; Lars Holden; Steinar Holden; Contract renewal 2004. Scientific lecture
Harald Heimtun Soleng; Jan C. Rivenæs; Jon Gjerde; Knut Utne Hollund; Lars Holden; Structural uncertainty modelling and the representation of faults as staircases , 2004. Scientific lecture
Ronny Klæboe; Lars Holden; Lise Lundberg; Joachim Lous; Anders Løland; AMU-undersøkelse 2004 2004. Report
Lars Holden; Årsplaner for NR 2005 2004. Report
Øivind Skare; Erik Bølviken; Lars Holden; Improved samping-importance resampling and reduced bias importance sampling Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, vol. 30, (ISSN 0303-6898 1467-9469 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-9469.00360 , 2003. Scientific article
Lars Holden; Petter F. Mostad; Bjørn Fredrik Nielsen; Jon Gjerde; Chris Townsend; et al. Stochastic structural modeling Mathematical Geology, vol. 35 No 8, pp. 899 914 16 , (ISSN 0882-8121 1573-8868 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.1023/B:MATG.0000011584.51162.69 , 2003. Scientific article
Ragni Ryvold Arnesen; Lars Holden; Elektronisk søppelpost sprer seg raskt og koster dyrt Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.), (ISSN 0804-3116 0807-2027 ), 2003. Article feature
Odd Kolbjørnsen; Bjørn Fjellvoll; Arne Skorstad; Lars Holden; Analysing the influence of structural factors on oil production in shallow marine hydrocarbon reservoirs 2003. Scientific lecture
Lars Holden; Beregningsorientert matematikk ved Norsk Regnesentral 2003. Lecture popular
Clare Marshall; Arnoldo Frigessi; Marit Holden; Hildegunn Viljugrein; Nils Christian Stenseth; et al. A Bayesian model for the population dynamics of two interacting species, with application to great gerbils and fleas in south-eastern Kazakhstan (ISSN 82-539-0501-7 ), 2003. Report
Lars Holden; Sigurd Sannan; Hilmar Bungum; A stochastic marked point process model for earthquakes Natural hazards and earth system sciences, vol. 2, pp. 1 7 , (ISSN 1561-8633 1684-9981 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.5194/nhess-3-95-2003 , 2002. Scientific article
Lars Holden; Dårligere kår for næringsrettet forskning Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.), (ISSN 0804-3116 0807-2027 ), 2002. Reader opinion
Håvard Hegna; Lars Holden; Norsk Regnesentral 1952-2002 (NRs historie) (ISSN 82-539-0493-2 ), 2002. Non fiction book
Bjørn Fredrik Nielsen; Lars Holden; Petter Fredrik Mostad; Jon Gjerde; Stochastic structural modelling 2002. Report
Lars Holden; Sigurd Sannan; Harald Heimtun Soleng; Ole Jakob Arntzen; History matching using adaptive chains 2002. Report
Odd Kolbjørnsen; Arne Skorstad; Lars Holden; Mining the SAIGUP data, phase 1 , 2002. Report
John W. Barker; Maarten Cuypers; Lars Holden; Quantifying Uncertainty in Production Forecasts: Another Look at the PUNQ-S3 Problem SPE Journal, vol. 2001, pp. 433 441 9 , (ISSN 1086-055X 1930-0220 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.2118/74707-PA , 2001. Scientific article
Lars Holden; Bjørn Fredrik Nielsen; Petter Fredrik Mostad; Arne Skorstad; Ariel Almendral-Vazquez; et al. A stochastic structural model , 2001. Scientific lecture
Lars Holden; Bjørn Fredrik Nielsen; Ariel Almendral-Vazquez; Chris Townsend; Stochastic structural modeling in Havana 2001. Scientific lecture
Lars Holden; Petter Abrahamsen; Recent development in conditioning reservoir models using geostatistics 2001. Scientific lecture
Ragnar Hauge; Alister MacDonald; Lars Holden; Anne Randi Syversveen; Validation of facies object models 2001. Scientific lecture
Lars Holden; Sigurd Sannan; Harald Heimtun Soleng; Bayesian sampling algorithms for history matching 2001. Scientific lecture
Ragnar Hauge; Lars Holden; Anne Randi Syversveen; Conditioning in a marked point process used for modelling geology 2001. Scientific lecture
Lars Holden; Bjørn Fredrik Nielsen; Sigurd Sannan; Test of the global permeability upscaling using streamlines 2001. Report
Jon Gjerde; Lars Holden; Knut Utne Hollund; Einar Sverdrup; Flexible sub-seismic fault pattern modelling 2001. Report
Lars Holden; Sigurd Sannan; Harald Heimtun Soleng; Testing history matching algorithms 2001. Report
Lars Holden; Øivind Skare; Henning Omre; Håkon Tjelmeland; Sampling algorithms for Bayesian history matching 2001. Report
Lars Holden; Bjørn Fredrik Nielsen; Global upscaling of permeability in heterogeneous reservoirs; The output least squares (OLS) method Transport in Porous Media, vol. 40, pp. 115 143 , (ISSN 0169-3913 1573-1634 ), 2000. Scientific article
Lars Holden; Convergence of Markov Chains in the relative supremum norm Journal of Applied Probability, vol. 4 (37), (ISSN 0021-9002 1475-6072 ), 2000. Scientific article
Lars Holden; Bent Natvig; Sigurd Sannan; Petter Abrahamsen; Hilmar Bungum; Modelling spatial and temporal dependencies between earthquakes 2000. Scientific chapter / article / conference article
Arne Skorstad; Ragnar Hauge; Lars Holden; Øivind Skare; Conditioning fluvial models on steady-state well rates 2000. Scientific chapter / article / conference article
Ragnar Hauge; Anne Randi Syversveen; Lars Holden; History matching in object models 2000. Scientific chapter / article / conference article
Lars Holden; Bjørn Fredrik Nielsen; Sigurd Sannan; Upscaling of permeability using global norms , 2000. Scientific lecture
Lars Holden; Ragnar Hauge; Arne Skorstad; Harald Heimtun Soleng; Anne Randi Syversveen; History matching using geostatistics 2000. Scientific lecture
John. W. Barker; Maarten Cuypers; Lars Holden; Quantifying Uncertainty in Production Forecasts: Another Look at the PUNQ-S3 Problem, SPE 62925-MS , 2000. Scientific lecture
Knut Utne Hollund; Petter Fredrik Mostad; Bjørn Fredrik Nielsen; Lars Holden; Jon Gjerde; et al. Havana - a fault modeling tool 2000. Scientific lecture
Lars Holden; Sigurd Sannan; Hilmar Bungum; A Stochastic Time and Space Model for Earthquakes , 2000. Scientific lecture
Lars Holden; Ole Jakob Arntzen; Ragnar Hauge; Conditioning reservoir models 2000. Scientific lecture
Ole Jakob Arntzen; Ragnar Hauge; Lars Holden; Conditioning on data in stochastic reservoir models 2000. Scientific lecture
Lars Holden; Bent Natvig; Sigurd Sannan; Hilmar Bungum; Modeling spatial and temporal dependencies between earthquakes 2000. Scientific lecture
Fred Espen Benth; Lars Ekeland; Ragnar Hauge; Lars Holden; Bjørn Fredrik Nielsen; et al. Risk analysis of energy product portfolios 2000. Report
Petter Abrahamsen; Lars Holden; Efficient numerical algorithms for large cokriging systems 2000. Report
Lars Holden; Petter F. Mostad; Arne Skorstad; Stochastic structural model 2000. Report
Lars Holden; Some ideas for history mathcing in IRMS 2000. Report
Lars Holden; Petter Abrahamsen; Anne-Lise Hektoen; Harald Heimtun Soleng; Anne Randi Syversveen; Make decisions using stochastic models Springer Verlag, Springer -Lehrbuch, , 1999. Scientific article
Arne Skorstad; Ragnar Hauge; Lars Holden; Well conditioning in a fluvial reservoir model Mathematical Geology, vol. 31 No 7, pp. 857 872 16 , (ISSN 0882-8121 1573-8868 ), 1999. Scientific article
Lars Holden; Bjørn Fredrik Nielsen; Global upscaling of permeability , 1999. Scientific lecture
Lars Holden; Harald Heimtun Soleng; Anne Randi Syversveen; History matching with uncertainty quantification , 1999. Scientific lecture
Lars Holden; Development in geostatistics the last years 1999. Scientific lecture
Lars Holden; History matching in a geostatistical perspective 1999. Scientific lecture
Lars Holden; Decision making using stochastic models 1999. Scientific lecture
Anne-Lise Hektoen; Knut Heggland; Arne Skorstad; Lars Holden; Modelling of permeability distribution in correlated reservoirs 1999. Report
Ragnar Hauge; Lars Holden; Anne Randi Syversveen; History matching in object models , 1999. Report
Arne Skorstad; Ragnar Hauge; Lars Holden; Testing a convolution method on the Ness formation of Oseberg 1999. Report
Arne Skorstad; Øivind Skare; Ragnar Hauge; Lars Holden; Local updating of fluvial realisations , 1999. Report
Lars Holden; Bjørn Fredrik Nielsen; Sigurd Sannan; Global Upscaling of Permeability in Two Heterogeneous Reservoirs 1999. Report
Lars Holden; Ragnar Hauge; Øivind Skare; Arne Skorstad; Modeling of fluvial reservoirs with object models Mathematical Geology, vol. 30, pp. 473 496 24 , (ISSN 0882-8121 1573-8868 ), 1998. Scientific article
Lars Holden; Geometric convergence of the Metropolis-Hastings simulation algorithm Statistics and Probability Letters, vol. 39, pp. 371 377 , (ISSN 0167-7152 1879-2103 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/S0167-7152(98)00096-0 , 1998. Scientific article
Kyrre Bratvedt; Erik Bølviken; Tore Gimse; Helge Holden; Lars Holden; et al. Comment on Special Issue on Geostatistics with Guest Editor A. G. Journel Mathematical Geology, vol. 30, pp. 245 246 , (ISSN 0882-8121 1573-8868 ), 1998. Letter editor
Ragnar Hauge; Arne Skorstad; Lars Holden; Conditioning a fluvial model on convolved seismic amplitudes , 1998. Scientific lecture
Anne-Lise Hektoen; Lars Holden; Modelling of facies tracts using an extended truncated Gaussian field model 1998. Scientific lecture
Ragnar Hauge; Arne Skorstad; Jon Gjerde; Lars Holden; Conditioning object models to general well data 1998. Scientific lecture
Lars Holden; History matching in geostatistical models 1998. Scientific lecture
Harald Heimtun Soleng; Lars Holden; Gridding for petroleum reservoir simulation , 1998. Scientific lecture
Colin Daly; Alistair Jones; Kes Heffer; Anne-Lise Hektoen; Lars Holden; et al. Reconciling fracture and test permeability in 3D heterogeneity models 1998. Scientific lecture
Arne Skorstad; Ragnar Hauge; Lars Holden; Testing a convolution method on the Lunde formation of Snorre 1998. Report
Lars Holden; Adaptive chains , 1998. Report
Lars Holden; Bjørn Fredrik Nielsen; Global upscaling of permeability in heterogeneous reservoirs; The output least squares (OLS) method , 1998. Report
Oddvar Lia; Henning Omre; Håkon Tjelmeland; Lars Holden; Thore Egeland; Uncertainties in reservoir production forecasts American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, vol. 81, pp. 775 801 , (ISSN 0149-1423 1558-9153 ), 1997. Scientific article
Lars Holden; The Buckley-Leverett equation with spatially stochastic flux function SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, vol. 57, pp. 1443 1454 12 , (ISSN 0036-1399 1095-712X ), , 1997. Scientific article
Arne Skorstad; Lars Holden; Direct conditioning on WellTest data in simulations of Gaussian and log-Gaussian permeability fields 1997. Scientific chapter / article / conference article
Petter Abrahamsen; Anne-Lise Hektoen; Lars Holden; Kristin Lucie Munthe; Seismic impedance and porosity: Support effects , 1997. Scientific chapter / article / conference article
Øivind Skare; Arne Skorstad; Ragnar Hauge; Lars Holden; Conditioning a fluvial model on seismic data 1997. Scientific chapter / article / conference article
Anne-Lise Hektoen; Lars Holden; Bayesian modelling of sequence stratigraphic surfaces , 1997. Scientific chapter / article / conference article
Arne Skorstad; Ragnar Hauge; Lars Holden; Well conditioning in a fluvial reservoir model , 1997. Scientific lecture
Lars Holden; Bayesian net 1997. Scientific lecture
Alister MacDonald; Jan Inge Tollefsrud; Ragnar Hauge; Arne Skorstad; Lars Holden; Multiwell conditioning of object models for fluvial reservoir 1997. Scientific lecture
Lars Holden; Geostatistics to parameterize geology 1997. Scientific lecture
Geir Aamodt; Lars Holden; Evaluation of Well Results 1997. Report
Lars Holden; Convergence of Markov chain in the relative supremum norm , 1997. Report
Lars Holden; Petter F. Mostad; Handling of uncertainty in petroleum applications , 1997. Report
Anne-Lise Hektoen; Lars Holden; Conditioning log-normal permeability fields to well test data 1997. Report
Ragnar Hauge; Arne Skorstad; Lars Holden; Petter Abrahamsen; Conditioning a Fluvial Model on Convolved Seismic Amplitudes 1997. Report
Lars Holden; Geometric convergence of the Metropolis-Hastings simulation algorithm , 1996. Report
Arne Skorstad; Ragnar Hauge; Øivind Skare; Lars Holden; FLUVIAL - Improved seismic conditioning , 1996. Report
Fred Espen Benth; Knut Heggland; Lars Holden; Estimering av usikkerheten i totalproduksjonen fra norsk sokkel 1996. Report
Fred Espen Benth; Lars Holden; Some calculations of effective permeability 1996. Report
Rune B. Bratvold; Lars Holden; Tarald Svanes; Kelly Tyler; STORM: Integrated 3D stochastic reservoir modeling tool for geologists and reservoir engineers, SPE 27563 SPE computer applications, vol. 7, pp. 10 , (ISSN 1064-9778 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.2118/27563-PA , 1995. Scientific article
Lars Holden; Oddvar Lia; Rune Madsen; Torgeir Rusten; Arne Skorstad; Scaling and representation of absolute permeability 1995. Scientific chapter / article / conference article
Oddvar Lia; Henning Omre; Håkon Tjelmeland; Lars Holden; Thore Egeland; et al. The great reservoir uncertainty study - GRUS 1995. Scientific chapter / article / conference article
Sigurd Ivar Aanonsen; Alhild Lien Eide; Lars Holden; Jan Ole Aasen; Optimizing reservoir performance under uncertainty with application to well location 1995. Scientific lecture
Lars Holden; Henning Omre; Uncertainties in production characteristics due to geological uncertainty , 1995. Scientific lecture
Lars Holden; Petter F. Mostad; Kristin Lucie Munthe; Modeling and analysis of fault patterns 1995. Scientific lecture
Lars Holden; Rune Madsen; Arne Skorstad; K. A. Jakobsen; Charlotte B. Tjølsen; et al. Use of well test data in stochatic reservoir modelling, SPE30591 , 1995. Scientific lecture
Anne-Lise Hektoen; Lars Holden; Alister MacDonald; A Bayesian model for sequence stratigraphic bounding surfaces 1995. Scientific lecture
Lars Holden; Stochastic modelling - What contributes to the uncertainty and how to live with the uncertainty 1995. Scientific lecture
Lars Holden; Petter F. Mostad; Kristin Lucie Munthe; Modelling sub-seismic scale faults 1995. Report
Anne-Lise Hektoen; Lars Holden; SEQUENCE 2.0 - Stochastic modelling of sequence stratigraphic bounding surfaces 1995. Report
Thore Egeland; Alfhild Lien Eide; Lars Holden; Jan Christian Kerlefsen; DECISION: Getting started , 1995. Report
Thore Egeland; Lars Holden; Datamaskinen som laboratorium Normat, vol. 42, pp. 19 24 6 , (ISSN 0801-3500 ), 1994. Science for the public article
Frode Bratvedt; Kyrre Bratvedt; Christian Buchholz; Tore Gimse; Helge Holden; et al. Three-dimensional reservoir simulation based on front tracking pp. 247 257 , 1994. Scientific chapter / article / conference article
Lars Holden; Modeling of sequence strategraphic bounding surfaces 1994. Scientific lecture
Eivind Damsleth; Lars Holden; Mixed Reservoir Characterization Methods, SPE 27969-MS , 1994. Scientific lecture
Kristin Lucie Munthe; Lars Holden; Petter Fredrik Mostad; Chris Townsend; Modelling sub-seismic fault patterns using a marked point process 1994. Scientific lecture
Anne-Lise Hektoen; Lars Holden; Øivind Skare; Alister MacDonald; Combining Gaussian fields and fibre processes for modelling of sequence stratigraphic bounding surfaces 1994. Scientific lecture
Alhild Lien Eide; Lars Holden; Edel Reiso; Sigurd Ivar Aanonsen; Automatic history matching by use of response surfaces and experimental design 1994. Scientific lecture
Lars Holden; Oddvar Lia; Rune Asgeir Madsen; Petter F. Mostad; Torgeir Rusten; et al. Scaling and representation of absolute permeability 1994. Report
Anne-Lise Hektoen; Lars Holden; Øivind Skare; Gro Synøve Hagen; SEQUENCE. Stochastic modelling of sequence stratigraphic bounding surfaces 1994. Report
Oddvar Lia; Henning Omre; Håkon Tjelmeland; Lars Holden; Alister MacDonald; et al. GRUS - great reservoir uncertainty study summary report 1994. Report
Oddvar Lia; Henning Omre; Håkon Tjelmeland; Lars Holden; Alister MacDonald; et al. GRUS - Great reservoir uncertainty study. Documentation of model 1994. Report
Oddvar Lia; Henning Omre; Håkon Tjelmeland; Lars Holden; Alister MacDonald; et al. GRUS - Great reservoir uncertainty study. Documentation of results 1994. Report
Arne Skorstad; Lars Holden; Torgeir Rusten; Conditioning Gaussian and lognormal permeability fields on well rates 1994. Report
Lars Holden; The Buckley-Leverett equation with spatially stochastic flux function 1994. Report
Thore Egeland; Alfhild Lien Eide; Lars Holden; DECISION: Getting started 1994. Report
Thore Egeland; Alfhild Lien Eide; Lars Holden; DECISION: Theory, methods and examples 1994. Report
Alfhild Lien Eide; Lars Holden; Thore Egeland; Øivind Skare; Automatic history matching using DECISION"" 1994. Report
Alfhild Lien Eide; Lars Holden; Thore Egeland; Rate optimization using DECISION"" 1994. Report
Alfhild Lien Eide; Lars Holden; History matching using response surfaces and bayesian methods 1994. Report
Thore Egeland; Henning Omre; Oddvar Lia; Håkon Tjelmeland; Lars Holden; et al. GRUS data analysis 1994. Report
Arne Skorstad; Lars Holden; Oddvar Lia; Rune Madsen; Torgeir Rusten; HOMLIB. A library of routines for homogenization of absolute permeability 1994. Report
Lars Holden; Referat fra SAND 94 1994. Report
Lars Holden; Petter F. Mostad; Kristin Lucie Munthe; Simulation and homogenization of subseismic faults with Havana 1994. Report
Lars Holden; Øivind Skare; FETTUCCINI condition on seismic data 1994. Report
Alfhild Lien Eide; Lars Holden; Optimal well locations under uncertainty 1994. Report
Frode Bratvedt; Kyrre Bratvedt; Christian Buchholz; Tore Gimse; Helge Holden; et al. Frontline and frontsim: two full scale, two-phase, black oil reservoir simulators based on front tracking Surveys on Mathematics for Industry, vol. 3, (ISSN 0938-1953 ), 1993. Scientific article
Håkon Tjelmeland; Lars Holden; Semi-markov random fields 1993. Scientific chapter / article / conference article
Lars Holden; Oddvar Lia; Beslutningsstøtte under usikkerhet med eksempler fra reservoarstyring 1993. Scientific chapter / article / conference article
Lars Holden; Eivind Damsleth; Short course in geostatistics 1993. Scientific lecture
Kristin Lucie Munthe; Lars Holden; Henning Omre; Eivind Damsleth; Kes Heffer; et al. Subseismic Faults in Reservoir Description and Simulation, SPE 26500-MS , 1993. Scientific lecture
Lars Holden; Reservoir description with the use of stochastic techniques 1993. Scientific lecture
Geir Olve Storvik; Thore Egeland; Lars Holden; Håkon Tjelmeland; Markov Chain simulations for analysis of marked point processes 1993. Report
Arne Skorstad; Rolf Clemetsen; Lars Holden; FASIMO - User's manual version 2.0 1993. Report
Thore Egeland; Alfhild Lien Eide; Einar Hatlebakk; Lars Holden; Even Åby Larsen; DECISION: Getting started 1993. Report
Lars Holden; SAND 93 1993. Report
Lars Holden; Oddvar Lia; Rune Asgeir Madsen; Petter F. Mostad; Torgeir Rusten; et al. Scaling and representation of absolute permeability 1993. Report
Thore Egeland; Alfhild Lien Eide; Einar Hatlebakk; Lars Holden; Even Åby Larsen; DECISION: Theory, methods and examples 1993. Report
Rolf Clemetsen; Frode Georgsen; Anne-Lise Hektoen; Lars Holden; Oddvar Lia; et al. MOHERES - A program system for simulation of reservoir architecture and reservoir properties. Version 3.1 1993. Report
Thore Egeland; Alfhild Lien Eide; Lars Holden; Automatic history matching 1993. Report
Frode Bratvedt; Kyrre Bratvedt; Christian Buchholz; Helge Holden; Lars Holden; et al. A new front-tracking method for reservoir simulation, SPE 19805-PA SPE Reservoir Evaluation and Engineering, vol. 7, pp. 107 116 , (ISSN 1094-6470 1930-0212 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.2118/19805-PA , 1992. Scientific article
Lars Holden; Oddvar Lia; A tensor estimator for homogenization of absolute permeability Transport in Porous Media, vol. 8, pp. 37 46 10 , (ISSN 0169-3913 1573-1634 ), 1992. Scientific article
Lars Holden; Effective properties 1992. Scientific chapter / article / conference article
Helge Holden; Lars Holden; On scalar conservation laws in one-dimension pp. 480 509 , 1992. Scientific chapter / article / conference article
Kelly Tyler; Frode Georgsen; Adolfo Henriquez; Lars Holden; Håkon Tjelmeland; A program for 3-D modelling of heterogeneities in a fluvial reservoir 1992. Scientific lecture
Lars Holden; Oddvar Lia; Scaling of lognormally distributed permeability 1992. Scientific lecture
Kelly Tyler; Adolfo Henriquez; Anne-Lise Hektoen; Lars Holden; Alister MacDonald; MOHERES - A collection of stochastic models for describing heterogeneities in clastic reservoirs 1992. Scientific lecture
Thore Egeland; Einar Hatlebakk; Lars Holden; Even Åby Larsen; Designing Better Decisions, SPE 24275-MS 1992. Scientific lecture
Lars Holden; Henning Omre; Håkon Tjelmeland; Integrated Reservoir Description, SPE 24261-MS , 1992. Scientific lecture
Lars Holden; Homogenisering av reservoarparametre 1992. Scientific lecture
Thore Egeland; Einar Hatlebakk; Lars Holden; Even Åby Larsen; DECISION: Theory and methods 1992. Report
Rolf Clemetsen; Frode Georgsen; Anne-Lise Hektoen; Lars Holden; Håkon Tjelmeland; MOHERES - a program system for simulation of reservoir architecture and reservoir properties. Version 3.0 1992. Report
Lars Holden; SAND 92 1992. Report
Thore Egeland; Alfhild Lien Eide; Einar Hatlebakk; Lars Holden; Even Åby Larsen; DECISION: Getting started 1992. Report
Thore Egeland; Einar Hatlebakk; Lars Holden; Even Åby Larsen; DECISION: Extensions 1992. Report
Thore Egeland; Einar Hatlebakk; Lars Holden; Even Åby Larsen; DECISION: Manual 1992. Report
Rolf Clemetsen; Lars Holden; Henning Omre; Rune Solberg; FLUREMO: User guide and technical documentation. Version 2.1 1992. Report
Thore Egeland; Alfhild Lien Eide; Einar Hatlebakk; Lars Holden; Even Åby Larsen; DECISION: Theory, methods and examples. Version 2.0 1992. Report
Henning Omre; Lars Holden; Rune Asgeir Madsen; Petter F. Mostad; Kristin Lucie Munthe; HAVANA - fault modelling 1992. Report
J. O. Aasen; Trond H. Høye; A. C. MacDonald; A. O. Grindheim; Torgrim Jacobsen; et al. Stochastic heterogeneity models of thin, laterally continuous North Sea sandstones and their influence on simulated reservoir performance, SPE 22696 1991. Scientific lecture
Helge Holden; Lars Holden; A review of stochastic methods applied to petroleum reservoir evaluation 1991. Scientific lecture
Lars Holden; Effective properties 1991. Scientific lecture
Lars Holden; Nesten positiv definite matriser 1991. Report
Henning Omre; Thore Egeland; Lars Holden; Oddvar Lia; Håkon Tjelmeland; et al. GRUS-report: Outline of models and test plan 1991. Report
Helge Holden; Lars Holden; Reservoir evaluation by stochastic partial differential equations 1991. Report
Thore Egeland; Lars Holden; Rolf Volden; SMØRBUKK SØR. Design and analysis of eclipse runs 1991. Report
Thore Egeland; Kjetil B. Halvorsen; Lars Holden; Rolf Volden; Forsøksplanlegging for reservoarsimulering 1991. Report
Thore Egeland; Lars Holden; Rolf Volden; TOMMELITEN ALPHA. Data analysis and simulation 1991. Report
Lars Holden; Oddvar Lia; A tensor estimator for homogenization of absolute permeability 1991. Report
Lars Holden; Oddvar Lia; Scaling of lognormal permeability using simulations 1991. Report
Lars Holden; SAND 91 1991. Report
Lars Holden; On the strict hyperbolicity of the Buckley-Leverett equations for three-phase flow SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, vol. 50, pp. 667 682 16 , (ISSN 0036-1399 1095-712X ), 1990. Scientific article
Lars Holden; Raphael Høegh-Krohn; A class of N non-linear hyperbolic conservation laws Journal of Differential Equations, vol. 84, pp. 73 99 27 , (ISSN 0022-0396 1090-2732 ), 1990. Scientific article
Lars Holden; Some problems related to conservation laws and front tracking (ISSN 82-539-0324-3 ), 1990. Doctor dissertat
Lars Holden; Jan Høiberg; Oddvar Lia; An estimator for the effective permeability 1990. Scientific lecture
Lars Holden; Geir Storvik; Development of DESIRE modelling tool 1990. Scientific lecture
Alister MacDonald; Trond H. Høye; Lars Holden; Geir Storvik; Kjetil B. Halvorsen; et al. Stochastic flow unit modelling of a North Sea coastal-deltaic reservoir 1990. Scientific lecture
Nils Lid Hjort; Lars Holden; Henning Omre; Modelling sedimentary facies by Markov random fields 1990. Report
Kjetil B. Halvorsen; Lars Holden; Geir Storvik; DESIRE - Et programsystem for stokastisk simulering av reservoarkarakteristika. Modellbeskrivelse og brukerdokumentasjon. Versjon 3.0 1990. Report
Lars Holden; Oddvar Lia; Knut Sølna; The variability of the absolute permeability 1990. Report
Lars Holden; Håkon Tjelmeland; MOHERES - a program system for simulation of reservoir properties 1990. Report
Lars Holden; Oddvar Lia; Henning Omre; Skalaendringer i absolutt permeabilitet - noen simulerte eksempler 1990. Report
Lars Holden; SAND 90 1990. Report
Lars Holden; Henning Omre; Stochastic modelling in reservoir description - experiences and expectations 1990. Report
Lars Holden; Aslak Tveito; A triangular model for three-phase flow 1990. Report
Lars Holden; Håkon Tjelmeland; A program system for simulation of reservoir architecture and reservoir properties 1990. Report
Lars Holden; Kari Aanonsen; Beregning av effektiv vertikal og horisontal permeabilitet med hellende barrierer 1990. Report
Helge Holden; Lars Holden; On the Riemann problem for a prototype of a mixed type conservation law II Contemporary Mathematics, vol. 100, pp. 331 367 37 , (ISSN 0271-4132 1098-3627 ), 1989. Scientific article
Jan Ole Aasen; John K. Silseth; Kjetil B. Halvorsen; Lars Holden; Jan Høiberg; et al. A stochastic reservoir model and its use in evaluations of uncertainties 1989. Scientific lecture
Kyrre Bratvedt; Frode Bratvedt; Christian Buchholz; Helge Holden; Lars Holden; et al. A reservoir simulator based on front tracking 1989. Scientific lecture
Lars Holden; On the strict hyperbolicity of the Buckley-Leverett equations for three-phase flow 1989. Scientific lecture
Lars Holden; On the strict hyperbolicity of the Buckley-Leverett equations for three-phase flow 1989. Scientific lecture
Helge Holden; Lars Holden; Nils Henrik Risebro; Some qualitative properties of 2x2 systems of conservation laws of mixed type 1989. Scientific lecture
Lars Holden; Jan Ole Aasen; Jon Solseth; Kjetil B. Halvorsen; Henning Omre; Construction and use of a stochastic reservoir model 1989. Scientific lecture
Lars Holden; Helge Holden; Nils Henrik Risebro; A note on 2x2 systems of hyperbolic conservation laws 1989. Scientific lecture
Lars Holden; Petroleumsrelatert forskning på Norsk Regnesentral 1989. Scientific lecture
Rolf Clemetsen; Lars Holden; Henning Omre; Rune Solberg; FLUREMO - User guide and technical documentation. Ver. 1.1 1989. Report
Kjetil B. Halvorsen; Lars Holden; Oddvar Lia; Henning Omre; Knut Sølna; Videreføring av prosjektet Numerical Rock/Homogenisering 1989. Report
Lars Holden; Oddvar Lia; Henning Omre; Effektiv permeabilitet for NJORD-feltet 1989. Report
Lars Holden; Jan Høiberg; Oddvar Lia; Homogenization of absolute permeability 1989. Report
Kjetil B. Halvorsen; Lars Holden; Endringer i programsystem Stokastisk simulering av reservoar-karakteristika. Ver. 2.1 1989. Report
Rolf Clemetsen; Lars Holden; Henning Omre; Rune Solberg; FLUREMO - User guide and technical documentation 1989. Report
Nils Lid Hjort; Lars Holden; Henning Omre; Modelling sedimentary facies by Markov random fields 1989. Report
Helge Holden; Lars Holden; Raphael Høegh-Krohn; A numerical method for first order nonlinear scalar hyperbolic conservation laws in one dimension Computers and Mathematics with Applications, vol. 15, pp. 595 602 8 , (ISSN 0898-1221 1873-7668 ), 1988. Scientific article
Helge Holden; Lars Holden; On some recent results for conservation laws in one dimension 1988. Scientific lecture
Henning Omre; Kjetil B. Halvorsen; Lars Holden; Jan Høiberg; Reservoir heterogeneity, geological description and effects on fluid flow - models for heterogeneity 1988. Scientific lecture
Lars Holden; Jan Høiberg; Estimates of effective permeability 1988. Scientific lecture
Helge Holden; Lars Holden; Raphael Høegh-Krohn; First order nonlinear scalar hyperbolic conservation laws in one dimension 1988. Report
Lars Holden; Hyperbolic conservation laws, analytic and numerical methods 1988. Report
Lars Holden; On the strict hyperbolicity of the Buckley-Leverett equations for three-phase flow in a porous medium 1988. Report
Vidar Berteig; Lars Holden; Henning Omre; Examples of simulation of reservoir parameters 1987. Report
Lars Holden; Test av hurtigheten til linjesampling i volumberegningen i SISABOSA 1987. Report
Lars Holden; Henning Omre; Sammenligning av forskjellige estimater for effektiv permeabilitet 1987. Report
Rolf Clemetsen; Lars Holden; Henning Omre; Rune Solberg; Torfinn Taxt; SISABOSA, User's guide and technical documentation 1987. Report
Lars Holden; Raphael Høegh-Krohn; A NxN class of systems of hyperbolic conservation laws 1986. Report
Helge Holden; Lars Holden; Raphael Høegh-Krohn; A Numerical Method for First Order Nonlinear Scalar Hyperbolic Conservation Laws in one Dimension 1986. Report
Lars Holden; Eivind Damsleth; Konsistente prognoser for trafikkmatriser - en metodestudie 1986. Report
Lars Holden; Henning Omre; Rune Solberg; Torfinn Taxt; The SISABOSA project - Summary of activities and experiences 1986. Report
Lars Holden; Henning Omre; Production profiles in heterogeneous reservoirs - based on SISABOSA 1986. Report
Lars Holden; Henning Omre; Rune Solberg; Torfinn Taxt; Technical documentation of the SISABOSA-system 1986. Report
Kjell Stordal; Lars Holden; Traffic forecasting models based on top down and bottum up procedures 1985. Scientific lecture
Thomas Bjerch; Lars Holden; Henning Omre; Bjørn H. Sollie; Geostatistiske metoder i reservoarbeskrivelse. Sluttrapport fra forprosjektet 1985. Report
Lars Holden; Første ordens ikkelineære skalare hyperbolske konserveringslover i én dimensjon 1985. Report
Henning Omre; Lars Holden; Eksempel på sammenstilling av subjektiv viten og observasjoner ved mektighetsestimering 1984. Report
Henning Omre; Lars Holden; Surface modelling merging subjective and objective information 1984. Report
Lars Holden; Henning Omre; Eksempler på reservoar modellering ved bruk av geostatistiske teknikker 1984. Report