Forskningssjef DART
Wolfgang Leister
- Avdeling DART
- E-post wolfgang@nr.no
Wolfgang Leister forsker innenfor digital transformasjon, digital inkludering, sosiale roboter, brukeropplevelse (UX, QoE), smarte informasjonssystemer, tingenes internett (IoT), e-helse-systemer, multimedia and datanettverk, mobile systemer, datagrafikk, åpne data og kildekoder. Han har også arbeidet innen områdene datagrafikk (siden 1982), ikke-fotorealistisk bildegenerering (1992-1998), data-holografi (1988-1990) og målesystemer (1992-1997).
Leister er utnevnt som IARIA fellow, International Academy, Research, and Industrial Association.
- 1992 – Dr.rer.nat., Disputation 26.06.1991. “Geometrisches Modellieren durch interactive Rekonstruktionsmethoden” (Geometrisk modellering gjennom interaktive rekonstruksjonsmetoder), Institut für Betriebs- und Dialogsysteme, Fakultät für Informatik, Universität Karlsruhe (TH), now: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Tyskland.
- 1987 – Diplom-Informatiker; Avhandling: “Filmerzeugung durch Raytracing” (Generering av animasjoner med raytracing-metoden), Institut für Betriebs- und Dialogsysteme, Fakultät für Informatik, Universität Karlsruhe (TH), Tyskland
Norsk Regnesentral
- 2023 – forskningssjef, DART
- 2020 / 2021 – 2022 fungerende forskningssjef, DART
- 2011 – 2020 / 2021 assisterende forskningssjef
- 1997 – seniorforsker / sjefsforsker
- 1992 – 1997 utviklingsingeniør, Asker, Norway
Universität Karlsruhe
- 1986 – 1992 forsker, Institut für Betriebs- und Dialogsysteme, Tyskland.
Kurs og forelesninger (utvalg)
- 2009-2015 INF5780: Open Source, Open Collaboration, and Innovation, Institutt for Informatikk, Universitetet I Oslo, Norge
- 2001-2011 INF5081: Coding and Transmission of Multimedia Content, Institutt for Informatikk, Universitetet I Oslo, Norge
Vitenskapelig arbeid
- 25 tidskriftsartikler
- 45 bokkapitler og vitenskapelige presentasjoner på internasjonale konferanser.
- Veiledning av tre PhD-studenter

- Digital inkludering
- Universell utforming (UU)
Bedre hjelp til synshemmede

- Digital sikkerhet
- Datasikkerhet og personvern
Demokrati i helse
- 306 publikasjoner funnet
- Utgiver
Wolfgang Leister; Usable Security in Healthcare: Advance or Retreat 2024. Faglig foredrag
Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Wolfgang Leister; Juan Carlos Torrado Vidal; Universal Design 2024: Shaping a Sustainable, Equitable and Resilient Future for All. Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Universal Design (UD2024), Oslo, Norway, 20-22 November 2024 (ISSN 978-1-64368-552-6 ), , 2024. Vitenskapelig antologi/Konferanseserie
Joschua Thomas Simon-Liedtke; Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Eva Elida Singsaas Skråmestø; Wolfgang Leister; Mastering Gesture-Based Screen Readers on Mobile Devices - Exploring Teaching and Practice Strategies pp. 436 443 8 , doi: https://doi.org/10.3233/SHTI241038 , 2024. Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Wolfgang Leister; Juan Carlos Torrado Vidal; Conference Compendium of the Seventh International Conference on Universal Design (UD2024), Shaping a Sustainable, Equitable and Resilient Future for All (ISSN 978-82-539-0574-7 ), , 2024. Rapport
Fredrik Andreas Dahl; Line Eikvil; Ingunn Fride Tvete; Pierre Lison; Ildikó Pilán; et al. Helse-effektivisering - et mulig satsningsområde for NR 2023. Rapport
Wolfgang Leister; Thor O. Kristoffersen; Trenton Schulz; SoundVision D4.4: Indoor Navigation and Location Finder 2022. Rapport
Trenton Schulz; Wolfgang Leister; SoundVision D4.1: Machine learning models for mobile device 2022. Rapport
Bjørn K Haugen; Trenton Schulz; Wolfgang Leister; Thor O. Kristoffersen; SoundVision – User Evaluation Report from Norway 2022. Rapport
Trenton Schulz; Wolfgang Leister; Doroteya Dineva; Zhelyazko Zhelev; SoundVision D6.1: Recruitment of focus group 2022. Rapport
Trenton Schulz; Wolfgang Leister; SoundVision D4.6 Read out loud Functionality 2022. Rapport
Trenton Schulz; Wolfgang Leister; SoundVision D1.3 Technical Documentation for Making Models 2022. Rapport
Wolfgang Leister; Keynote: Assessing and Measuring Human Factors - Trends and Developments , 2022. Vitenskapelig foredrag
Jo Erskine Hannay; Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Wolfgang Leister; Trenton Schulz; Scenario Design for Healthcare Collaboration Training Under Suboptimal Conditions Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), vol. 13320, pp. 197 214 , (ISSN 0302-9743 1611-3349 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-06018-2_14 , 2022. Vitenskapelig artikkel
Jo Erskine Hannay; Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Wolfgang Leister; Trenton Schulz; Scenario Design for Healthcare Collaboration Training Under Suboptimal Conditions 2022. Vitenskapelig foredrag
Wolfgang Leister; Personal health, Engagement, Universal Design, and Usability 2022. Faglig foredrag
Svetlana Boudko; Wolfgang Leister; Bilateral Bargaining for Healthcare Data Sharing pp. 415 420 , doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-21047-1_36 , 2022. Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Trenton Schulz; Wolfgang Leister; Stefan Mavrodiev; SoundVision D1.3 Technical Documentation V3 2022. Rapport
Juris Šteinbergs; Wolfgang Leister; Ilze Zaharāne; Jānis Jātnieks; Panel discussion: "Norway grants: Welfare technologies for an inclusive society" 2021. Poster
Thor O. Kristoffersen; Joschua Thomas Simon-Liedtke; Wolfgang Leister; Research Challenges in SSI in Secured Digital Infrastructures 2021. Rapport
Till Halbach; Trenton Schulz; Wolfgang Leister; Ivar Solheim; Robot-Enhanced Language Learning for Children in Norwegian Day-Care Centers Multimodal Technologies and Interaction, (ISSN 2414-4088 2414-4088 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.3390/mti5120074 , 2021. Vitenskapelig artikkel
Till Halbach; Trenton Schulz; Wolfgang Leister; Ivar Solheim; Robot-Enhanced Language Learning for Children in Norwegian Day-Care Centers Multimodal Technologies and Interaction, vol. 5, pp. 25 , (ISSN 2414-4088 2414-4088 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.3390/mti5120074 , 2021. Vitenskapelig artikkel
Wolfgang Leister; Till Halbach; Trenton Wade Schulz; Bjarte M. Østvold; Security & Privacy in Social Robots 2020. Rapport
Wolfgang Leister; Trenton Wade Schulz; Jo Erskine Hannay; Joschua Thomas Simon-Liedtke; Ingvar Tjøstheim; et al. Aspects of Digitalisation 2020. Rapport
Evgeni Mitev; Pancho Karamanski; Doroteya Dineva; Anita Nakova; Bjørn K Haugen; et al. SoundVision D1.1: Project Vision Consolidation 2020. Rapport
Martin Daniel Cooney; Wolfgang Leister; Using the Engagement Profile to Design an Engaging Robotic Teaching Assistant for Students Robotics, vol. 8, (ISSN 2218-6581 2218-6581 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.3390/robotics8010021 , 2019. Vitenskapelig artikkel
Wolfgang Leister; Strengthening Tourists’ Engagement in Guided Hiking and Trekking Administrative Sciences, vol. 9, pp. 17 , (ISSN 2076-3387 2076-3387 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.3390/admsci9020045 , 2019. Vitenskapelig artikkel
Wolfgang Leister; Ingvar Tjøstheim; Göran Joryd; Jan Alfred Andersson; Håvard Heggelund; Strengthening engagement in science understanding with learning trails Multimodal Technologies and Interaction, vol. 3:48, pp. 1 24 24 , (ISSN 2414-4088 2414-4088 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.3390/mti3030048 , 2019. Vitenskapelig artikkel
Ingvar Tjøstheim; Wolfgang Leister; John A. Waterworth; Telepresence and the Role of the Senses Philosophical Studies Series, vol. 134, pp. 169 187 18 , (ISSN 0921-8599 2542-8349 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-01800-9 , 2019. Vitenskapelig artikkel
Svetlana Boudko; Wolfgang Leister; Building Blocks of Negotiating Agents for Healthcare Data pp. 637 641 5 , doi: https://doi.org/10.1145/3366030.3366108 , 2019. Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Wolfgang Leister; Workflow-Assisted Services for Pre-Hospital Care 2018. Faglig foredrag
Wolfgang Leister; Ingvar Tjøstheim; Per G Norseng; Göran Joryd; Eyvind Bagle; et al. Digital Storytelling and Engagement in Exhibitions about Shipping Norsk museumstidsskrift, vol. 4, pp. 50 72 , (ISSN 2464-2525 2464-2525 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.18261/issn.2464-2525-2018-02-02 , 2018. Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Wolfgang Leister; Aleksander Bai; Caroline Farsjø; Anne Moen; Inspiring older people to eat healthily Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, vol. 249, pp. 194 198 , (ISSN 0926-9630 1879-8365 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.3233/978-1-61499-868-6-194 , 2018. Vitenskapelig artikkel
Wolfgang Leister; Ingvar Tjøstheim; Which Generation Shows the Most Prudent Data Sharing Behaviour? , 2018. Vitenskapelig foredrag
Wolfgang Leister; Peder Aursand; Thor O. Kristoffersen; Bodil Ravneberg; Knut Øvsthus; Sluttrapport: Robotdusj som et løft i offentlig sektor 2018. Rapport
Wolfgang Leister; Ingvar Tjøstheim; Per G Norseng; Eyvind Bagle; Heidi Thöni Sletten; Digital Storytelling and Engagement in Exhibitions about Shipping Norsk museumstidsskrift, (ISSN 2464-2525 2464-2525 ), 2018. Fagartikkel
Wolfgang Leister; Hvordan gjøre fellesturer mer engasjerende Turleder'n, vol. 34, pp. 5 6 , (ISSN 0805-1461 ), , 2017. Fagartikkel
Wolfgang Leister; Peder Aursand; Ingvar Tjøstheim; Syver Lauritzsen; Göran Joryd; The Graphical Expression of the Visitor Engagement Installation (VEI) Profile Revisited Norsigd Info, vol. 2017, pp. 9 10 , (ISSN 0803-8317 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.31727.02725 , 2017. Fagartikkel
Wolfgang Leister; Ingvar Tjøstheim; Göran Joryd; Michel de Brisis; Syver Lauritzsen; et al. An Evaluation-Driven Design Process for Exhibitions Multimodal Technologies and Interaction, vol. 1, pp. 1 13 , (ISSN 2414-4088 2414-4088 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.3390/mti1040025 , 2017. Vitenskapelig artikkel
Wolfgang Leister; Camilla Fongen; Dag Soldal; Kåre Birger Hagen; Trenton Wade Schulz; et al. Evidence-Based Self-Management for Spondyloarthritis Patients International Journal on Advances in Life Sciences, vol. 9, pp. 92 105 , (ISSN 1942-2660 1942-2660 ), , 2017. Vitenskapelig artikkel
Liming Chen; Diane J. Cook; Bin Guo; Liming Chen; Wolfgang Leister; Guest Editorial: Special Issue on Situation, Activity, and Goal Awareness in Cyber-Physical Human–Machine Systems IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems, vol. 47, pp. 305 309 , (ISSN 2168-2291 2168-2305 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.1109/THMS.2017.2689178 , 2017. Leder
Svetlana Boudko; Wolfgang Leister; Treatment pathways as petri nets in patient workflow management pp. 511 519 , doi: https://doi.org/10.1145/3151759.3151778 , 2017. Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Ingvar Tjøstheim; Peder Aursand; Wolfgang Leister; Simulering av folkemengder i kjøpesentre og butikker 2017. Rapport
Wolfgang Leister; Research Directions: Social Cues & Emotions in Human-Robot Interaction 2017. Rapport
Wolfgang Leister; Ingvar Tjøstheim; Göran Joryd; Andreas Larssen; Michel de Brisis; et al. VisitorEngagement D8.1: Science Centre Case Study Development II 2017. Rapport
Wolfgang Leister; Svetlana Boudko; Thor O. Kristoffersen; EHRPathways D4.5: Final Report of WP4 2017. Rapport
Wolfgang Leister; Ingvar Tjøstheim; Thor O. Kristoffersen; Till Halbach; Svetlana Boudko; et al. The Project GB-MULTE-2016/17 - Final Report 2017. Rapport
Wolfgang Leister; Mari Ravler Johansen; Digital app for kunst i offentlige rom 2017. Rapport
Wolfgang Leister; Ingvar Tjøstheim; Göran Joryd; Michel de Brisis; Jan Alfred Andersson; et al. VisitorEngagement: Final Project Report 2017. Rapport
Wolfgang Leister; Business Ecosystems in Health and Welfare Sectors 2017. Rapport
Wolfgang Leister; Ingvar Tjøstheim; The Relevant Museum: Counting Visitors 2017. Rapport
Wolfgang Leister; Teknologistøtte til egenmestring for revmatikere , 2016. Faglig foredrag
Wolfgang Leister; Turleder-tips: FM-nettet slås av – hvordan få inn værmelding på selvbetjente hytter ? Turleder'n, vol. 33, pp. 12 13 , (ISSN 0805-1461 ), , 2016. Fagartikkel
Wolfgang Leister; Ingvar Tjøstheim; Trenton Wade Schulz; Göran Joryd; Andreas Larssen; et al. Assessing Visitor Engagement in Science Centres and Museums International Journal on Advances in Life Sciences, vol. 8, pp. 50 64 , (ISSN 1942-2660 1942-2660 ), , 2016. Vitenskapelig artikkel
Hassan Khachfe; Wolfgang Leister; GLOBAL HEALTH 2016, The Fifth International Conference on Global Health Challenges (ISSN 978-1-61208-511-1 ), , 2016. Vitenskapelig antologi/Konferanseserie
Giovanni Schiboni; Wolfgang Leister; Liming Chen; Using Fuzzy Evidential Reasoning for Multiple Assessment Fusion in Spondylarthropathic Patient Self-Management pp. 15 40 , doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-33353-3_2 , 2016. Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Aleksander Bai; Heidi Camilla Mork; Till Halbach; Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Wolfgang Leister; et al. A Review of Universal Design in Ambient Intelligence Environments pp. 6 11 , , 2016. Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Wolfgang Leister; Camilla Fongen; Dag Soldal; Kåre Birger Hagen; Trenton Wade Schulz; et al. Towards Evidence-Based Self-Management for Spondyloarthritis Patients pp. 43 48 , , 2016. Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Wolfgang Leister; Brendan O'Flynn; Kyota Aoki; Jaap Ham; Hassan Khachfe; et al. Panel discussion: Self-managing Ambient Assisted Systems: Challenges of Patient-Driven Approaches 2016. Populærvitenskapelig foredrag
Wolfgang Leister; Liming Chen; Giovanni Schiboni; Jun Qi; Trenton Wade Schulz; Decision Support, Metrics, and Estimation Models for SpA Patients' Self-Management 2016. Rapport
Wolfgang Leister; Trenton Wade Schulz; Lars Thomas Boye; Vebjørn Berre; Kåre Birger Hagen; et al. The MOSKUS Architecture and Implementation 2016. Rapport
Ingvar Tjøstheim; Wolfgang Leister; Heidi Camilla Mork; Lothar Fritsch; Research Directions for Studying Users’ Privacy Awareness 2016. Rapport
Aleksander Bai; Heidi Camilla Mork; Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Till Halbach; Ingvar Tjøstheim; et al. State of the art: Universal Design of Ambient Hybrid Environments 2016. Rapport
Wolfgang Leister; Kåre Birger Hagen; Dag Soldal; Lars Thomas Boye; Vebjørn Berre; et al. Final Report of the MOSKUS Project 2016. Rapport
Ingvar Tjøstheim; Aleksander Bai; Lars Thomas Boye; Wolfgang Leister; Jan Halvard Relbe-Moe; et al. User Testing of the MOSKUS Mobile Applications 2016. Rapport
Wolfgang Leister; Ingvar Tjøstheim; Can we measure visitor engagement in science centres and museums? 2015. Faglig foredrag
Wolfgang Leister; Ingvar Tjøstheim; Can we measure visitor engagement in science centres and museums? 2015. Faglig foredrag
Wolfgang Leister; Ilias Iliadis; Tapio Saarelainen; Stefano Olivieri; Jens Timmermann; Panel: Challenges on Reliability in (Tele)Communications , 2015. Poster
Wolfgang Leister; Inntrykk fra Eurographics 2014 i Strasbourg Norsigd Info, pp. 4 5 , (ISSN 0803-8317 ), , 2015. Leserinnlegg
Wolfgang Leister; Inntrykk fra Siggraph Asia 2014 i Shenzhen Norsigd Info, pp. 5 6 , (ISSN 0803-8317 ), , 2015. Leserinnlegg
Wolfgang Leister; INREMO nettverksprosjektet er avsluttet Norsigd Info, pp. 8 8 , (ISSN 0803-8317 ), , 2015. Leserinnlegg
Wolfgang Leister; PESARO 2015, The Fifth International Conference on Performance, Safety and Robustness in Complex Systems and Applications (ISSN 978-1-61208-401-5 ), , 2015. Vitenskapelig antologi/Konferanseserie
Wolfgang Leister; Ingvar Tjøstheim; Göran Joryd; How to Visualise the Qualities of Installations? Norsigd Info, pp. 9 10 , (ISSN 0803-8317 ), , 2015. Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Kashif Habib; Wolfgang Leister; Threats Identification for the Smart Internet of Things in eHealth and Adaptive Security Countermeasures pp. 5 , doi: https://doi.org/10.1109/NTMS.2015.7266525 , 2015. Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Kashif Habib; Wolfgang Leister; Context-Aware Authentication for the Internet of Things pp. 134 139 , , 2015. Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Ingvar Tjøstheim; Wolfgang Leister; Andreas Larssen; Trenton W. Schulz; The Role of Emotion and Enjoyment for QoE — A Case Study of a Science Centre Installation pp. 1 6 6 , doi: https://doi.org/10.1109/QoMEX.2015.7148112 , 2015. Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Kashif Habib; Arild Braathen Torjusen; Wolfgang Leister; Security Analysis of a Patient Monitoring System for the Internet of Things in eHealth pp. 73 78 , , 2015. Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Wolfgang Leister; Ingvar Tjøstheim; Göran Kurt Joryd; Trenton W. Schulz; Towards Assessing Visitor Engagement in Science Centres and Museums pp. 21 27 , , 2015. Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Svetlana Boudko; Wolfgang Leister; Choosing Multicast Configuration with Forward Error Correction for Mobile Multiaccess Heterogeneous Users pp. 47 50 , doi: https://doi.org/10.1145/2837126.2837179 , 2015. Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Jun Qi; Liming Chen; Wolfgang Leister; Shengxiang Yang; Towards Knowledge Driven Decision Support for Personalized Home-based Self-management of Chronic Disease pp. 1724 1729 , doi: https://doi.org/10.1109/UIC-ATC-ScalCom-CBDCom-IoP.2015.313 , 2015. Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Svetlana Boudko; Wolfgang Leister; Multicast Multiaccess Algorithm with Forward Error Correction for Mobile User pp. 237 241 4 , doi: https://doi.org/10.1145/2837126.2837179 , 2015. Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Habtamu Abie; Stefan Poslad; Wolfgang Leister; ASSET Project 213131 2015 Final Annual Meeting, 05-06 March: Meeting Minutes & Documentation 2015. Rapport
Wolfgang Leister; Towards a Generic Assessment Framework - Ideas and Cases , 2015. Rapport
Wolfgang Leister; Andreas Larssen; Göran Joryd; VisitorEngagement D3.2: Software Implementation II 2015. Rapport
Wolfgang Leister; Ingvar Tjøstheim; Thor O. Kristoffersen; Till Halbach; Svetlana Boudko; et al. The Project GB-BOHEME-2014/15 -- Final Report , 2015. Rapport
Habtamu Abie; Wolfgang Leister; Case Study Simulation and Evaluation: Deliverable 6.2 2015. Rapport
Habtamu Abie; Wolfgang Leister; Case Study Gap Analysis: Deliverable D6.1 2015. Rapport
Habtamu Abie; Wolfgang Leister; Case Study Validation: Deliverable D6.3 2015. Rapport
Wolfgang Leister; Nils Damm Christophersen; Arne-Kristian Groven; Prodromos Tsiavos; Simen Heggestøyl; et al. INF5780 Compendium Autumn 2015: Open Source, Open Collaboration and Innovation , 2015. Rapport
Wolfgang Leister; The MOSKUS project: self-management for arthritis patients 2014. Faglig foredrag
Göran Kurt Joryd; Ingvar Tjøstheim; Andreas Larssen; Wolfgang Leister; Presentasjon av VisitorEngagement Prosjektet 2014. Faglig foredrag
Wolfgang Leister; The Role of Performance Assessment for Adaptive Security 2014. Faglig foredrag
Nils Damm Christophersen; Wolfgang Leister; Governance of Open Source and Commons-Based Peer Production 2014. Faglig foredrag
Wolfgang Leister; Egenmestring for revmatikere ved bruk av sensorteknologi 2014. Faglig foredrag
Wolfgang Leister; Ingvar Tjøstheim; Trenton Schulz; VisitorEngagement Assessments at Engineerium - first results 2014. Faglig foredrag
Wolfgang Leister; Ingvar Tjøstheim; Göran Kurt Joryd; Overview of the VisitorEngagement Project 2014. Faglig foredrag
Wolfgang Leister; Nils Damm Christophersen; INF5780 - Open source, open collaboration and innovation - Høst 2014 2014. Faglig foredrag
Svetlana Boudko; Wolfgang Leister; Stein Gjessing; Exploring network selection techniques for multicast groups in heterogeneous wireless environments International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications, vol. 10, pp. 43 68 , (ISSN 1742-7371 1742-738X ), doi: https://doi.org/10.1108/IJPCC-01-2014-0014 , 2014. Vitenskapelig artikkel
Wolfgang Leister; Mohamed Hamdi; Habtamu Abie; Stefan Poslad; Arild Braathen Torjusen; An Evaluation Framework for Adaptive Security for the IoT in eHealth International journal on advances in security, vol. 7, pp. 93 109 , (ISSN 1942-2636 1942-2636 ), , 2014. Vitenskapelig artikkel
Luigi Patrono; Wolfgang Leister; SMART 2014 - The Third International Conference on Smart Systems, Devices and Technologies (ISSN 978-1-61208-363-6 ), , 2014. Vitenskapelig antologi/Konferanseserie
Wolfgang Leister; Mohamed Hamdi; Habtamu Abie; Stefan Poslad; An Evaluation Scenario for Adaptive Security in eHealth pp. 6 11 , , 2014. Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Kashif Habib; Arild Braathen Torjusen; Wolfgang Leister; A Novel Authentication Framework Based on Biometric and Radio Fingerprinting for the IoT in eHealth pp. 32 37 , , 2014. Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Wolfgang Leister; Performance Assessment and the Human Factor , 2014. Vitenskapelig foredrag
Wolfgang Leister; Ingvar Tjøstheim; Trenton Schulz; VisitorEngagement - How to assess engagement of the eQuiz installation at Engineerium 2014. Populærvitenskapelig foredrag
Wolfgang Leister; Trenton Schulz; Ingvar Tjøstheim; Kåre Birger Hagen; Nina Østerås; et al. The MOSKUS Architecture and Implementation Plan - Release 1 2014. Rapport
Wolfgang Leister; Vebjørn Berre; Lars Thomas Boye; Nina Østerås; Ingvar Tjøstheim; et al. Assessment with Sensors for SpA Patients - First Iteration 2014. Rapport
Wolfgang Leister; Ingvar Tjøstheim; Göran Kurt Joryd; Andreas Larssen; Jan Alfred Andersson; et al. VisitorEngagement D7.1: Description of Installations and Indicators 2014. Rapport
Wolfgang Leister; Ingvar Tjøstheim; Trenton Schulz; VisitorEngagement D5.1 and D6.1: Observation Methods and Estimation Models 2014. Rapport
Wolfgang Leister; Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; Anders Kluge; Bjørn Skaar; Grigori Evreinov; et al. Development of a Haptic Interface for Communication via the Skin - Literature Review and Related Matters 2014. Rapport
Wolfgang Leister; Andreas Larssen; Göran Kurt Joryd; VisitorEngagement D3.1: Software Implementation I 2014. Rapport
Wolfgang Leister; Ingvar Tjøstheim; Trenton Schulz; Göran Kurt Joryd; Andreas Larssen; et al. VisitorEngagement D9.1 & D7.2: Science Centre Case Study Development I 2014. Rapport
Göran Kurt Joryd; Andreas Larssen; Erich Fosse; Wolfgang Leister; Ingvar Tjøstheim; VisitorEngagement D1.1 and D2.1: Technical Architecture Specification 2014. Rapport
Habtamu Abie; Wolfgang Leister; Trenton Schulz; ASSET Project 2014 Annual Meeting, 27-28 February - Meeting Minutes & Documentation 2014. Rapport
Eyvind Bagle; Göran Kurt Joryd; Wolfgang Leister; Kari Gjetrang; Nils Ragnar Løvhaug; Skal måle publikums engasjement på nye måter , 2014. Intervju
Wolfgang Leister; Nils Damm Christophersen; Prodromos Tsiavos; Arne-Kristian Groven; Simen Heggestøyl; et al. INF5780 Compendium Autumn 2014: Open Source, Open Collaboration and Innovation , 2014. Rapport
Wolfgang Leister; Nils Damm Christophersen; INF5780 - Open source, open collaboration and innovation - Høst 2013 2013. Faglig foredrag
Wolfgang Leister; Ingvar Tjøstheim; First-Person Perspective on Reality 2013. Poster
Svetlana Boudko; Wolfgang Leister; Stein Gjessing; Heterogeneous Wireless Network Selection: Load Balancing and Multicast Scenario International Journal On Advances in Networks and Services, vol. 6, pp. 118 135 , (ISSN 1942-2644 1942-2644 ), , 2013. Vitenskapelig artikkel
Wolfgang Leister; Pascal Lorenz; PESARO 2013, The Third International Conference on Performance, Safety and Robustness in Complex Systems and Applications, Venice, Italy, April 21-26, 2013 (ISSN 978-1-61208-268-4 ), , 2013. Vitenskapelig antologi/Konferanseserie
Kashif Habib Sheikh; Wolfgang Leister; Adaptive Security for the Internet of Things Reference Model pp. 13 24 , 2013. Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Svetlana Boudko; Wolfgang Leister; Network Selection for Multicast Groups in Heterogeneous Wireless Environments pp. 167 176 , doi: https://doi.org/10.1145/2536853.2536871 , 2013. Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Wolfgang Leister; On Innovation - and how to cooperate beyond the usual frames 2013. Populærvitenskapelig foredrag
Wolfgang Leister; What is openness - and how to deal with it? 2013. Populærvitenskapelig foredrag
Wolfgang Leister; Ingvar Tjøstheim; Thor Kristoffersen; Till Halbach; Svetlana Boudko; Smart Information Systems - Final report of the project GB-SMS-2012/2013 2013. Rapport
Marc Busch; Peter Wolkerstorfer; Christina Hochleitner; Trenton Schulz; Kristin Skeide Fuglerud; et al. uTRUSTit Deliverable D6.3 Design Iteration II – Evaluation Report , 2013. Rapport
Wolfgang Leister; Nils Damm Christophersen; Prodromos Tsiavos; Arne-Kristian Groven; Simen Heggestøyl; et al. INF5780 Compendium Autumn 2013: Open Source, Open Collaboration and Innovation , 2013. Rapport
Lars Kristoffer Strand; Wolfgang Leister; Advancement Towards Secure Authentication in the Session Initiation Protocol International journal on advances in security, vol. 4, pp. 208 222 , (ISSN 1942-2636 1942-2636 ), , 2012. Vitenskapelig artikkel
Wolfgang Leister; Joakim Bjørk; Rudolf Schlatte; Einar Broch Johnsen; Andreas Griesmayer; Exploiting Model Variability in ABS to Verify Distributed Algorithms International Journal On Advances in Telecommunications, vol. 5, pp. 55 68 , (ISSN 1942-2601 1942-2601 ), , 2012. Vitenskapelig artikkel
Wolfgang Leister; Anders Kluge; Inntrykk fra INREMO studietur til California Norsigd Info, pp. 7 9 , (ISSN 0803-8317 ), , 2012. Anmeldelse
Wolfgang Leister; Petre Dini; SMART 2012 - The First International Conference on Smart Systems, Devices and Technologies (ISSN 978-1-61208-225-7 ), , 2012. Vitenskapelig antologi/Konferanseserie
Wolfgang Leister; Ingvar Tjøstheim; Thor Kristoffersen; Edvard Kristoffer Karlsen; Interacting with a Horse Saddle from the Viking Ages Norsigd Info, pp. 10 13 , (ISSN 0803-8317 ), , 2012. Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Svetlana Boudko; Wolfgang Leister; Stein Gjessing; Optimal Network Selection for Mobile Multicast Groups pp. 224 227 4 , , 2012. Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Svetlana Boudko; Wolfgang Leister; Stein Gjessing; Multicast Group Management for Users of Heterogeneous Wireless Networks pp. 24 27 , , 2012. Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Svetlana Boudko; Wolfgang Leister; Stein Gjessing; Team Decision Approach for Decentralized Network Selection of Mobile Clients pp. 88 94 , doi: https://doi.org/10.1109/wmnc.2012.6416141 , 2012. Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Wolfgang Leister; Trenton Schulz; Ideas for a Trust Indicator in the Internet of Things pp. 31 34 , , 2012. Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Trenton Schulz; Wolfgang Leister; Ideas for a Trust Indicator in the Internet of Things 2012. Vitenskapelig foredrag
Wolfgang Leister; Nils Damm Christophersen; ITLED4240 - Åpen programvare, åpent samarbeid og innovasjon 2012. Vitenskapelig foredrag
Wolfgang Leister; Nils Damm Christophersen; INF5780 - Open source, open collaboration and innovation - Høst 2012 2012. Vitenskapelig foredrag
Wolfgang Leister; Harald Gjermundrød; Florian Kammüller; Arno Wagner; Dmitry Namiot; et al. Playing Smart Devices and Being Protected , 2012. Vitenskapelig foredrag
Wolfgang Leister; Ingvar Tjøstheim; Gamification, User Experience, and Sensors , 2012. Vitenskapelig foredrag
Wolfgang Leister; Research Challenges for Smart Information Systems , 2012. Vitenskapelig foredrag
Wolfgang Leister; Ingvar Tjøstheim; Till Halbach Røssvoll; Trends in User Experience Research , 2012. Populærvitenskapelig foredrag
Wolfgang Leister; Edvard Kristoffer Karlsen; Thor Kristoffersen; Technical Note on the Hands-On 3D Project 2012. Rapport
Wolfgang Leister; Ingvar Tjøstheim; Concepts for User Experience Research , 2012. Rapport
Wolfgang Leister; Habtamu Abie; Stefan Poslad; Defining the ASSET Scenarios , 2012. Rapport
Wolfgang Leister; Pål Anders Floor; Yared Berhanu Woldegiorgis; Ilangko Balasingham; Habtamu Abie; Defining the ASSET Lab , 2012. Rapport
Wolfgang Leister; ICT Challenges in eHealth 2012. Rapport
Wolfgang Leister; Nils Damm Christophersen; ITLED 4240 Compendium Spring 2012: Open Source, Open Collaboration and Innovation , 2012. Rapport
Wolfgang Leister; Nils Damm Christophersen; INF5780 Compendium Autumn 2012: Open Source, Open Collaboration and Innovation , 2012. Rapport
Wolfgang Leister; Bernhard Hulin; Panel Discussion on Networking Features: Capturing Non-Operational Requirements for Telecommunication Systems 2011. Poster
Wolfgang Leister; Svetlana Boudko; Till Halbach Røssvoll; Adaptive Video Streaming through Estimation of Subjective Video Quality International Journal On Advances in Systems and Measurements, vol. 4, pp. 109 121 , (ISSN 1942-261X 1942-261X ), , 2011. Vitenskapelig artikkel
Lars Kristoffer Strand; Josef Noll; Wolfgang Leister; Generic Security Services API authentication support for the Session Initiation Protocol The Seventh Advanced International Conference on Telecommunications (AICT2011), 2011. Vitenskapelig artikkel
Wolfgang Leister; Eurographics 2010 i Norrköping Norsigd Info, pp. 6 7 , (ISSN 0803-8317 ), 2011. Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Wolfgang Leister; Inntrykk fra NexComm 2011 i Budapest Norsigd Info, (ISSN 0803-8317 ), , 2011. Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Wolfgang Leister; Sverre Didriksen; Om det å tegne kart Norsigd Info, pp. 9 11 , (ISSN 0803-8317 ), , 2011. Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Lars Kristoffer Strand; Wolfgang Leister; Improving SIP authentication 2011. Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Wolfgang Leister; Trenton Schulz; Arne Lie; Knut Harald Grythe; Ilangko Balasingham; Quality of Service, Adaptation, and Security Provisioning in Wireless Patient Monitoring Systems pp. 711 736 , doi: https://doi.org/10.5772/13235 , 2011. Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Svetlana Boudko; Wolfgang Leister; Carsten Griwodz; Pål Halvorsen; Multipath Rate Allocation Algorithm for Overlay Networks with Feedback From Overlay Nodes pp. 468 472 5 , doi: https://doi.org/10.1109/itst.2011.6060103 , 2011. Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Lars Kristoffer Strand; Wolfgang Leister; Alan Duric; Migration towards a more secure authentication in the Session Initiation Protocol pp. 57 62 , 2011. Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Wolfgang Leister; Joakim Bjørk; Rudolf Schlatte; Andreas Griesmayer; Verifying Distributed Algorithms with Executable Creol Models , 2011. Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Wolfgang Leister; Nils Damm Christophersen; Åpen programvare og åpent samarbeid , 2011. Vitenskapelig foredrag
Wolfgang Leister; Verifying Distributed Algorithms with Executable Creol Models 2011. Vitenskapelig foredrag
Wolfgang Leister; Nils Damm Christophersen; INF5780 - Open source, open collaboration and innovation - Høst 2011 , 2011. Vitenskapelig foredrag
Wolfgang Leister; INF5081 - Multimedia - Coding and Applications - Vår 2011 , 2011. Vitenskapelig foredrag
Wolfgang Leister; Arne-Kristian Groven; Trond Lund; Arkitekturbetraktninger for SmartPHR prosjektet 2011. Rapport
Wolfgang Leister; Truls Fretland; Status og idéer for videreutvikling av løsning for IKT-basert eksamen 2011. Rapport
Wolfgang Leister; Nils Damm Christophersen; INF5780 Compendium Autumn 2011: Open source, Open collaboration and Innovation , 2011. Rapport
Immo Grabe; Mohammad Mahdi Jaghoori; Bernhard Aichernig; Cristel Baier; Tobias Blechmann; et al. Credo Methodology: Modeling and Analyzing A Peer-to-Peer System in Credo Electronical Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 266, pp. 33 48 , (ISSN 1571-0661 1571-0661 ), 2010. Vitenskapelig artikkel
Immo Grabe; Mohammad Mahdi Jaghoori; Joachim Klein; Sascha Klüppelholz; Andries Stam; et al. The Credo Methodology (Extended Version) Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), vol. 6286, pp. 41 69 , (ISSN 0302-9743 1611-3349 ), , 2010. Vitenskapelig artikkel
Svetlana Boudko; Wolfgang Leister; Pål Halvorsen; Carsten Griwodz; Maximizing video quality for several unicast streams in a multipath overlay network pp. 5 , , 2010. Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Wolfgang Leister; Svetlana Boudko; Till Halbach Røssvoll; Estimation of Subjective Video Quality as Feedback to Content Providers pp. 266 271 , 2010. Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Christel Baier; Tobias Blechmann; Joachim Klein; Sascha Klüppelholz; Wolfgang Leister; Design and Verification of Systems with Exogenous Coordination Using Vereofy , 2010. Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Wolfgang Leister; Nils Damm Christophersen; Karthik Jayaraman; INF5780 - Open source, open collaboration and innovation - Høst 2010 2010. Vitenskapelig foredrag
Wolfgang Leister; INF5081 - Multimedia - Coding and Applications - Vår 2010 2010. Vitenskapelig foredrag
Lars Kristoffer Strand; Wolfgang Leister; A Survey of SIP Peering 2010. Vitenskapelig foredrag
Wolfgang Leister; Research Challenges and Results in the EUX2010sec Project 2010. Vitenskapelig foredrag
Wolfgang Leister; Joakim Bjørk; Rudolf Schlatte; Andreas Griesmayer; Validation of Creol Models for Routing Algorithms in Wireless Sensor Networks (ISSN 978-82-539-0534-1 ), , 2010. Rapport
Wolfgang Leister; Trenton Schulz; Medical Digital Items for Use in Patient Monitoring Systems , 2010. Rapport
Wolfgang Leister; Tiia Sutinen; Svetlana Boudko; Ian Marsh; Carsten Griwodz; et al. ADIMUS - Adaptive Internet Multimedia Streaming - Final Project Report (ISSN 978-82-539-0536-5 ), , 2010. Rapport
Lothar Fritsch; Arne-Kristian Groven; Lars Kristoffer Strand; Wolfgang Leister; Anders Moen Hagalisletto; A Holistic Approach to Open Source VoIP Security: Results from the EUX2010SEC Project International journal on advances in security, vol. 2, pp. 129 141 13 , (ISSN 1942-2636 1942-2636 ), , 2009. Vitenskapelig artikkel
Wolfgang Leister; Truls Fretland; Ilangko Balasingham; Security and Authentication Architecture Using MPEG-21 for Wireless Patient Monitoring Systems International journal on advances in security, vol. 2, pp. 16 29 14 , (ISSN 1942-2636 1942-2636 ), , 2009. Vitenskapelig artikkel
Wolfgang Leister; Joakim Bjørk; Modelling Routing Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks in Creol pp. 29 31 , , 2009. Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Wolfgang Leister; Truls Fretland; Ivar Solheim; Preventing unwanted communication in ICT-based exams by using free software pp. 27 38 , , 2009. Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Anders Moen Hagalisletto; Lars Kristoffer Strand; Wolfgang Leister; Arne-Kristian Groven; Analyzing Protocol Implementations pp. 171 182 , 2009. Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Immo Grabe; Mohammad Mahdi Jaghoori; Bernhard Aichernig; Christel Baier; Tobias Blechmann; et al. Credo methodology - Modeling and analyzing a peer-to-peer system in Credo 2009. Vitenskapelig foredrag
Wolfgang Leister; INF5081 - Multimedia - Coding and Applications - Vår 2009 2009. Vitenskapelig foredrag
Wolfgang Leister; Nils Damm Christophersen; Prodromos Tsiavos; INF5780 - Open source, open collaboration and innovation - Høst 2009 2009. Vitenskapelig foredrag
Wolfgang Leister; Experiences with the testbed for MPEG-21 and Wireless Patient Monitoring Systems 2009. Vitenskapelig foredrag
Wolfgang Leister; Truls Fretland; How to Perform ICT-Based Exams in Compulsory Schools , 2009. Populærvitenskapelig foredrag
Wolfgang Leister; Xuedong Liang; Sascha Klüppelholz; Joachim Klein; Olaf Owe; et al. Modelling of Biomedical Sensor Networks using the Creol Tools (ISSN 978-82-539-0532-7 ), , 2009. Rapport
Wolfgang Leister; Xuedong Liang; Andries Stam; Sascha Klüppelholz; Mahdi Jaghoori; D6.3 Final Modelling , 2009. Rapport
Wolfgang Leister; CreolE - A pragmatic extension to Creol , 2009. Rapport
Reijo M. Savola; Petri Heinonen; Kaarina Karppinen; Habtamu Abie; Knut Holmqvist; et al. D6.4 – Security and QoS Monitoring Implementation 2009. Rapport
Knut Holmqvist; Wolfgang Leister; SWS - Smart Wearable Systems 2009. Rapport
Svetlana Boudko; Wolfgang Leister; Pål Halvorsen; Carsten Griwodz; A Benchmarking System for Multipath Overlay Multimedia Streaming pp. 853 856 , , 2008. Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Wolfgang Leister; Svetlana Boudko; Carsten Griwodz; Pål Halvorsen; Tiia Sutinen; et al. An Architecture for Adaptive Multimedia Streaming to Mobile Nodes pp. 313 316 497 , 2008. Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Wolfgang Leister; Truls Fretland; Ilangko Balasingham; Use of MPEG-21 for Security and Authentication in Biomedical Sensor Networks 2008. Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Wolfgang Leister; Habtamu Abie; Arne-Kristian Groven; Truls Fretland; Ilangko Balasingham; Threat Assessment of Wireless Patient Monitoring Systems 2008. Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Wolfgang Leister; Habtamu Abie; Arne-Kristian Groven; Truls Fretland; Ilangko Balasingham; Threat assessment of wireless patient monitoring systems , 2008. Vitenskapelig foredrag
Wolfgang Leister; Truls Fretland; Ilangko Balasingham; Use of MPEG-21 for security and authentication in biomedical sensor networks 2008. Vitenskapelig foredrag
Wolfgang Leister; INF5081 - Multimedia - Coding and Applications - Vår 2008 2008. Vitenskapelig foredrag
Wolfgang Leister; Ian Marsh; Svetlana Boudko; Tiia Sutinen; Adaptive Internet Multimedia Streaming , 2008. Vitenskapelig foredrag
Svetlana Boudko; Wolfgang Leister; Adaptive Multimedia Streaming (Adimus) 2008. Vitenskapelig foredrag
Wolfgang Leister; Digital Eksamen i trådløst nett - Forslag til teknisk løsning , 2008. Populærvitenskapelig foredrag
Truls Fretland; Wolfgang Leister; Digital eksamen i trådløst nett - prototype , 2008. Populærvitenskapelig foredrag
Jonathan Gay; Shaun Topham; Lorenzo Blasi; John Bigham; Jiayi Wu; et al. D2.2 – System Specification Document 2008. Rapport
Habtamu Abie; Jørn Inge Vestgården; Wolfgang Leister; John Bigham; Lorenzo Blasi; et al. D6.1 - QoS and Security Requirements Specification 2008. Rapport
Truls Fretland; Wolfgang Leister; Sluttrapport: Utvikling av teknologi for digital eksamen , 2008. Rapport
Alfons Salden; Andries Stam; Tom Chothia; Wolfgang Leister; Bjarte M. Østvold; et al. Deliverable D6.2: Initial modelling with service interfaces , 2008. Rapport
Habtamu Abie; Jørn Inge Vestgården; Wolfgang Leister; John Bigham; Kaarina Karppinen; et al. D6.2 – Trust Model and Security Architecture 2008. Rapport
Alfons Salden; Andries Stam; Ilangko Balasingham; Martin Steffen; Marcel Kyas; et al. Deliverable D6.1 - User Driven Requirements - Addendum 2008. Rapport
Milan Novkovic; Ilesh Dattani; Habtamu Abie; Jørn Inge Vestgården; Wolfgang Leister; et al. D5.1 – Design Document for Broker Managing Agent 2008. Rapport
Wolfgang Leister; Habtamu Abie; Arne-Kristian Groven; Ilangko Balasingham; Threat Assessment of Wireless Patient Monitoring Systems , 2007. Poster
Wolfgang Leister; Multimedia-Arkeologi Norsigd Info, pp. 10 10 , (ISSN 0803-8317 ), , 2007. Fagartikkel
Wolfgang Leister; SIMVIS 2007 Norsigd Info, pp. 8 , (ISSN 0803-8317 ), , 2007. Fagartikkel
Wolfgang Leister; Eurographics 2006 Norsigd Info, pp. 7 8 , (ISSN 0803-8317 ), , 2007. Fagartikkel
Wolfgang Leister; Buchrezension: "Vorkurs Informatik" Informatik-Spektrum, pp. 225 225 , (ISSN 0170-6012 1432-122X ), , 2007. Fagartikkel
Ilangko Balasingham; Halfdan Ihlen; Wolfgang Leister; Per Røe; Eigil Samset; Communication of medical images, text, and messages in inter-enterprise systems: A case study in Norway IEEE transactions on information technology in biomedicine, vol. 11, pp. 7 13 , (ISSN 1089-7771 1558-0032 ), doi: https://doi.org/10.1109/TITB.2006.879597 , 2007. Vitenskapelig artikkel
Wolfgang Leister; Dag Haug; Mer effektiv pasientbehandling Forskning.no, (ISSN 1891-635X 1891-6341 ), , 2007. Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Wolfgang Leister; Ingvar Tjøstheim; Joachim Lous; Market Research Using a Virtual Test Store on Gaming Technology pp. 399 411 , , 2007. Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Wolfgang Leister; INF5081 - Multimedia - Coding and Applications - Vår 2007 2007. Vitenskapelig foredrag
Wolfgang Leister; Can MPEG-21 Reduce Threats in Patient Monitoring Systems? 2007. Vitenskapelig foredrag
Wolfgang Leister; Estimating Subjective Video Quality from Measurements , 2007. Vitenskapelig foredrag
Wolfgang Leister; The HikerNet - Can we show that it works? , 2007. Vitenskapelig foredrag
Wolfgang Leister; Svetlana Boudko; Volker Steinmann; Gerhard Stoll; Relationships between Metrics of Technical and Perceived QoS for Streamed Video 2007. Rapport
Ilangko Balasingham; Marcel Kyas; Wolfgang Leister; Xuedong Liang; Bjarte M. Østvold; et al. CREDO - Deliverable D6.1: User driven requirements , 2007. Rapport
Wolfgang Leister; Habtamu Abie; Dag Haug; Utvikling av prototyp for sikker epost 2007. Rapport
Wolfgang Leister; Dirk Bartz; Implications of Introducing Grid in Medical Applications , 2006. Poster
Wolfgang Leister; Ingvar Tjøstheim; Joachim Lous; ShelfAware - Market Research using a Virtual Grocery Store Implemented on Gaming Technology Norsigd Info, pp. 4 11 , (ISSN 0803-8317 ), , 2006. Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Wolfgang Leister; Eurographics 2005 Norsigd Info, (ISSN 0803-8317 ), 2006. Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Wolfgang Leister; Wavelet Coding and JPEG 2000 2006. Vitenskapelig foredrag
Wolfgang Leister; Performance Monitoring System for Video Streaming Networks 2006. Vitenskapelig foredrag
Wolfgang Leister; INF5080 - Multimedia Coding and Transmission - Vår 2006 2006. Vitenskapelig foredrag
Wolfgang Leister; Do we need Security Research for VoIP products? , 2006. Populærvitenskapelig foredrag
Knut Holmqvist; Bjarte M. Østvold; Wolfgang Leister; Bruk av åpne standarder i offentlig forvaltning 2006. Rapport
Arne-Kristian Groven; Wolfgang Leister; Ivar Solheim; Digitalt prøvegjennomføringssystem - utredning av ulilke teknologialternativ mhp. sikkerhet, fleksibilitet, enkelthet, mm 2006. Rapport
Wolfgang Leister; Overview of Streaming Infrastructure used in the MOVIS project 2006. Rapport
Wolfgang Leister; Erlend Andreas Garberg; Simulation of the HikerNet pp. 27 38 , , 2005. Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Wolfgang Leister; INF5080 - Multimedia Coding and Transmission - Vår 2005 2005. Vitenskapelig foredrag
Wolfgang Leister; Grid-computing for radiologi , 2005. Vitenskapelig foredrag
Wolfgang Leister; Grid Systems - utfordringer innen medisin , 2005. Vitenskapelig foredrag
Wolfgang Leister; GPS Kurs for Turledere , 2005. Vitenskapelig foredrag
Wolfgang Leister; E-Government and Privacy , 2005. Vitenskapelig foredrag
Wolfgang Leister; HikerNet - prinsipp, simulering og applikasjoner , 2005. Populærvitenskapelig foredrag
Wolfgang Leister; Per Røe; A short memo on Open Source Software for PACS , 2005. Rapport
Wolfgang Leister; Per Røe; Ilangko Balasingham; Halfdan Ihlen; Håvard Roterud; et al. Transmission of Digital Ultrasound Images (ISSN 82-539-0511-4 ), , 2005. Rapport
Knut Holmqvist; Wolfgang Leister; The ChannelS Report (ISSN 82-539-0515-7 ), , 2005. Rapport
Wolfgang Leister; Kommentarer fra Norsk Regnesentral til høringsnotatet "Åpen programvare i Norge" Ukjent, , 2004. Fagartikkel
Wolfgang Leister; Digital-tv krever nye applikasjoner ComputerWorld Norge, pp. 32 1 , (ISSN 1501-6595 ), , 2004. Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Wolfgang Leister; Inntrykk fra Eurographics 2004 Norsigd Info, (ISSN 0803-8317 ), , 2004. Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Wolfgang Leister; INF5080 - Multimedia Coding and Transmission - Vår 2004 2004. Vitenskapelig foredrag
Wolfgang Leister; Streaming for the Masses , 2004. Vitenskapelig foredrag
Wolfgang Leister; Shahrzade Mazaher; Jørn Inge Vestgården; Bent Østebø Johansen; Bjørn Kristian Nordlund; Grid and related technologies , 2004. Rapport
Wolfgang Leister; Hikernet , 2004. Rapport
Wolfgang Leister; Åpen kildekode kan styrke konkurranseevnen ComputerWorld Norge, vol. 2003-44, pp. 41 41 , (ISSN 1501-6595 ), , 2003. Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Wolfgang Leister; Bilder i medisinske anvendelser Norsigd Info, (ISSN 0803-8317 ), 2003. Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Wolfgang Leister; Fra Eurographics 2003 Norsigd Info, (ISSN 0803-8317 ), 2003. Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Wolfgang Leister; Fra konferansen om bildebehandling 2003 Norsigd Info, (ISSN 0803-8317 ), 2003. Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Wolfgang Leister; Torbjørn Ekman; INF MKT - Multimedia Koding og Transmisjon - Vår 2003 2003. Vitenskapelig foredrag
Håvard Hegna; Wolfgang Leister; Åpen kildekode (høringsuttalelse) 2003. Vitenskapelig foredrag
Wolfgang Leister; INF MKT: Coding and transmission of multimedia data - vårsemester 2003 2003. Vitenskapelig foredrag
Wolfgang Leister; Henrik Olsen; Virtually moving cameras for digital TV using IBR , 2003. Vitenskapelig foredrag
Wolfgang Leister; Per Røe; Jørn Inge Vestgården; Ole Aamot; mediAkit and the NR Open Source Software Center (ISSN 82-539-0503-3 ), , 2003. Rapport
Lars Thore Aarhus; Håvard Hegna; Thor Kristoffersen; Wolfgang Leister; Anders Moen; et al. Streamed multimedia presentation for low-bandwidth mobile terminals: A virtual machine approach World Wireless Congress, vol. 3Gwireless'2002, (ISSN 1529-2592 ), , 2002. Vitenskapelig artikkel
Wolfgang Leister; Inntrykk fra Eurographics 2001 Norsigd Info, pp. 5 7 , (ISSN 0803-8317 ), , 2002. Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Wolfgang Leister; Digital TV og datagrafikk Norsigd Info, pp. 12 14 , (ISSN 0803-8317 ), , 2002. Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Wolfgang Leister; Inntrykk fra Eurographics 2002 Norsigd Info, (ISSN 0803-8317 ), , 2002. Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Wolfgang Leister; Inntrykk fra SIMVIS 2002 Norsigd Info, pp. 4 4 , (ISSN 0803-8317 ), , 2002. Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Wolfgang Leister; Håvard Hegna; Thor Kristoffersen; Lars Thore Aarhus; Anders Moen; et al. Multimedia-presentasjoner på mobile terminaler med lav båndbredde Norsigd Info, pp. 5 12 , (ISSN 0803-8317 ), , 2002. Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Wolfgang Leister; JPEG 2000 - A standard for images Norsigd Info, (ISSN 0803-8317 ), , 2002. Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Wolfgang Leister; Grafikkhjørnet Norsigd Info, (ISSN 0803-8317 ), , 2002. Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Wolfgang Leister; Håvard Hegna; Thor Kristoffersen; Lars Thore Aarhus; Anders Moen; et al. Multimedia-Präsentationen auf persönlichen digitalen Assistenten mit geringer Übertragungsrate pp. 147 159 , , 2002. Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Wolfgang Leister; Rendering of photorealistic images in a UNIX network , 2002. Vitenskapelig foredrag
Wolfgang Leister; Survey: Digital TV , 2002. Vitenskapelig foredrag
Wolfgang Leister; Hva er en DVD 2002. Vitenskapelig foredrag
Wolfgang Leister; Ole Aamot; Eirik Maus; Anund Lie; Developing a validation authority service for apache , 2002. Rapport
Wolfgang Leister; Svetlana Boudko; Ole Aamot; Peter Holmes; Digital TV - a survey (ISSN 82-539-0495-9 ), , 2002. Rapport
Lars Thore Aarhus; Thor Kristoffersen; Wolfgang Leister; Per Røe; Bjarte M. Østvold; MobileSLM pre-project - Development Report 2002. Rapport
Wolfgang Leister; Gorm Paulsen; Pål Spilling; Trading of QoS policies in ENNCE , 2002. Rapport
Wolfgang Leister; Eirik Maus; Ole Kristian Aamot; Bjørn Kristian Nordlund; Joachim Lous; Developing a Multimedia Distribution , 2002. Rapport
Yngve Vogt; Wolfgang Leister; Kort forklart - Hva er en driver ComputerWorld Norge, (ISSN 1501-6595 ), 2001. Leserinnlegg
Wolfgang Leister; Grafikk for Embedded Devices: DirectFB Norsigd Info, (ISSN 0803-8317 ), , 2001. Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Wolfgang Leister; Grafikk på mobile enheter Norsigd Info, (ISSN 0803-8317 ), 2001. Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Wolfgang Leister; NORSIGD Info gjennom tidene Norsigd Info, (ISSN 0803-8317 ), 2001. Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Wolfgang Leister; Grafikkhjørnet: 3D-Grafikk med OpenInventor Norsigd Info, (ISSN 0803-8317 ), , 2001. Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Wolfgang Leister; Sverre Holm; Nils Damm Christophersen; Multimedia Koding og Transmisjon - INF MKT Høst 2001 2001. Vitenskapelig foredrag
Lars Thore Aarhus; Håvard Hegna; Thor Kristoffersen; Wolfgang Leister; Anders Moen; et al. Streamed Multimedia Presentation for Low-Bandwidth Mobile Terminals: A Virtual Machine Approach 2001. Rapport
Wolfgang Leister; Quo vadis, datagrafikk Norsigd Info, (ISSN 0803-8317 ), , 2000. Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Wolfgang Leister; Eine multimedia-architektur für PDAs 2000. Populærvitenskapelig foredrag
Marius Bergan; Wolfgang Leister; Anund Lie; Joachim Lous; Shahrzade Mazaher; et al. MADISON Architecture 2000. Rapport
Wolfgang Leister; Arve Larsen; Grafische Methoden auf dem Web- eine Übersicht pp. 359 376 , , 1999. Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Wolfgang Leister; Peter Holmes; Characterization and selection of applications for ENNCE WP1 , 1999. Rapport
Wolfgang Leister; Arve Larsen; Grafikk på Web - en oversikt , 1999. Rapport
Wolfgang Leister; Lars Thore Aarhus; Tore Solvar Karlsen; Anders Kluge; Digital TV - an overview , 1999. Rapport
Wolfgang Leister; Thorstein Lunde; Lars Thore Aarhus; Anders Kluge; Michael Gritzman; et al. MIT - Multimedia med interaktive tjenester 1999. Rapport
Wolfgang Leister; Dagens muligheter og visjoner (leserinnlegg) ComputerWorld Norge, (ISSN 1501-6595 ), 1998. Fagartikkel
Wolfgang Leister; Leserbrev: Det nettet vi fortjener? ComputerWorld Norge, (ISSN 1501-6595 ), 1998. Fagartikkel
Wolfgang Leister; Grafikkhjørnet - Datagrafikk på PDA Norsigd Info, pp. 17 17 , (ISSN 0803-8317 ), , 1998. Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Wolfgang Leister; Neste generasjon datanett 1998. Vitenskapelig foredrag
Peter Holmes; Frode Løbersli; Wolfgang Leister; Lars Thore Aarhus; An analysis of seamlessness (ISSN 82-539-0414-2 ), , 1998. Rapport
Wolfgang Leister; Pål Spilling; A service agent for connection and QoS management in multimedia systems , 1998. Rapport
Marius Bergan; Jan-Olav Eide; Wolfgang Leister; Frode Løbersli; Ivar Solheim; et al. HIT - Forprosjektrapport fra instituttprosjektet 'IT i Hjemmet' (ISSN 82-539-0416-9 ), 1998. Rapport
Wolfgang Leister; Internetthjørnet Norsigd Info, pp. 6 1 , (ISSN 0803-8317 ), , 1997. Anmeldelse
Wolfgang Leister; Fagseminar Simulation und Animation '98 Norsigd Info, pp. 8 1 , (ISSN 0803-8317 ), , 1997. Anmeldelse
Wolfgang Leister; Internetthjørnet: Web-basert simuleringsteknikk Norsigd Info, pp. 10 11 , (ISSN 0803-8317 ), , 1997. Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Wolfgang Leister; Computer Generated Copper Plates Computer Graphics Forum, vol. 13, pp. 69 77 , (ISSN 0167-7055 1467-8659 ), 1994. Vitenskapelig artikkel
Wolfgang Leister; Der chinesische Raytracer Technische Rundschau, vol. 81, pp. 52 57 , (ISSN 1023-0823 ), 1989. Populærvitenskapelig artikkel